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Totally worth it, a.k.a. What not to do while passing through airport security

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I want to personally thank you for performing your civic duty..........of posting timely updates on FF.net.

"i'm fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing. What do you mean bad?"

The TOT pic was great.

Good to know you tried and could have succeeded with the MB tip.


Generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance.


I'm not big on the magic shots, but that Sven one is cute.  


I'm a sucker for magic shots, but I really like that one.


Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.


Jason!  You're one of us!  Yay!


Somebody saw a cockroach up on twelve.


"Right. That's bad. Alright. Important safety tip."

Look Leslie. There are more of us.


I looked at the trap, Ray.


Just wait until you receive a bill for $350 for that gown Patrick "dirtied up"... Heck they may even charge for him sitting in that wheelchair!


I'm quite certain that he shouldn't have been doing that, but the people that worked there came by many times and never said anything.  When he heard someone coming, he would play dead/asleep until they passed.  One time someone stopped and just stood there for a sec, but then they went on.  


It was really ridiculous but it was fun.

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And as we always do in HS, we had lunch at Sci-Fi.  And as we always do, we loved it.








So, who knows who these guys are?  They were pretty fun.






For a little bit, Danielle and I were waiting on Ray and Patrick while they rode RNRC and got to watch some fun street performers, one of the best things about HS.




Portrait time:






Then it started to snow!  90 degrees and snowing!










Finally, after buying Danielle one of these:




it was time to go.


When we got back to OKW, Danielle and I caught the very reliably-timed boat to DTD (as opposed to busses, which can leave you hanging for who knows how long.  We had fun shopping and making matching t-shirts to wear on our last day, when Claire joined us again. 



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After lots of fun shopping and trudging from one end of DTD to the other, and then part of the way back to Claire’s car, we headed back home and got ready for our big night out – La Nouba!   I’ve never been able to bring myself to spend the extra money for tickets before, but Patrick’s parents graciously treated us to the show.  So off we went!






I got these taken before they announced that photography wasn’t allowed.  (And by the way, they mean it about no pictures – they walked around throughout the show and made people put up their cameras or phones if they brought them out.)






It was such a great show.  Ray and I have seen Cirque shows in Vegas before, so the weirdness didn’t surprise me.  But the sheer talent and athleticism of the cast is always astounding.  We talked afterward about how totally inadequate we all felt after watching it – like we needed to go out and so some sit-ups or something afterward.


We had dinner at Portebello Country Italian Trattoria in DTD afterward.  Contrary to my misguided belief, it was not close by the La Nouba theater.  Rather, it was most of the way back to the Marketplace.  If you’re counting, this is the third time that at least Danielle and I have marched the length of DTD today.  Man, that place is big.  But dinner was really good.  Ray and I each got a pizza and had plenty to take home.  Danielle got a ravioli of some sort that looked good, and I honestly can’t remember what Patrick got, but I do remember that he ate every bite of it (again!).










Afterward, we finished our walk to the other end of DTD, caught a bus back to OKW, and chilled for the rest of the night.  Danielle was beat and passed right out, and the rest of us weren’t far behind her.


It was an excellent day.  Sadly, we only had one more day left.  :(

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What on earth are you people quoting?!?


Ghostbusters.  One of the best movies ever.  It started with the arranged hula hoops outside Trail's End with a quote that actually made some sense for that picture, but then took on a life of its own.   8)

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The only movie quote I remember is "there's no crying in baseball" from a League of their own. And it seems I use it a lot because the baby was crying the other day and Adam ran up to her and said "there's no crying in baseball!". Oops

So as I was reading this that exact scene popped up on CBS His Morning!

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The only movie quote I remember is "there's no crying in baseball" from a League of their own. And it seems I use it a lot because the baby was crying the other day and Adam ran up to her and said "there's no crying in baseball!". Oops

I say this to my kids all the time too!  LOL

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Love the updates! I missed the snow when we were at DHS. I wonder how often they did that.


I've always wanted to see a Cirque show but never have. They always come to Atlanta in December, and it's hard to spend even more extra money then. Maybe Santa will bring me some tickets for Christmas!



DW is going to take DD to La Nouba on our next trip.

I need to figure out what DS8 and I are going to do while they do that.

I figure maybe we'll go have some liquor and learn to make napkin bras.

Or maybe we'll just go to MK.


Ha ha ha ha

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I love the Hollywood Studios photos.  I have no idea who the guys on stage were. What were they doing that made them "fun?"


I hate to say it, but your son and her boyfriend make a very cute couple.  I just wish he would cut out the napkin bra trick.  That ain't right. Aside from that (and his inability to make a proper Rhino Face), he seems like a nice kid.


I love Claire's Tampa Bay Rays shirt.  She has good taste.



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The only movie quote I remember is "there's no crying in baseball" from a League of their own. And it seems I use it a lot because the baby was crying the other day and Adam ran up to her and said "there's no crying in baseball!". Oops

Love it. Haven't seen that movie in a long time, but that line sticks with you!



DW is going to take DD to La Nouba on our next trip.

I need to figure out what DS8 and I are going to do while they do that.

I figure maybe we'll go have some liquor and learn to make napkin bras.

Or maybe we'll just go to MK.

Killing me. You're killing me.



Lunch at Sci Fi ... must try it some time!


Jealous that you went to La Nouba.  I've always wanted to go but DH refuses,

Keep working on DH. It's definitely worth going. The seats vary by a pretty good bit in price, but I honestly don't think there would be a bad seat in the house.



So as I was reading this that exact scene popped up on CBS His Morning!


I say this to my kids all the time too!  LOL

Too funny!



Love the updates! I missed the snow when we were at DHS. I wonder how often they did that.


I've always wanted to see a Cirque show but never have. They always come to Atlanta in December, and it's hard to spend even more extra money then. Maybe Santa will bring me some tickets for Christmas!




Ha ha ha ha


You should go for it. Every Cirque show I've ever seen has been great. Usually pretty weird in places, but still really great.


How long was La Nouba?


I think about 1 1/2 hours, but maybe a bit longer. With the crowds and how far we had to walk, it took us till almost 8:30 to get to dinner.


"Minnie don't burn chicken"

Eat yo pie.



I love the Hollywood Studios photos.  I have no idea who the guys on stage were. What were they doing that made them "fun?"


I hate to say it, but your son and her boyfriend make a very cute couple.  I just wish he would cut out the napkin bra trick.  That ain't right. Aside from that (and his inability to make a proper Rhino Face), he seems like a nice kid.


I love Claire's Tampa Bay Rays shirt.  She has good taste.



The singing guys were doing Disney songs and apparently that's been their gig for a little bit, but a woman (manager? mom?) told me they're breaking out and starting to do non-Disney material too. Of course, she told me their name, which I promptly forgot.

I know about the cute couple - they really are. I honestly have mixed feelings about them now that Danielle is days away from heading off to college. Part of me thinks that she shouldn't try to maintain that relationship while she has so many other new things going on, but the other part really appreciates what a great guy Patrick is. Time will tell what will happen...

And yes, Claire is always good for some good TB Rays support. Except when she's pulling for the Tide.  O0

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By the time the day started on Saturday, I just had a slight sadness over me.  I always hate the day before leaving – it always comes around too soon!  But, I was definitely glad for one more day to play and have fun in our happy place. 


Instead of picking up breakfast from the CS window today, I went to the OKW store and got some bacon to go with the 11 eggs we still had left.  It definitely was a savings to do that instead of buy 4 full breakfasts, but $6.00 for this package of bacon was still slightly shocking:




But, it sure cooked up good!  And, almost all of the scrambled eggs got eaten, plus some of the other lingering food we had accumulated through the trip, so I felt vindicated.  


After breakfast, we headed out to Epcot to hit some of the attractions that Patrick had really hoped to do on Thursday, when our visit was cut short by a trip to the doc in the box.  So, with some decent FP+ planning, early-ish arrival and lighter crowds, we were able to hit TT, M:S, Spaceship Earth and the one that Patrick had inexplicably been most excited about: Journey into Imagination with Figment.  All I can figure is that he has fun childhood memories of the ride.  Danielle and Ray were less than impressed, but Patrick had a ball. 






After Figment, we parted ways with the teens and grabbed some lunch at Ray’s favorite CS place in all of the World – Yorkshire County Fish Shop.


Here’s the not go great part for this day – all pitures taken with my camera for this entire day, other than for some reason bacon of all things, got deleted before I could download them.  Ugh.  So, while it was fairly early and definitely not feeling crowded at Epcot when we were on our way to fish and chips that morning, you’ll just have to use your imagination about how it looked.  :banghead:


After a while, we made it back and naps were taken.  I thought about going for a run but it was actually a billion degrees. After Ray and I woke up, he and I headed out to the pool. It was the first time to make it to the pool this trip, and I was bound and determined to not miss going, especially when it was so hot outside!


And here’s where I get mad again about my pictures.  I had fun pool pictures, including lifeguards line dancing, crazy people going in and out of the sauna, and Danielle and Patrick taking off on a surrey bike.  They apparently did much better than we did when we took the girls out on one when they were about 7 and 9 years old at the Poly.  Somehow it slipped past Ray and me that they were supposed to be much older to be allowed behind the wheel that time.  We landed in the bushes more than once.  You’ll have to use your imagination since I have no pics, though.


Wait – here is one pic I found on my phone from that afternoon:




Mmmmmmmmm.  Hot day + Mickey bar = Happiness.


After the pool and surrey bike time, we all came back and cleaned up for dinner.  Ray even got all dressed to head back out for more fun, but the cold that had been sneaking up on him for the past several days finally got him.  So, unfortunately, he had to stay behind for my next adventure – meeting the elusive TCD!


I knew TCD was going to be at WDW for the day and we figured out that a good way to get to say hey was to meet at Trail’s End around suppertime.  That worked for me as Danielle and Patrick were going to dinner at Whispering Canyon Café, so I figured we would share a cab to WL and then I would figure out how to get to TE from there.  I thought about continuing in the cab from WL to FW, but knew I would get stuck again at the Outpost unless I got a more hospitable cabbie than we had on Wednesday morning.  But I really got lucky this time – instead of getting a cab, a WDW employee with a van and, more importantely, a card that opened the gate on the road between WL and FW offered to give us a lift!  So, he and I dropped off Danielle and Patrick for dinner at WL and then he took me all the way to the Settlement bus stop.  So quick and easy.  More than worth it for a nice tip, that he seemed to appreciate.


Once at the TE porch, I grabbed a coke and got to join TCD and Twin # 1 while they enjoyed a GAG for supper before heading back to the MK.  I love getting to meet Fort Fiends in person, especially after knowing them online for years.   I had a great time getting to talk with both of them.  TCD and Ms. TCD have clearly done a great job with their girls, as Twin # 1 was a wonderfully polite, charming young lady. 


Of course, we took pictures.  And of course, we took them on my camera and  now they’re just gone.  No evidence at all.   :gaah:


After a nice visit, I walked back to WL to hook back up with Danielle and Will, and then we all caught a cab back to OKW together.  It was a fun way to spend the early evening, even though Ray didn’t get to come.  :(


When we got back, I picked up some dinner for Ray and me from Olivia’s – a burger and sandwich.  Nothing fancy, but very good.  Then Danielle and Patrick headed back out for their last park trip – heading to the MK for EMH.  While they had fun, Ray and I packed up and talked about what a fun trip it had been.








The kids made it back around 12:45, threw a few things in their bag, and we all crashed for the few hours we had before our 7:00 pick up in the morning.  :(


Last entry next up – and What Not to Do in Security at MCO!

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Another great update.....

Hmm...problems with security?

Hiding things in napkin bras?

He is Vigo! You are like buzzings of flies to him!


That's a big twinkie! 


Did Andrew not share his chicken with you? :rofl3:

I get sad about last days too. Looks like a great one though! Yay for meeting TCD! Too bad he wouldn't share the GAG.

Can't wait to hear about the airport.

I know - after all these years and he wouldn't even share one chicken leg. Mean, that TCD is.


Either that, or he may have offered several times to share but I had already promise I'd wait and eat with Ray back at OKW for our last night.  I'll let y'all make up your own minds. 

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I know - after all these years and he wouldn't even share one chicken leg. Mean, that TCD is.


Either that, or he may have offered several times to share but I had already promise I'd wait and eat with Ray back at OKW for our last night.  I'll let y'all make up your own minds. 


You made a big mistake in spinning this tale.  I don't get legs in my GAG's.  I go white meat all the way.


It was great to meet you Leslie!  Thanks for coming all the way out to the Fort, too.


I still can't believe that you walked all the way back to the Lodge.  It was a warm evening.



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