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Big Kahuna aka John

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Everything posted by Big Kahuna aka John

  1. Go to the bus company website. Wow ! They have some great designs. I have bus envy and I don't even drive a bus. I wonder how much they cost? I figure somewhere between ouch and boing.
  2. Wow... what a great story. And it is funny that people you meet and talk with turn out to be important. I applaud him for ASKING. Many managers would never ask. At least he realizes that he needs input from the people closest to the problems. Every time I watch Undercover Boss, the biggest improvement or the breakthrough for the CEO comes at the hands of a front line person. And Lou it does explain why Disney Transportation can pull off moving such a mass of humanity. Sadly, other parts of WDW, do not apply these principles. Thanks for answering !
  3. Lou, Serious question.. How do they decide which bus to buy? Testing? Input from mechanics? Drivers? Studies? Bribes ?... ok not bribes..
  4. I no longer pick on people from New Jersey. I just send all of our Philadelphia residents to "the shore". I figure it all evens out in the end... :rofl2:
  5. Love the USC shot. Great choice on Rose and Crown for date night. Be careful around Ms.White she is quite jealous and possessive, I still think she is trying to get INC out of the way and steal Dave.
  6. Ok Lou, let's make it a poll... I agree with you. The challenge was to get a photo of Dave wearing knickers, and TCD did it, it counts.
  7. Finally here and all caught up! Waiting on this photo, can't be that bad.. :whew:
  8. This is one of my favorite photos... You need to make this poster size and when she goes off to college give it to her.
  9. Grinders do require toasting, and the dawn patrol photos are really nice.
  10. Great update ! Excellent choice of music to start that last day of the year.
  11. TCD... maybe the twin guys staring at you.. you know Pete and Re-Pete recognized you as someone who hangs with the Governor of Florida and a VIP. or they just want to be internet famous in a TCD report
  12. Clery Act Summary Schools must publish an annual report disclosing campus security policies and three years worth of selected crime statistics. Schools must make timely warnings to the campus community about crimes that pose an ongoing threat to students and employees. Each institution with a police or security department must have a public crime log. The U.S. Department of Education centrally collects and disseminates the crime statistics. Campus sexual assault victims are assured of certain basic rights. Schools that fail to comply can be fined by the DOE.
  13. It was nice knowing you my friend ! :pope: I'll pray for your soul... :rofl2:
  14. I'm in ... Congrats to the twins for their admissions at the schools, I'm sure that it will be a tough decision, but if I can suggest, remember to review the schools Clery Report, and I always suggest that you stop in at the Career center and ask lots of questions about placement rates, alumni access to the career center, and whether they have etiquette dinners, resume help, and mock interviewing.
  15. I'm in... and impressed at the cookies... FWG is right, they would hire her in a second.... I never even thought of snarky cookies, let alone saw them being made... The wife has talent...
  16. Wait ..Wait... go back... Shardi asked for Kona and didn't get it ? Tell me that you hunted down the waiter and knee capped him.... He should walk with a limp for substituting coffee for Kona Coffee... :rotfl6: Your test track vehicle kinda looks like a Viper... I don't think Chevy would like that...
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