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disneylitch......Debbie last won the day on April 28

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About disneylitch......Debbie

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    Hero Fiend
  • Birthday June 1

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    Street, Maryland

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  1. The campground still has great rates, but the tickets have gotten quite expensive. If you break it down as a per day price, it's not bad for the tickets for above 8 days. However, you still have to put out a good chunk of change to purchase them. I know for my daughter, a family of 6, it's not affordable at this point.
  2. We are looking for a campground on the beach in Myrtle Beach. Any suggestions would be appreciated. It will be 4 grandkids, daughter, son in law, hubby, me, and 2 dogs. Thanks for the help.
  3. We will be traveling from Maryland to Disney and are looking for campgrounds to stop at on the way. We will be stopping twice on the way down and once on the way home. I am having a hard time finding with a party of 8. Would love suggestions.
  4. Unfortunately, he will be CEO as long as Disney is making huge profits. It would appear that Disney doesn't care about their loyal guest base. The guests that visit infrequently aren't going to pay the bills in the long run. It's the guests that go to Disney many times a year and stay at the hotels and campground that bring in the most money. Those that visit every 5 years or so bring in a large amount of money, but that is only for one visit. At some point, only the rich will be able to afford Disney.
  5. I would call Disney everyday to see if anything opens up. That's what we have done in the past. Personally, we love the full hook up sites.
  6. My grandkids are really looking forward to visiting Disney World again. However, with the state of things, I think they will be disappointed. We have visited many many times. They used to live in California and visited Disneyland 45 times in one year. They are now 10 1/2, 9, 7, and 3 1/2. Prior to the pandemic, we would stay at The Fort atleast once a year. With the increase costs and lack of magic, I'm not sure when we will visit again. I would like to visit during the 50th celebration because my parents took us opening year and we have been for the 25th and 40th. We were in Disneyland
  7. We are going to Dollywood December 20 to December 28. There will be eight of us, four adults and four children (19, 8, 7, and 3) Should we plan on 2 or 3 days at Dollywood? Any other activities that we should not miss?
  8. Thanks for the information. I didn't even think about them turning off the water. We can fill our tank, but definitely need to be prepared.
  9. We live about 70 miles from Hershey Park and are thinking about camping over Thanksgiving. It would be us, our daughter, son in law, and 4 grandkids. Can you give me some information on the campground. Thanks
  10. Another money making ploy for Disney. Disney has basically removed the perks of staying on property. They think they are doing us a favor by allowing to enter 30 minutes early. Big deal!!!! What happened to the late night extra magic hours????? That was a great perk for staying on property.
  11. What campground did you stay in? We are thinking about going this Christmas. The Hallmark movie started us looking into Dollywood and Disney is beginning to get too expensive.
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