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Everything posted by disney4dan

  1. So much fun! Except the bovine ape herd thing. I like your photo of the table with everyone looking at their phone at the table - a solemn reminder of how we end up isolating ourselves in a room full of family and friends. As I sit here with my coffee and iPad having breakfast. Going to put this down for a while and enjoy reality today!
  2. Nice trip report. Wish I could see more photos of Splash Mountain at night. Great ride after dark. Especially if you are already wet!
  3. Bull and Bear (off property) Yachtsmen Steakhouse! Many more
  4. Great updates! I'd like to hear more about your trip to Nagasaki sometime. Have you ever watched "Trinity and Beyond"? It is a documentary of the atomic bomb age and includes a lot of military footage. Best of all, it is narrated by William Shatner!
  5. Full report please! Great part of the country to travel to - we were just up in the Stowe area last week for work and I was wishing I had time to hike those peaks and see the view.
  6. Great first day, and that rhino face is justification for a taser, or pepper spray! I'm sure he's really a nice kid, but someone has to take up the cause!
  7. Great looking place. I love night time on vacation, the smell of restaurants, exotic plants, all good stuff
  8. Same here. I think a taser would be my tool of choice! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Just look at that scenery! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. I am going to have to start putting some $$ away for a trip like this some day. Those photos are so nice! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Like the view of stall #1, but looking forward to beach photos Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. I have always wanted to travel to Hawaii ever since I saw Peter Brady take a header on his surf board, but flying across this wide country adds quite a few Benjamins to the price tag.
  13. Very nice - I think three year olds have an incredible superhuman force to unleash screams that are capable of boiling water. I fondly remember a trip to the beach when our oldest was three. Woke up two days into our camping trip tofind that all the other campers had left the area around us!
  14. Great report. Now you need another vacation so I'll have a new trip report to read. On the other hand, Nancy has started pricing cruises. Full blown planning mode and entering contests. Maybe. Just maybe. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. I had heard that the Earl of Sammich was getting tight on the fillings in them also. Did you think the sammiches had less in them? We decided to avoid DTD altogether this trip based on what I heard on podcasts. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. "Raleigh Durham International Airport and hot dog stand". Now that is funny! Beautiful girls, sorry about the whole luggage thing, but at least you'll have three sets of hair dryers, straighteners, 6 different shampoos, conditioners, face cream, spackle.... My wife is a nurse as well. Some of the most "calm under pressure" people I know. I complained about a tough day at work once. Just once. When nurses have a bad day, people end up in body bags. Looking forward to more of this report. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. Sounds awesome, can't wait to see the pictures! Happy Anniversary and congratulations to your daughter. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. I'm going to guess dinner was someplace other than the boardwalk. Maybe you attempted Downtown Disney, so maybe House of Blues? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. Apparently I am not doing this right, but I'll figure it out!
  20. After reading Dave's TR and seeing the link to the YouTube video, I decided to give it a try and see if I can do it. First up is our favorite video from the August 2008 trip where we borrowed a waterproof camera and went down Teamboat Springs at Blizzard Beach. Keep in mind that we were all loaded with too much sugar and the kids were about as hyper as you could get. Pure fun! Near the bottom of the slide there was a rank odor and you could hear Rachel say "Someone farted". Bathroom humor is perfect at that age, and Matt remembered this again in this year when we went back. http://you
  21. Food setting on a camera = awesomeness! There is a design engineering team destined for great things. I forgot that you can link to youtube videos here, I'll have to consult with rest of the team to see if our videos might be post-worthy!
  22. I have to say that I had been "this close" to meeting Dave and Al back in around 2012 while traveling to Buffalo, NY on business. It was a whirlwind buisness trip with a few of my co-workers when I found out that they both were in town, very close to where I was staying. But we had one rental car and I was trying to figure out whether I should skip out on the business dinner and catch a cab to meet with Dave and Al when I made the wrong choice. I did the business dinner. Ultimately, the business dinner was not that important and I had second guessed that decision many times. Then, when I
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