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Everything posted by RestlessNative

  1. I am !!! See my note that I'm just posting about GAG. I really did need you to share it!
  2. Wonderful! I am so glad you posted the tickets or I would never have known about it. Looking forward to it tomorrow night!!
  3. This will be my last post before I hit the FORT tomorrow! I'm going to start breaking camp this evening so I can get an early start. FF has given me so many good ideas, I'm not sure where to start! I have HDDR tomorrow night which gives me the afternoon free. I can't wait. I spent the day in the library. Came back to camp and made a late lunch/early dinner. Had to use up the rest of my crockette chili, and who doesn't love tacos in a bag when camping. I know it's wrong on so many levels, yet...strangely satisfying. :D I didn't fax my loop request in 'cause I was camping. But, since I'm a
  4. I'll post something, but based on the quote below from the linked article, and previous shows, it should be great. These performers are as talented as any you’ll find on Broadway. And it’s not just singing, this is a full production with a live orchestra, a choir, dancers, singers and actors. Fantastic!
  5. Crud - I wish I was going tomorrow night instead of Sunday. HDDR tomorrow night. I'll be eager to hear (see) what you think!!
  6. Dumb things involving alcohol in college is probably it's own longggggg post. I would be brave enough to post my young stupid days. Even the ones I remember.
  7. Dumb things involving alcohol in college is probably it's own longggggg post. I would be brave enough to post my young stupid days. Even the ones I remember.
  8. I know right? Thank goodness most of them have those RVs with air blasting :D
  9. Had to look that one up Oh that's great Lou! And you know what's even GREATER? You read a TR! I think that deserves some pie (if rumors are to be believed, you like pie). :D
  10. I can't imagine how awful that must have been. Someone my mom was talking to said that if we went a few towns over you would think it happened yesterday Yes it was a rough time. And it takes years to come back from. But...unless someone dies, it's just "stuff". That's what I learned. Good lesson. :)
  11. That would have required a trip to the laundry mat it it happened to me.... LOL - I was furious more than scared. How DARE he/she??? Bumpuses!!!!!
  12. Bahahaha...BED Dave, not head. I am still laughing! But they are aggressive little suckers here in St. Augustine! :D
  13. Somewhere in FL, some lady had some part of her body bitten off by an alligator and guess what was in his belly? Chicken pieces. Dummy was feeding it. That's the biggest problem. Folks come down and think it's a big adventure to feed a gator. They have very simple brains (gators I mean) - food association...human...duh! Maybe I mean humans too. :/
  14. This is such a great TR. Isn't is great to enjoy your girls at this stage of life. Mine are all grown up and we still love getting together like they were kids again. Wonderful pictures. I'm exhausted just reading this! :)
  15. This is so sad. My entire house had to be gutted after Hurricane Charlie in 2004 - I slept on the floor of my laundry room for a year and a half - my heart breaks for the poor folks up there. It can be life-changing and not in a good way. Hopefully it will be rebuilt so future kids can enjoy it.
  16. I really enjoyed this TR! The pics are great and your family is adorable. So glad to see so many pics of the CG. Makes me want to do a better job! I'm a Floridian (no wise-cracks, we are only 25% of FL population so aren't responsible for the bone-headed things that go on here) but I am never sure which parks to try in the Panhandle. Based on your pics, I would definitely give Rocky Bayou a try. Thanks for posting!!!! :D
  17. So here's my morning update - I have a SUV tent - the kind that looks like you car is being swallowed by your tent. And I like this because I sleep in the back of the SUV and have tons of room still in the tent. Since it usually rains when I camp - this is a good thing. I run an extension cord into the tent at night for my little clip fan. Works great. Early this morning, I felt something jump up on my bed. A freaking squirrel had found that tiny opening where the cord came in! I chased that squirrel out sounding like the dad in "A Christmas Story" when the dogs got the turkey! Bumpeses!!!
  18. And...you can make cinnamon rolls - just throw them in - and cookies - and corn dogs that are in funny rectangle shapes. This may be the best $24 bucks I've ever spent! Geez, I am so addicted to food :)
  19. Haha - just because I write doesn't mean I'm any good at it! Have you read a textbook lately? Snooze city - hardly New York Times best sellers. I'd rather do a "to-do" list! :D
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