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Posts posted by Helmsey......Todd

  1. Thanks to everyone that liked the tombstones, hopefully we will be there next year with even more (ran out of time this year). <br /><br />Someone was selling the lights in the 500 loop. They are very cool looking I haven't seen any of the less expensive ones working, the ones the were selling were 75.00 each and looked like it might take a few to get a good spread. <br /><br />Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk<br /><br />



    Wow, I saw them selling them but didn't stop to see how much. That's pretty spendy!

  2. Last time we had a camper tire blowout after putting the spare on we made it about 20 miles before the next one blew out.


    I kept waiting for it.....somehow it never happened. I bet I spent as much time looking in the side mirror at the tires on that side as I did looking at the road in front of me. 

  3. We were just north of Atlanta when my TPMS starting screaming and a couple cars pulled next to us pointing back at the camper.

    I got off the interstate at the next exit and just my luck it was almost all residential....and the road I turned on was a dead end with no turn around. I got the tire changed in no time but the spare needed a little air. I carry a compressor and an extension cord in the truck but since I was on a dead end street and all the houses around me were gated I couldn't find anywhere to plug it in. I used my fancy phone to find the nearest Walmart a few miles away and limped there, only to find they didn't have a tire shop at that Walmart and no place to plug in my compressor. 

    I did luck into finding an NTB tire store right up the road and they let me use their compressor to put the last 10PSI of air in the spare. After a small setback we were back on the road and headed the rest of the way home. The rest of the ride was uneventful but I was worried about the other tire on that side of the camper. I was worried it was going to let go soon since it carried the weight of that side of the camper for a few miles. 

  4. This sums up our week before, some of the week down there, and the ride back:




    Sorry we didn't get to socialize, it just wasn't in the cards this trip.




    Also sorry to hear about the sick kiddo's and pups, hope they are all better soon!

  5. We'll be on the road with ya!  Hope to pull out at 10a with plans to stop overnight at the Cracker Barrel in Gainesville :)


    I'm not 85% of the way packed though.. more like 60%  :rolleyes:


    That's about our time frame for coming through your neck of the woods, but we won't make it that far south. We are stopping at exit 5 on I-75 for the night, assuming all goes well and the kiddos will sit in the truck that long :)

  6. Well, folks, I know I haven't been very talkative on this thread, because there has been a looming chance we would have to cancel completely. We have been holding out hope that we could still make the two-week trip.......


    However........Rick has had some health issues that have really been keeping him down, with a couple of hospital stays and numerous tests. He now has some tests next week that can not be delayed, and depending on those tests, will probably have more tests the following week.


    So now our arrival plans are to come only for the Halloween weekend. We will get in as early as possible on the 30th, and leave on the 2nd.


    We'll bring some Cheese/Shrimp balls and Doodle's punch.


    (We also got some major news on huge cuts for next years medical plans, so we're both going to be stuffing in as much medical "stuff" for the rest of this year as we can). 



    Sorry to hear that, Carol...stinks you have to cut it short.

    Hope Rick can get to feeling better sooner than later!

  7. Haha.. you bet, bring that baby over to our site :)



    Woo-hoo! A playmate for our little one. They can stand around doing the hot dog dance all night.



    I've got a 2 year old too. Terrible 2's party lol



    Terrible 2's party at Nacole's site!!! What time should we drop them off? :D

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