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Everything posted by disney4dan

  1. Looks like a great place! At least for the river and views. Any tubing in the river?
  2. Labor Day weekend was coming up fast, and Matt and I had not hiked a mountain all summer. Despite all our camping, we had yet to put on packs and go for an overnight somewhere like we had talked about during the cold winter weather and summer was going by too quickly. Our scout troop was planning another White Mountain trip for Labor Day weekend and we decided to go up mid-week on a Thursday to hike a fairly easy mountain and sleep overnight in one of the designated camping areas created by the National Forest Service. Most of the areas in the White Mountains are protected scenic areas, and
  3. Looks like a really nice trip. Our Boy Scout troop is looking to go to Gettysburg next April vacation and I may have some questions for the folks who have been.
  4. Looks like a great CG and a good weekend. We had a converter go while at the Fort, lost our lights and fridge before I figured it out. Lost an afternoon to that adventure. I wish our local state park had bath houses as nice as those! Maybe someday, if they ever put some money back into them. And really nice, maintained sites.
  5. That's awesome - best way to stay connected as a family and recharge the batteries! Love the photo with the trail of the sparks from the campfire in the air!
  6. Boy, this sounds good. Might have to try this in a few weeks when it cools off around here.
  7. The other shuttle is the Enterprise, which had been donated to the museum in the 1980s. That ship (the Enterprise) is headed out to NYC to become part of the Intrepid Museum. They had a "Welcome Discovery" event where both shuttles were placed on the tarmac near a grandstand. We got to see them push the Enterprise out toward the runway and then move the Discovery into the hangar that once housed the Enterprise. From what I understand, the Enterprise was used in the 1970s for experimental flights by being brought into flight on the back of the 747. The initial tests of the Enterprise were u
  8. And, for those of us who like food photos, I thought I'd show how good the troop was at eating healthy while on the trip! Grilled boneless, skinless chicken breast With steamed broccoli (which the kids requested!): This was a great trip, exhausting and tiring, but very worthwhile. We all decided the next trip will be closer to home!
  9. I wanted to get in a couple of the close ups of the shuttle flyover to show how close they came in. From what we hear, they flew over three times, we caught the second and third flights that morning after getting off the metro. As with any scout trip, we have to be in either Class A or Class B uniforms when traveling with the kids. Because of this, we would occasionally run into people who were friends of scouting, especially near the National Mall. One gentleman whose son had gone through scouting in RI, shared some great close up shots that he had. Fast forward to Thursday, and this was
  10. Thanks guys, I'm doing much better after resting and getting my energy back. Nancy is on her way back home, her brother is driving. Tough night, and your prayers are appreciated. Let me see if I can get some photos posted.
  11. It could be that I reached my quota for traffic at Photobucket? We just got back about an hour ago after a long drive back. I have not posted in a while, because I was hit with the stomach bug Thursday night and was very ill. Being the only driver in the family who will tow the trailer, it was a difficult decision, but I had to just get behind the drivers seat and go as far as we could while safe yesterday. Made several stops to go take a nap in the trailer and recover in between a few hours of travel. One advantage to having an RV - as long as there is room to park safely, we could take
  12. Matt is in the green shirt. At the Lincoln Memorial (obviously) and half way through our 7-mile trek yesterday.
  13. One of the most somber locations and impressive memorials in DC.
  14. Well, not sure if you can see this, but there should be a black dot in the sky just to the right of center, and that is the Space Shuttle Discovery riding piggyback on a NASA 747 doing a flyover over the National Mall. The Smithsonian Castle is on the left. I have better pix with a regular camera (this was from the iPhone) that are much closer and I will share those when I get back. I think this is one of those "you had to be there moments" but the sound of those engines on that 747 screaming by as they banked for a turn right behind the Capital brought out a cheer from everyone on the Mal
  15. Two of the scoutmasters on the walk to Arlington House and JFK Memorial. Did nearly four miles of walking today.
  16. The boys starting down the steps to lay the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - Arlington National Cemetary. It was about 90 degrees today - needed a lot of water.
  17. Senior was supposedly on the shop in the morning, and then off to see Junior. Before I load up photos from today, I have one more from yesterday. This bike looks kind of cool, Sort of a prelude to later this week when we go to the Air and Space museum!
  18. Jen- please let me know if this post is violating the rules. I think it's loading the photos directly to the server instead of the usual link via photobucket.
  19. Seems like the photo posting worked, not easy to do with this app, because it throws the code in random spots in the text, not where you leave the cursor! Here's a couple more shots, including backstage: Here's our host, Amanda.
  20. I'm going to try and update this live from the trip, so don't expect much text - not the fastest one finger tapper on the east coast! Also, I'll probably not get photos of any of the scouts other than my family out of respect for privacy for the other kids, but we'll see if it can be done! The first photo shows one of the leaders with the new scout cargo trailer with new graphics at a gas stop in CT. We took off at around 7:00 am yesterday and headed out for Newburgh, NY. Why Newburgh? Well, it's about half way on the route (and only 500 bathroom breaks away when traveling with kids).
  21. I agree, Rhonda got us a great deal on a Disney cruise, was very patient with my resident trip planning guru (DW) and is a nice person too!
  22. Hey! For once I'm in on the first page of what looks to be a great TR!
  23. 5 k is just over 3 miles. Roughly equal to 3 or 4 beers at a good pace! Thanks for doing this Ed!
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