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Posts posted by Helmsey......Todd

  1. Haha... time goes by fast, doesn't it??!    Two is such a fun age :)


    Would you mind telling my 2 year old that while we are there? :)




    I have some disappointing news, at least disappointing for the BuckeyeFortFamily.


    Due to work issues that can't be "worked out" we cancelled our Halloween reservation.


    We are so very sad.  It does mean that the kid count is down 4 kids and the world's best Wreck It Ralph crew will be trick or treating in Ohio and not at the Fort.




    Sorry to hear that!

  2. Man the AP price increase is making me second guess getting them for our Halloween trip this year. The plan so far is to take our 5 day park hoppers that we have and upgrade once we get there and be able to come and go a little more as we please. I know its not a massive increase but enough that it causes the budget to cringe a little. DW and I sat and discussed a bit last night and still not sure what we will do about getting APs.

    We are in a little different boat than others here as we are really new to Disney and plan on a couple more years of trips before the girls start school. Right now the experience of the parks and the activities are new to us and want to see them as much as possible over the next 2 years, but honestly it's getting hard to get excited about spending that much money on the trips. Decisions, decisions.

  3. Question is... who will get to the Fort first:  you guys or us?    Maybe we'll meet up on the road! :)


    Well it's a 2 day jaunt for us, we will be leaving here early on the 28th with hopes of making it to Valdosta. We should be at the Fort by lunch on the 29th. What day will you guys get there?

  4. You need to watch a replay of the game to see how much the guy missed the first attempt by, and then how the refs inexplicably moved the ball closer to the center of the field to give your guy a better chance to make the kick.  There was some funny business going on there.  Fortunately, the Gators were able to beat the Vols and the crooked SEC officials.  But, I'm sure they'll get us next week.


    Next year will be your year.  No way they Gators will make it an even dozen.





    I'm not near as big of a football fan as others are, but the refs seem to be pretty bad this year. It doesn't appear to be in favor of one team or another, just general incompetence like you mentioned above.

    Oh well, on to Arkansas week for the Vols fans. We opened as a 7 point fav, but I'm pretty sure that's just for the first 3 quarters!

  5. DIT?


    I remember him.


    As bad as your radio guy may have been, he probably did a better job than Uncle Verne did on CBS.  Uncle Verne made several goofs near the end of the game, including shouting out that Tennessee had intercepted a pass on the Gator's final TD drive.  I was watching the play just as Verne shouted "INTERCEPTED!"  He about gave me a hear attack.


    Watching your kicker kick twice was nerve wracking.


    In case nobody has shared this with you, the Gators radio announcer did a good job calling the game, and got the call right on the kick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjotaPaMY5U


    Go Gata.





    Wow I hadn't seen the kick, that was close. In the words of every Vols fan for the last 10 11 years..... "maybe next year"

  6. ok, quick check of pictures and i'll post these 3.


    Kids having fun the first morning:




    Cute picture of DW with kids:




    Not sure where this come from, an odd mix of options but made for an interesting weekend :D




    Apparently I didn't take any pictures after Friday morning, guess there was too much stuff going on. I will just have to count on my rememories from the trip for the other days! 

  7. We mad it home yesterday and put the camper back in storage. Wow what a weekend, I think I have some pictures....but likely just of the kids playing some. I will have to review what I have, there might have been some from Saturday night but if there are I would assume they are just of the food :D

  8. The way Butch coached that game reminded me a lot of the loser Dawg who ran the Gators program into the ground.


    Coach to win.


    And maybe you will.


    Sorry for your loss.  Y'all should have won that game.  The Gators went for it on 4th down 5 times, including the last touchdown pass.  Who does that?






    To answer your question....anyone who plays the Vols, that's who will go for it on 4th down..... We have stopped 1 4th down conversion all year, ranking us almost last in NCAA football. bleh.

    I'm still waiting on an answer as to why he kicked the extra point on the last TD....any chart I have EVER seen says you go for 2 there. Oh well, that's the life of a Vols fan.


    On another note..... We weren't able to watch the game this weekend but I was able to listen to it under DIT's awning. As several of us were huddled around 2 small speakers for the last 2 field goal attempts we were given a brief taste of victory when the TN radio person called the second kick good and announced the Vols had won!!!!! The next thing he says was FL comes from behind to beat the Vols, with no explanation of what happened. That guy chaps my behind.

  9. Sorry to hear of the issues that are keeping more folks away!


    We are almost packed and ready to head that way this afternoon. I had a special delivery from a certain fairy yesterday, brought me something to share during football, or around the campfire, or socializing....or whenever really :)


    Judy - I've got a regular ol' camper oven and it will be available for use if needed.

  10. and we also have a brand new projector...ours blew up last year finally


    Any reason for me to bring a backup or you good with yours?



    We are doing pot-luck Sat aren't we?  We'll do chicken tenders or similar and a fruit plate if we're starting a menu.


    We will likely do something simple like a crock-pot of chili

  11. I watched the Boo To You Parade for a few minutes via Disney's Periscope stream last night. I mainly watched it to see if there were any large changes done as my 2 girls are BIG fans of that parade. I was secretly hoping that there were no changes, and luckily in the few minutes that I watched I didn't notice much. I didn't want to watch the entire parade since we will be there to see it in person on the November 1st party and will be able to catch any changes at that point. At least the music was the same since I think that's what the girls like best about it.

  12. Yes they did.


    It looked great on TV.


    And, of course, y'all were winning for most of the game.


    Dang it.


    If it makes you feel any better, this should be finally be the year that y'all will whoop the Gators.




    I think this year will be our best bet to break the streak, but I just have a hard time getting behind it. Don't get me wrong, I think we have the talent to do it but it just seams FL has our number, and is in our heads.



    I'm not so sure about that (neither is volnation)


    We coach not to lose in big games.


    I do think it will be an awesome game though, they just announced it's the 3:30 CBS game.


    Just like the old days 


    I am always nervous for the FL game, we just can't seem to close. At the start of the 2nd half of the game v OU I had flashbacks to FL last year...and we did it again.

  13. Um hello Todd you are selling your portable satellite stuff to us. We will be there. If you help DH get everything set up it should not be a problem watching it at our site.


    GAH! I forgot all about that....haha. I will email you the box info so you can call DTV and make sure there will be no issues activating it.



    I'll have my sat there, we can work something out to get it outside



    Perfect. I will have some sort of projection device in the off chance we want to watch it on the side of someone's camper.


    I heard yesterday the kickoff is a 3:30 CBS game so it will be nice and early in the day.

  14. Some of that classic Defeated Creek weather started this weekend.  It was cool in the evenings and I wasn't dripping wet working outside!!!  Can't wait!!


    I enjoyed some of that weather in Knoxville this weekend. This morning on my drive to work the thermometer in the truck said 49 degrees, it was fabulous. 

  15. We modified our ressy today since we wont be able to stay through Monday. Now we are planning on driving down Thursday after work and departing on Sunday, I made the change to the online system last night. DW and I are hoping we are both able to get out of work a little early that Thursday so we can get there at a decent hour.


    Stinks to hear about you guys needing to cancel, was looking forward to meeting you guys and having a couple more Vols fans there for the football game.




    Speaking of..... Will anyone there have a way to receive the football games on Saturday? When we were there last we were not able to get any over the air channels and I used our portable satellite. We have since "cut the cord" and don't have a satellite subscription to use anymore. If we have a way to get the game I can likely get my hands on some sort of projector to watch outside if there was enough interest in it.

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