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Judy in Texas

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Everything posted by Judy in Texas

  1. N.E. is lovely. We were 20 minutes from the ocean and 45 minutes to the nearest ski resort; but, it can be really COLD!!!! I remember wearing by ski parka to the July 4th fireworks at Prescott Park in Portmouth. I also remember 20 below zero with 40-50 MPH winds off the ocean. BRRRRR!
  2. There's a store near Earl of Sandwich and Wolfgang Puck Express that is primarily Christmas decorations. I haven't noticed a place to take Christmas photos, though.
  3. Oh, my old stomping grounds! I lived in Portsmouth, NH for 12 years and have been to Ogunquit and Nubble Light many times. I bagged groceries at the Pease AFB Commissary (those who have been in the military will understand)and when the Keeper of the Nubble Light would come in, we had to take special care of their groceries. They had a pully system with a basket of some type to carry their groceries from the parking lot, across the rocks and water to their house (you can see it on the left hand side of the first lighthouse pic). We had to put an extra grocery bag down over the top of each ba
  4. He seems like such a genuinely nice kid. I wish him well.
  5. I did some work on the mattress pad to make it fit better since trying to use it as it was added bulk I didn't like. My bed in the camper is a narrow twin. I brought the mattress into the house, put the mattress pad on it inside out, pinned two corners so it fit better, cut off the extra and sewed it up. Much better. I've thought about doing the same to the fitted sheet; but, right now I just tuck the extra material in and live with it.
  6. Remember the free samples at Ghiradelli Chocolates. Wolfgang Puck Express is right near Earl of Sandwich. It has a very nice grownup Mac and Cheese. I order it as a side dish with a salad. House of Blues is all the way at the other end of DTD. You can get the boat from there back to the other end where all the shops are.
  7. National Wildlife Federation is sponsoring The Great American Bankyard Campout on June 25, 2011. www.backyardcampout.org. I saw this recipe posted there: Armpit Fudge Ingredients 1 lb. powdered sugar 1 stick (1/4 cup) butter 1 - 3 oz pkg cream cheese 1/2 tsp vanilla 1/3 cup cocoa Preparation Place all ingredients in a one-gallon ziplock bag. CAREFULLY squeese out all of the air. Knead the ingredients with your hands until it looks like fudge. Place under arm and 'smoosh'. The armpit is essential! The heat from your body will 'melt' the cream cheese and butter
  8. I stayed at Pop Century the last two trips and very much enjoyed it. I didn't have the time off work to drive the 1100+ miles each way. It's fun to walk around the resort and look at all the oversized characters, etc. My favorite is the Playdough container with the giraffe and elephant looking out the top. If you look down on it from the upper floor of that building, you will see that the figures are complete with legs and tails standing in 1/2 a can of Playdough. You have an assignment... post some pictures of the buildings on the other side of the lake that are again under constructio
  9. I road the previous version of Star Tours once. I lasted about 2 seconds and sat there the rest of the time with my eyes closed. Nope... I'll head over to the Writer's Stop and get a carrot cake cookie with all that yummy cream cheese frosting while the rest of the crew enjoys the excitment.
  10. That piece at the end of Soarin' where you are zooming up Disneyland Mainstreet? I know what you mean! I LOVE Soarin'... all but that one piece. :barf:
  11. Yep... I've heard that you can get flushed on the other site just for joining here. Welcome! Can't wait for the pictures! :popcorn:
  12. Texas just passed a law making it illegal to lie about the size of the fish you caught. http://www.gofishn.com/ned/reports/11236-texas-passes-bill-making-lying-about-your-fish-illegal "This comes on the heels of one pro angler trying to win a $55,000 fishing boat in 2009 by adding lead weight to his bass. He was caught and thrown in jail for 15 days. The new law extends to both freshwater and saltwater tournaments. A violation would be a Class A misdemeanor, unless the tournament prize offered was more than $10,000, in which case it would be a third-degree felony, punishable by 2 to 10 years
  13. Never Mind. Auburn Chris already got it. :-[
  14. I see them quite often in Texas... not always steel... some are flesh colored rubber ones. The truck owner must be trying to compensate for some perceived lack?
  15. I made a suncatcher from the metal Mickey head Sensei offered for his first contest. I decided to use Makit & Bakit crystals. Here are a few things I learned: Bake @ 375 degrees for 15-25 minutes. Mine was closer to 25. It smells bad while it is baking. 5+ on DaveinTN's OH scale. Make sure the cookie sheet you bake it on is flat. Put the Mickey head on it and make sure it touches the cookie sheet on all edges. I had to change cookie sheets at the beginning of the process because the first one wasn't flat. I was afraid the cookie sheet would pop (warp?) as it heated. Mine didn
  16. Make that two in Texas... Nice to see the real TCD is back and the amateur TCD'ers can get a refresher course.
  17. For DTD I like House of Blues, especially if you can get a window table overlooking the water.
  18. Nevermind... I'm going to Charlotte... My mistake. There used to be a Delete function and I can't find it.
  19. If you ever see Ahmed at a Big Box Store, say "Yes". He and his crews always do nice work.
  20. This was a big birthday weekend for me. I decided I wanted to have lunch at Earl of Sandwich so I packed a bag and took off for the nearest one... in San Antonio, TX... 270 miles door to door. It was just as good as the one at Downtown Disney but a good bit less crowded. Yum! I did decide, though, that if I had an Earl of Sandwich in town and could eat there anytime I wanted, the one at WDW wouldn't be nearly as special. The one thing different on the San Antonio menu is a half of any sandwich with a side salad or cup of soup. Nice.
  21. Try http://www.minimus.biz/ when you need to restock your first aid kit, buy travel sizes of foods/toiletries, etc for your RV.
  22. Trips to WDW and camping at The Fort are luxuries and when times get tough, the luxuries are the first to go. It is a "Want"... not a "Need". If you think your fuel bill is high, think about theirs. Disney's overhead must be mindboggling. I'll be there in October as long as work doesn't get in the way.
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