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Everything posted by disney4dan

  1. That is a great looking trailer. And you could throw a tent on the front deck for added space when you get to your destination - or a screen house with a clean floor! Looks great.
  2. double bump! Still waiting - hope they turned the electricity back on for you!
  3. FLAME TREE BARBEQUE RUB Ingredients: 2 Pounds Sugar 8 Ounces Season Salt 2 Ounces Chili Powder 2 Ounces Ground Black Pepper 2 Ounces Paprika 1 Ounce Cumin 1/2 Ounce Garlic Salt 1/2 Ounce Onion Powder
  4. Wow, just WOW. So sorry this happened to you, but glad you are all OK. I bet your guardian angel pounded down some Kungaloosh after you all got out in one piece.
  5. When we were at Assateague Island in April, we got some friendly advice from some regulars to put the awning away every night. Seems it's not uncommon for the wind to pick up fierce at night and has been known to actually tip some trailers on their sides if they leave the awning out. Seemed extreme, but our trailer was being buffeted by some strong gusts at night.
  6. As my son is often saying, "kharma owes you one". Life keeps handing you lemons and I bet you're sick of trying to make lemonade out of it. But, at this point, I'd be buying a tent, new cots and making the best out of a trip to the Fort before I threw in the towel. Heck, I've got a second Coleman dual fuel stove that would be cooking up a big ole pot of chili before sunset after setting up camp. Good luck and keep making lemonade!
  7. We had the opportunity to take part in the New England Cars 2 GKTW benefit that was put on by a group of local DIS'ers from Massachusetts on July 2. The woman who started the idea, Tara, has a brother who works at a cinema in Fitchburg, MA. The cinema donated the showing, followed by a BBQ event at a nearby FOE aerie (Eagles club). It was like a family reunion of sorts and all the food was donated by Boston Market and Friendly's. We had a great time and the event raised over $10,000 - and I got to share this with the family. I also got to meet Peter Werner, Walter Echols and Kathy Werling
  8. Great way to start my Sunday, sitting in my camper reading a trip report with a fresh cup of coffee. You have a wonderful family Dave.
  9. This is funny, this post mentions the shoe tree and I got a banner ad for a shoe company on the page.
  10. Great trip report so far! And congratulations to your daughter on getting accepted in nursing school, and to your SIL, get used to some very interesting and colorful answers to the question "So - how was your day?". Been married to an RN for 22 years and I am still amazed.
  11. Looks like a fantastic campground - any photos of the roads on the way to the lake or were both hands on the wheel with white knuckles? Wondering if I could tow the Outback into that area. Love the photos of Santa's Village, one of those places that I always wanted to get to, never did, and now that my kids are in Middle School or older I will probably have to wait for grandchildren.
  12. I'm in! Plus, I am also happy that someone else will be posting a non-Fort TR so that I won't get flamed as bad when I try posting my non-Fort TR later this summer. Great photos so far, looks like a fun group.
  13. Why yes, yes it does ! Welcome to the FF site! After so many trips to the World, I still find myself fascinated with the details in the buildings and in various places around the parks. I might try and capture a few of those details on our next trip in August. With the heat we will face, I expect to be strolling through some shops from point A to point B. Love this detail shot.
  14. OK, so the sun begins to set on the gathering of thousands, the aroma of grilled Braut's and burgers fills the air and they set the tone for the luminaries walk when everyone gets to see the entire inside perimeter of the quarter mile track lit by candle light. I did my best to grab some photos of them lit, but that is hard to do with a camera phone, only got one usable shot. I wish Justin had been there to see his little bro' setting this up, but their band was playing at a new local club and that is what I really want, to see him getting beyond the disease and being out on Friday nights.
  15. Seeing how I recently figured out how to post photos here using an iPhone, I wanted to practice doing a TR based on our RfL event last night. Our local troop of Boy Scouts joins with Troop 35 from the next town to do the Relay for Life. Seems they began this participation to honor a friend of the troop who was battling cancer in the mid to late 1990's. She lost that battle in 1997 and this troop continues every year for her and all the family and friends we know affected by some form of cancer. My family has been affected in many ways, with lots who fought and lost, are still fighting or fo
  16. Got it! Have to manually type in "" and it works. I might be able to do this afterall! Edited - I typed "IMG" and "/IMG" in the brackets, yet the webpage edits it to just an "i" above.
  17. http://i256.photobuc...ylor_01/251.jpg sent from iPhone. I got the link to copy and insert, but I can't seem to get the tags for inserting the image on this reply. What are the switches? Could I type "[img/http://i256.photobucket.com/DanTaylor_01/251.jpg\\img]" and get it to work on the phone?
  18. Trip reports are a huge favorite of mine and I hope to do my part in the near future when we head down in early August. In order to prepare for this, I have been trying to figure out how to post live TRs with photos using my iPhone. It seems so easy to do this in Facebook, but is there a way to easily post to these boards using Safari and include photos? I downloaded the Photobucket app and post pictures to albums on their site, but can't seem to copy the URL in order to include that in posts to the boards. Anyone out there use the iPhone or iPad to post live TRs?
  19. Looks like a place we will need to try!. I've lived in New England all my life and have probably only gone swimming in the ocean a handful of times. Just too COLD!
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