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Everything posted by Davydee

  1. Actually, that takes some skill. The easy way to do it is start with the tow vehicle turned the wrong direction for your back in site. That is, the tow vehicle is turned to make backing into a campsite on the left side easy, but you're aiming for a campsite on the right. Now add a spotter that has no concept of when the tow vehicle and trailer are at an angle in which you cannot stop it from over turning or keep it from turning in one direction. Now have that spotter concentrate just on the trailer and...bingo! The trailer's in the site perfectly with the tow vehicle jacked knifed. Been
  2. Ummm...maybe. After 4+ years with ours, it's just now becoming a low-pressure event but can still take awhile. 5th wheels turn inside the tow vehicle tracks and that takes some gettin' use to after learning to back-in a TT. Our experience is that those who have these long toy haulers have a second sense that makes it easy for them to back in. If you were time us and Coach Siebert in backing in, Coach Siebert (on his first ever try) will have backed in, set up, and rode the boat over to MK by the time we finish backing in. David
  3. From the RVTravel.com weekly blog. http://rvtravel.com/?q=rv-travel-newsletter-issue622 Check the editor's column by Chuck Woodbury. David
  4. For 20 years we pulled 25-27 ft travel trailers and except for the first time to the fort, we were fine. (On our first trip, I asked a CM to block the entrance to our loop so I could pull in going the wrong way to make the back in easier.) We've now pulled a fiver for almost 5 years; 3.5 yrs as full timers. When we come to the fort now, it's popcorn time. We plan to be there around 1:30 to 2:00 PM Feb 3rd. Bring your own popcorn, drink & chair. To the OP: I'm thinking you might want to consider a premium for your first trip until you get to the fort and can walk around & see j
  5. Thanks! We now have a new Good Sam GPS to get mad at. One of those large screen ones made specifically for RVs. We got the large screen version to make it easier for Donna to see while driving the rig. There was also some hope that I could plan this trip (or any other trip) on-line at the Good Sam website and export it to the GPS. First try, I put in all the way-points and over-nights on the website and exported it to the GPS. Then I tried to use it. It took us to the dead end of the campground road where we're at (opposite end of the entrance/exit end of said campground road) and said w
  6. Perfect for us. (We will drive further to avoid the right hand turn into the fort.) We're using an old version of RV Roadtrip Navigator to do our advanced planning for our trips. Once I put a way point on Western Way, it diagrammed the route just as you've written. Thanks! David
  7. Feb 3rd - 15th barring any major issues. (We've had a couple lately, so just a tad gun shy at the moment.) Got our fiend sign on order, though! David
  8. Thanks! Should have noted we're traveling south from I -75. Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
  9. I could have sworn this was already posted somewhere in here - probably buried in a thread, but I can't fine it. If you know where it is, we'd appreciate a link. If not, we'll be coming in from the Florida Turnpike and, according to some fiends, pulling a "Queen Mary". So we're looking for a nice, wide route. Other tibits you may want to consider: 1) Yes, we have a trucker's GPS and, no, we don't trust it. (Let's just say It has earned its reputation despite current map updates.) It also has a nasty reputation of throwing the "No info" flag (meaning it has no height, width or weight
  10. Just FYI: For those of you looking into this, TPMSs are recommended to be used on metal valve stems (and I think it's worth that small investment though all our leaks have, so far, been bad valve stems). David
  11. While we're waiting to hear from the fiends, you could also look at http://www.rvparkreviews.com and see what others have to say about Savannah campgrounds. Unfortunately, it is subjective, and some of us rate harsher than others. David
  12. If we don't confirm our email address and "...customize them and confirm your shipping address...", will we receive magic bands when we check in at FW? As full-time RVers, I'm uncomfortable requesting these, have them shipped to our mail receiving company, and then picking a town to have them mailed to us via General Delivery. Thanks! David
  13. Deleted. Duplicate. Sorry! (One of these days, I'm going to post something to a forum and it's actually going to show in my web browser that the darn thing posted.)
  14. Only way I was able to get over such a feeling was to retire and go full time. I highly recommend it, David
  15. We spent the winter on the west coast and the Toyota is the tow vehicle of choice for a lot of people out there towing light TTs. We saw several towing trailers I would guess exceeded 30 ft. If you consider a Toyota, keep in mind all the things everyone has told you so far about weights, etc. Just because it towed a space shuttle in an advertisement doesn't make it a good choice for you. But I'd hesitate to rule it out of consideration. One thing I haven't seen in this thread is to make sure you have weight distributing bars and some type of anti-sway device. (So if it was mentioned, I mi
  16. When at Pecan Park, you'll be either on the approach end or departure end of the airport runway. As long at that doesn't bother you, it's a great stop. We find that stuff entertaining. When stopped over night at NAS Lemoore, we'd sit out and watch everyone practice their approaches while everyone else was complaining about the noise. Pecan Park is also a Passport America park, if you have that discount program. David
  17. Beginning to plan an early Feb 2014 visit (first two weeks). Figuring sunset is about 6:00 - 6:30 PM. About what time would we expect MK fireworks go off? Thanks! David
  18. While we're on this topic: Is there such a thing as a "soft" (or more flexible) coaxial cable? These stiff ones give me a fit when coiling them back up for storage. I know when you have the electric-wench storage for the 50 amp power cord, you get a softer or at least more flexible 50 amp power cord. Wondering if there's a more flexible coaxial cable out there I can purchase. Thanks! David
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