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Everything posted by LORNADUCK

  1. So sorry that for this family. What a horrible thing to happen. BTW Welcome, why don't you go to the introduce yourself thread and let us know who you are, we are very welcoming !!!!
  2. We should be in the area on the 25th, I have a wedding shower in the afternoon so I don't think we are going anywhere. I would love to meet up with you for dinner. I will pm you my cell #.
  3. Oh I'm sorry should have read where you were going from I was thinking Port Canaveral. Then WC would be fine. When are you going? wish I could drive you and you could leave your car at my house. Is the Hotel right off I-75 it should be good area.
  4. I live in the Tampa area and Wesley Chapel is north of us, it takes us almost 2 hours to get to the port, WC is on 75 and you have to come south to get on 4, Maybe try to find something on 192 or someplace in Orlando, if not Plant City or Lakeland which would be closer. I know WC have a lot of nice areas not sure if there are any bad ones.
  5. try putting in a longer amount of time. Also if you go on the main page, Judy Fiest is a travel agent that advertises here and is a member, also Roz who is a member is a travel agent tell either one that you are a member her and maybe they can help you
  6. I know you were looking forward to this trip with the boys I am so glad that you had such a great time, and a much needed rest afterwood. I love the pictures of the parade that camera is great, I might consider getting one, but why bother since I never use the one I have. But the pictures are great
  7. Love the pictures, wish I had pictures I could find from back then. I know when we started camping there in I think 1978 or 79 there was no pool at FW, does anyone know what year the pool was put in??
  8. @ Kim and the wonderful wild womenz :highfive: :bravo: :partyline: :hug: :cupcake: :heartsmiley: :bighug: That's all I have to say = the best weekend evah Love you all and can't wait till 2013
  9. The person who owns that cart is a friend of ours. No that isn't real Alligator !!!!
  10. I was waiting for that picture Got to :heartsmiley: Angie
  11. for some reason every time I answer your post it comes out within your post: this is what I typed but it looks like it's from u :banghead: I know that it was Kelly just a type O. Sorry Kelly, I keep doing that must be the age
  12. Oh I am soooooo sorry Welcome to the nut house. Please do join in and go to the introduce yourself thread and let us know a little about you.
  13. Karla your face wasn't half as bad as mine in most pictures. What about Jen's face LOL incase anyone hasn't noticed, Ami brought Karla a Cupcake antena topper - so fitting .(Am I allowed to say Cupcake here :rofl2: )
  14. What you saw was probably a Cricut (not sure of the spelling), They don't go very far or fast, Grupy (Dave) might want to chime in he has had one and just switched to a regular golf cart.
  15. I'm in as well. hope I didn't make to much of a fool of myself at your sight, oh well if I did I am sorry LOL. I got hell about the golf cart the next morning, the owner was not happy that I called him yelling that late at night
  16. OMG I forgot about the sporking, how could Kim and I forget about that??? And in case anyone has forgot MPR !!!!! I still LMAO everytime I think of the JackOff Cake, I do have a picture of Kim blowing the candles. I know we all went to sleep laughing and woke up laughing. My sides still hurt, all I can think of is all the empty bottles and how they cracked the cooler. Well that isn't the only thing I can think of, can't wait to do our craft project next year BYOD, Jen will you bring the stuff for the tie dye??? Yes the golf cart charger we should have made a video of idiot 2 and idiot 2, but y
  17. No Steve you jast have to have a bunch of WW show you how they shouldb used LLL
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