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Everything posted by disney4dan

  1. I'm finally getting caught up on some TR reading and this one is great! Not too easy to reply using my phone, but the kids have the PC and they won't share :-( I had to say, those freakish rabbit looking stuffed animals in the Japanese Pavillion are actually Totoro, from the Studio Gibli. John Lasster fell in love with the work done by that studio and imPorted the films. They are pretty cool if you've never seen them. But I'm headed back to testing now, trying to find ways to crash that app and no luck yet! I think you built a bullet-proof app so far! And it's very useful, what I wish we
  2. I have been meaning to post this for a while, but never got around to it. Our oldest son can not eat foods containing gluten, which is found in wheat, barley, rye and oats so we had to learn to start cooking gluten free. There was a lot of expensive trial and error involved in trying to recreate some of the classics in a way that has a similar taste and texture. While we have since learned that you don't need to have breads and carbs to have a very healthy and varied diet, everyone loves some pancakes or waffles on a cold morning. This mix will be almost impossible to tell differently from
  3. Wish it was closer. I'll be hitting the New England Camping and RV show in Springfield , MA in February.
  4. Wow, that is so....UNDERSTATED...is that the word I'm looking for?
  5. I'm going to have to see if I can pull together some recipes to share. I put on over 40 pounds since getting married last century, so I speak from experience - the boss can cook! Also, we have come to learn how to make some halfway decent gluten free recipes for our oldest, so those might be interesting to add. Some people have to avoid gluten, but we've learned that there are folks who avoid gluten more as a choice. After experimenting for a while, my wife discovered that a secret weapon for gluten free pancakes and waffles is to use real buttermilk. We're not talking health food, but it s
  6. We went in August 2008 with our trailer and a tent for the two teenage boys. They had the AC running so cold in the tent that there was condensation on that puppy in the morning! We had a fair amount of shade, and their tent was under a screenhouse to keep the downpours off the tent and AC. I think we contributed to global warming that week!
  7. That is really cool. I'm going to check a few places I've camped (last camped at the Fort in 2008 so those days are gone!)
  8. If you like peaceful and relaxing, but right on the beach try Hunting Island State Park in SC. We loved it. Had water and electric at our site with a short walk across the sand to the water.
  9. I need a dog. I love my cats, one hamster and a guinea pig, but I need a dog. I grew up with dogs my whole life before marriage. When my oldest was three, I got this beautiful black lab pup from a co-worker who couldn't keep him. Before he came home, I had the big talk about the dog being part of the family, not something to choose lightly. Everyone agreed. He came home and we had a blast for a few weeks, but DW was not a dog person and she made me an ultimatum, said it was either her or the dog. I told her she'd have an answer in the morning. The look on her face was priceless, but da
  10. Congratulations - hope you were able to get out of work early and go pick it up this afternoon. I'll check back in the morning for photos!
  11. Are there floors in those rental tents? They remind me of summer camp! I can just picture the foot lockers and comic books now!
  12. Well, enough distractions from the important stuff! I was about to launch into what I recall about a several month trip across country when I was a kid. Sort of a very late trip report I guess, seriously cut back due to the effects of time on memory and old age setting in! If I recall correctly, it was between 2nd and 3rd grade for me, 3rd and 4th for my brother. Parents took us out of school probably early May with the blessings of our teachers and school system. My parents told us the teachers thought it was a great idea because we would learn so much more on the road. I think the teach
  13. I don't have much to offer, other than to speak from the perspective of a child who still remembers, very fondly, the time spent with my parents who decided to pack everything up and took us on a trip across country. My parents had sold our farm, purchased a new home in a new town, and it was early spring. The new home needed a lot of work, my father owned a home building business and was moving us to be in an area with other kids nearby to play with in the neighborhood. I was in second grade, my brother was in third grade, and looked at this as a new adventure to try. I can still remember
  14. That's awesome. Our cats would have probably started the fire and just gone about there day! I need a dog.
  15. Just added it as a bookmark on my iPhone - works great. If I'm not mistaken, for those of you who aren't seeing the photos, try different site numbers. I think they are still building the database? I was not able to see 401 but 1401 showed up fine. Looks better on the iPhone than the home PC with Firefox browser (hard to see the field where you enter the site number on the home PC). Might be my PC, but the field gets lost in the white background on the display. Was very easy to see on the iPhone display (which is where I would probably find it useful). Thanks for doing this!
  16. Just put Eternabond on the front roof seal this week and it is great stuff. It wasn't leaking - yet- but had some thin cracks in the Dicor sealant put on at the dealer last year. Wish I had put on the tape last year on every seam.
  17. I'd trade tent camping at the Fort in February anytime! Just need a good foam cell sleeping pad and zero degree rated sleeping bag with fleece liner! Put a bottle of hot water at the foot of the bag before sleeping and you're good to go!
  18. Great trip report - and I like your lessons learned comments, always a good thing to learn from others! I guess the folks in the witness protection program are going to have to work extra hard now that the photos are out on the net. Have they mailed you any Groucho Marx glasses and mustache yet? The kids are very cute, you are going to enjoy the next few years for sure!
  19. Well, you learn something new every day. I just hit the question mark key several times in my prior post and ended up with a smily icon looking bewildered! KEWL!
  20. Great trip report so far! No pix of the entrance sign? Can't wait to read more.
  21. Stayed there during April vacation with the family this past spring and had a great time. Unfortunately, the ticks and chiggers were pretty bad and kept us in the trailer when we were in the campground. Found ticks all over the gear outside (we brought a small generator to top off the batteries part way through the trip and it was covered with ticks one day, as was my outdoor storage container. Looked like a fantastic place to explore, just need good repellent and frequent tick checks!
  22. That's awesome so far, looks like a great trip for all of you! Was this the big Fort Fiends Cruise that was being planned all this time? Looking forward to more. Seems like so many things have changed since that cruise idea first floated.
  23. That looks like a great campground. I've been tenting too long, need the comfort of the RV this weekend!
  24. Most of the bridges in this area were taken out by the floods that week. This particular one, a private bridge connecting the ski area to the main road, was being repaired after the damage. Most of the Kancamangus Highway and Route 302 through the valleys were washed out. We had to choose alternate routes to get around that weekend. Fortunately, interstate I-93 was still open through Franconia Notch. Several miles of I-91 in Massachusetts and Vermont were closed until they could inspect the footings for the bridge supports. Check out the Youtube video of the covered bridge in Quechee, VT b
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