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Everything posted by BouncingTiggers

  1. Goldbuyerforever is gone. He was from Russia and up to no good. :tool: :rofl2: :blowup: :blowup: Russia & up to no good, go hand in hand
  2. These are love bugs doing what they do best, before they destroy the paint on your vehicle! They are very attracted to car fumes. Once they hit your car it is as if they are glued to it. Even if you use a hose and wash them off, part of them remains stuck. Well now they sure do sound like a pain in the butt. Are they around all summer or just spring?
  3. This is very much true. My daughter took her first steps on our first trip to the fort in 2009. Unfortunately she did it over at the gyser at WL.
  4. Now that we are getting the new camper & have way more storage. I'd like to know what kind of chairs do you like to have under the awning?
  5. Many people believe it is a political move against Texas. The administration doesn't really like free thought when it differs from their own.
  6. Being from the North. I have to differ & say it was the War of Southern Aggression considering the south attacked Fort Sumter capturing it. But I do agree we should remember all that lost their lives. There were various issues that caused the war but when it finally ended we were a better nation for it. We survived a civil war which most countries don't, & less than 100 years later we became the strongest nation on the planet.
  7. We only go once a year, so we save up all year to go. I wish I could 1, 2, or 8 times a year. If I was within a half days drive I'd go 5-6 times a year for sure.
  8. Yup you got it!!! Sorry it took me so long to respond. It was a rough day at work.
  9. Your mods all look great & really have the wheel turning as to things I can do. That floor looks really good & must have taken a long time. Thanks for posting them. Steve
  10. You did a really nice job on that shelving. I'm wondering what my first mod will be.
  11. I wish I was close enough to do a weekend trip. I hope you get there.
  12. Thanks for the great links. Last year I used your rope light directions which worked great. This year we tackle the lamp setup. Steve
  13. All it needs is a seat back, cup holders, & built-in tv. They just created the chairs people ride around on in Wall-E.
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