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Everything posted by h2odivers...Ray

  1. I believe I would have been pulling that TT out of Minneapolis last month.
  2. I believe I would have been pulling that TT out of Minneapolis last month.
  3. It could be a Mayan calendar thing. The world is going to end soon.
  4. There are three basic types of stand up scooters I've seen. First is a Segway type scooter The second is like the kids scooter but bigger and bigger batteries and some have a seat. The third is a three wheel scooter similar to the kids but with three wheels
  5. Awesome! My DD is going to love the ranch. That's the first time I've seen pix from the ranch. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Thanks for letting me live vicariously thru your TR. it makes me anxious to get back to the world.
  7. If I had to choice between avatar land and Star Wars land. My vote would definitely be for Star Wars land. So much more you could do. Star Wars came out in 1979 and is still a very popular franchise that has reach several generations. Much more sellable. And I think would be more widely accepted.
  8. Who are the 5 or 6 people? Avatar land no. Avatar ride/show yes.
  9. I'm not sure what I think about the changes. I liked to old one. It seemed like you where part of the R&D. I'll wait till I ride it this Christmas trip.
  10. I'm renting his 5th wheel this Christmas and report back to you. And everything I've heard and read I know we're going to have a blast.
  11. I use the extra thick bologna also. I use my BACON press to keep it from bubbling. Fried Bologna on a BLT. I think you are my new hero!
  12. I think I learn something new every time I'm on this site. Lol
  13. BACON! Did some say BACON? Great TR. going to have to try the pretzel dog. Yummy! And the more mustard for me the better!
  14. Sounds like an awesome trip. I hope to meet y'all soon.
  15. Don't ask me forgiveness because I don't have the authority to do that. That's up to the BACON Boss...total joker...TJ and he takes his BACON seriously. Lol
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