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caveat lector

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Everything posted by caveat lector

  1. Big mechancial crane's obstructing a beautiful FORT view - BOOO Nice little bird crane enjoying the lake view - YAY Lou upgrading his PC to a Vic20, Commodore 64, or TI-99/4A so he can read your cool TR's - YAY Being tricked by your April Fools Panther story - YAY (this wouldn't happen if your TR's weren't so darned immersive).
  2. Ridiculous answer #1. You gotta get a golf cart. Well actually you don't "gotta" get a cart, but that's how I roll. TCD reports typically bring me great amounts of joy. However, the picture of "where the Christmas tree normally stands" made me sad. Then again, if they left it up all year I guess it wouldn't be as special. Maybe the yearly arrival of "the tree" significantly adds to the excitement of the season. OK, I feel better now. TCD TR happiness meter restored to high level. PS. Glad you didn't lose any memories on the camera failure.
  3. This is awesome! A true treasure. Many thanks for sharing. I cracked up reading the section on firearms. The way it reads there was not a problem having a gun, but you couldn't shoot it. Was this a "legal" maneuver, or we're they hoping for added old western type ambience (dad with his big leather gun belt and his daisy red Ryder bb gun protecting the settlement post) One curiosity: we all know that Lou would rather entertain a root canal, than to sit through EWP. I wonder if if the same sentiment would have applied to the water skiing show?
  4. I know why you have all those "views".....you take OUTSTANDING pictures. Nice work on all. Not meaning to take us back down a rat hole, but I agree with you about the boardwalk. When we were DVC, I much preferred OKW. The first time we stayed at BWV, I had a room at the end of one of those long halls. I walked so long, that I started meeting folks with a Georgia accent. OK, that might be a slight exaggeration (not much though). That being said, the pool with the clown's mouth slide is super cool, and my family and I enjoyed more than one "kitchen sink" at the ice cream parlor. Maybe bec
  5. BASS PRO....your boy has GREAT taste in stores. Been going to HQ store in Springfield MO since I was young. Many great memories. Now, they are popping up everywhere. Could wonder around in those stores for days.
  6. I don't think it's bad quality. I'm betting somebody left the "mood lighting" switch on in the park. :rofl2:
  7. Very cool. Looks better than a lot of stuff I've seen hanging on the store rack.
  8. I don't believe so. We had some Christmas lights plugged in, and left then on the whole night Christmas eve.
  9. Is it true that the love bugs are mortal enimies of the mosquitos?
  10. Sure beats waiting for the TVGuide to come in the mail each week. Remember those days.
  11. I've kept it "old school" and avoided online check in. Mainly due to some cautionary tales from others (similar to the Fiend postings above).
  12. I think you've piqued everyone's intestest nicely. :)
  13. This one is too funny. It probably took quite a bit of work (and creativity) to collect and assemble. Nice job.
  14. Outstanding TR! All topics are right on point. -I am Pro Turkeys at the Fort - My puppy likes to protect us from them and it makes him feel like he's the Alpha Dog. :) -I am "kind of" Pro Horses at the Fort - I like them personally, but my puppy thinks they are really big dogs. So it kind of diminshes the feeling he gets from my first point above -I am Pro Jasmine - I'm not going to comment here, I just am. -I am Pro Living with the Land - While the subject matter is great, I like the ride for other reasons. It forces me to slow down and smell the roses (or whatever else is being grown there)
  15. Wow. This TR is gaining momentum. Let's see if I've got it all. Initiate great debate about tea......check Awesome pics of the rope drop......check Cute little ones asleep in the stroller.....check Very insightful comment on societel perceived norms for body composition.....check Cool pics of the Castle at night.....check Obscure reference to hand bells.....check Unusual shoes with wings....check OUTSTANDING HAT WORN WILL RIDING TEA CUPS....CHECK.....DOUBLE CHECK....and an almost unprecedetned TRIPLE CHECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Dude! You are on a roll!!! I am pro People Mover I am pro Cornbread I am pro Disney giving the Navy Vet a free flag I am pro God Bless America I am pro letting people hear it that usurp protocol to get on a bus/boat before folks that have been waiting longer. It's kind of funny. I'm slightly above average in size and very Type A personality. Probably not the greatest combination. However, I have no problem letting people know it when they ignore social etiquette. I don't do it in anger, but more to have fun and make perps uncomfortable. What's even funnier is the great folks I got to meet
  17. CKCK....Outstanding TR so far. Just the right combinations on all fronts. Couple of things: 1) The space heater vs the furnace. I too stuggled with finding the perfect mix to keep all happy. The furnance did a great job of wrapping the whole 30 feet of TT in warmness, but he space heater ran on electric that I had already paid for. Quite a conundrum I agree. 2) I dig your pic above. In particular, the way you have your GC in the bed. I've been noodling on the possibility for quite some time. Did you have to buy a special GC (shortened wheelbase)? Is that a Long bed truck? Did you have to r
  18. Wow, talk about a paradigm shift. It used to be common place for tech support to be handled out of a large call center in Asia somewhere. Now, when I need tech support, I will wonder if the response is coming from an entrepenuer standing in line for fish and chips at EPCOT. :) CONGRATS!
  19. Have a great trip. The only advice I've been given: "When tough situations arise......talk. Doesn't matter who....just talk about it. Don't pretend it doesn't exist...just talk about it." Not sure if it applies here, but it seems like a good idea. My condolences.
  20. Kenny rules. He has "always" been customer first with me. Over Christmas and New Years, his service and call back times were outstanding. He had to be crazy busy, but it's one facet of vacation that I never had to worry about.
  21. Dude, We were at Ohana's in Christmas eve as well. We ended the meal with a HUGE stack of empty shrimp shells. I agree with you, there are some Disney dining experiences that can't be matched.
  22. Cool, I was shooting (no Davy Crockett pun intended) to make it onto page 2. Your pictures and narratives are great as usual. You timed your departure well. Got so cold that the Fort personnel put all the water hoses on drip to keep them fromfreezing.
  23. With me, it's one of those "it doesn't hurt" situations. The RV gets alot of direct sun during the summer lake season. After 2 seasons, those tire covers practically fall apart. Maybe the tire covers are just designed that way, but it seems they are taking some of the "heat" off the tires
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