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Everything posted by beccaewert

  1. I was in the 1700 loop (site #1704), we had a popup, red van, white easy up, chalk drawings all over our site....I gave out ALOT of cards, talked to several people....glad that you saw at least 1 sign,...there are some fiends there with no signs up.....come on peeps! Buy some signs,.....! :)
  2. Well,...I got bit again tonight.....I wanted to shoot that sucker with a gun,....but alas no musket mickeys to be found!
  3. hmmm....maybe they seriously like females better....I know that sounds odd....but it sounds like they bite more of us lady-folk....but not you guys? Im 1700 loop.....don't have any other june trips to compare it too though?
  4. did they leave blisters on any of your bites? and if so, do you pop them to let them heal faster? I mean I have some wicked huge blisters on the bites.....not to gross anyone out....but it sucks... I can post a pic. if need be..........
  5. I have about 15 bites all on my legs....these lil boogers are wicked!,....thankfully they have only bit me and not my boys....my son says that they only bite females :) lol
  6. seriously a finger scan? for a pool? can you imagine how many kids with wet hands get zapped? :rofl2:
  7. love all the pics and info... NO WAY would I ever go near that pis....pool.....lol! And no those logs you saw weren't diving sticks!!! :rofl2:
  8. great trip report!....I'm counting down,...I'm there in 5 days!
  9. our 14 day stay is $360.00 dates June 6-20th....just in case anyone was wondering currently pricing
  10. sad to say but this rule of thumb almost applies to everything in life.....just wish stupid people would keep the stupid to themselves and not ruin the fun for everyone else!
  11. wow....thats sad that they didn't continue it....sounds like a fun adventure!
  12. Yeah, I could see her mom saying I'm booking this for my children as a present...but honestly what kind of travel agent would book a hotel for children--no parents and also,...I'm sure the mother mentioned it was for her children getting married, right? I bet more of the blame is on the travel agent NOT the mother....lol
  13. We didn't go here for our honeymoon,...but thats where we spent our one year anniversary.....and let me tell you....it was WAY better than our honeymoon,....we had a blast--and we talked about it often!
  14. love the shots....keep 'em coming!
  15. oh this is on when I'm at the fort!....maybe I can dvr it :)
  16. This is a Hollywood Studios type of day....... Playing at the Honey I Shrunk Ourselves playground Playing on the big ant Which btw everyone loves to sit on this "hot" (when the sun is scorching down on it) ant....cracks me up HOW many times I had to wait for other rude children to get off of the ant.... Sometimes I want to wring other parents for not teaching children manners My boys love there tonka trucks! Trying on goofy pirate hats....This shot took several attempts bc my lil guy wasn't thrilled with a hat like that on his head! We had ADR's at Hollywood and Vine,...we've never eaten a
  17. thank you! I think the kiddos are adorable,...but then again I have to, its the mama's code Ok,...there have been sooo many trip reports lately, that i've slacked off and let those trip reports go on,...but now back to my trip report,...which btw I are mainly pictures because I don't remember that far back....horrible i know....but none the less... On with the show!
  18. loved the pics at christmas time! I will NEVER go probably during that season, because we run around as it is....and can't afford that time....but love the pics none the less!
  19. wow,....I seriously would of asked to be moved....my kids don't need to be around that!
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