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H and KFK's Fourth at the Fort AND BEYOND!!!!

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Day 9 July 5 continued…

As I said when I left off on the last update, there aren’t many photos left from Day 9 so this will be brief. There are gazillions from the rest of the trip though. Steve needs something to keep him busy until Halloween. :rofl2:

Remember I said that these photos may or may not be in order? That statement still applies.

I don’t know how things operate for ya’ll, but, H has a compulsion to have a photo here everytime we exit Nemo and friends. I’m not kidding.


Hydro.. whatever. Livin’ With The Land. Relaxin’ ride. Anytime we can sit in the a/c with calm kids is a good thing. wink.gif


If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck….





We’re three caballeros, we’re three caballeros… they say we are birds of a feather… (chirp, chirp, chirp)! We’re three happy chappies with snappy sarape’s. You’ll find us underneath our sombreros.

Can you tell I’ve heard this song a time or two. H sang it for nearly a year then when he finally stopped….

Gabe started. LOL! We have the DVD. Good thing H and I like it too huh?




More sombrero pics! You can’t take the boat ride, sing along with the song, admire the items in the market place while listening to the mariachi band and NOT take a sombrero pic. It wouldn’t be fittin’.



In the tiki tiki tiki tiki… tiki room. Psych! Not really. Still in Mexico.


San Angel Restaurant and the pyramid. We like eating there but then wonder.. why did we eat Mexican? We can get that at home. LOL.



We should have taken a family photo here. I love this fountain. In fact, I love this entire pavilion.


Before leaving Mexico the boys suckered their nana into buying them a lollipop. She got away with getting them the $2.00 ones, unlike us, who got stuck with the $4.00 ones.



I do remember that after leaving Mexico my parents and bro were ready to call it a day. So we headed back toward future world. On the way we stopped to admire the Mater and Lightning McQueen shrubbery display. Aren’t the WDW plant people amazing?


I’m pretty sure at this point that we went back to Nemo and/or Imagination and were also ready to call it day. In true kid form, however, lil H wanted to do “just one more thing” before we left (we always wanted to do just one more thing too). That one more thing was Spaceship Earth. We immediately realized the implications of this. We would not be doing “just one more thing” and then leaving. Riding Spaceship Earth means that you are dumped out in a huge room with thousands of activities that lure your kids like the pied piper. Fortunately we got away with just letting them play Super Driver. (spotting the lucky one of a kind WDW bus on day 1 was working for us)




One last scenery photo of the night.


Apparently this update isn’t as brief as I promised. :rofl2:

Coming up: It’s Nah-tah-zoo!!!

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No hijack can be complete without.......EYE CANDY!! :) You're welcome ladies!

Nothing wrong with Fox News - as long as you realize it ISN'T News; You don't think every word they say was engraved in stone by a finger; and you balance what you see there with other sources ...

Wow! I've never heard them say "Fox news... the #1 name in NOT the news." That would make an interesting slogan. :rofl2: If you go make sure to take notes, pics and share a good thorough report. :)

Day 10 July 6

It’s Nah-tah-zoo!!!

Let me start this update by saying that I LOVE Animal Kingdom. It’s my fourth favorite Disney Park.

We were on our way to meet the rest of the family for a little while. It’s already pretty well established in our minds that our time with the fam will not be long. KFDad is not a fan of AK. He does not like the lack of benches nor does he like the heat and the lack of places to cool off…. and we are prepared to hear all about it. :rofl2:

Here is our customary/obligatory photo of The Tree of Life.


We have spoken to KFM via cell phone and were going to meet them at Dinosaur. On our way we passed by the photo op for The Hundred Acre Wood gang. The boys are still into the characters so we don’t want to let the chance for a few photos to slip away. Time is so fleeting.. it may not be long before they’re not interested in this sort of thing.

The most wonderful thing about tiggers is tiggers are wonderful things

Their tops are made out of rubber and their bottoms are made out of springs

They’re bouncy trouncy flouncy pouncy FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN!

And so are my kids. wink.gif




After the photo shoot we made our way over to Dinosaur and found our parents on the bench across from the giant Dino skeleton..


I should have gotten the boys in the pic… oh well. Lil H was chomping at the bit to play in the Boneyard, KFBro wanted to play games in Dinoland and Gabe… well …. we just needed to keep him moving. :rofl2:

Dad suggested that he take lil H to the boneyard while the rest of us rode the Triceratop Spin and bro played some of the games. Great plan Dad! KFM isn’t the only one who rocks!


Gabe and I waiting in line.


Bro wanted to ride with me. The rabbit ears in the photo never get old to me. LOL!!!


Of course Gabe wanted to ride with his nana. I think she may have gloated a little over that fact.



This is just plain funny to me. I like the Primeval Whirl but it was closed. Darn.



After fun was had by everyone we meandered over to the boneyard to collect Dad and Lil H. Getting him out of there is never an easy task. He wants to be an archaeologist so you can just imagine…



This shot was Dad’s idea. By now you know that lil H is always up for a photo op.



On our way out of Dinoland … we’ve got to find out what time the next Nemo show is going to be.


By this time we are hot. It’s time for a cool activity.

Lil H and Gabe’s favorite ride at Animal Kingom will be the perfect thing to do.

Kali River Rapids.

Dad and Bro aren’t riding but KFM is all in.

Nobody does theming like Disney. I love the props they put in the que lines to make it feel authentic.


As we were about to load I snapped this shot.



KFM enjoying this poor man’s misfortune. That’s my mama!



Good thing my camera is waterproof. Looks like I’m about to get it!






Now that we were completely soaked we started to make our way back toward The Nemo show. I didn’t get a chance to see it last year and it was the one thing I really wanted to do so the fellas did what any smart man would do….

they gave me my way! hahahaha!

On our way we managed to take a few photos.


Expedition Everest is my favorite ride in this park but once again… no dice. L


Coming up next: The rest of our day.

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Day 10 July 6... The rest of our day.

After we were sufficiently soaked to the skin from our ride on the Kali River Rapids we met back up with dad and bro, who were ready to head back to the comforts of Wilderness Lodge, said our goodbyes and with just enough time to make it we made a mad dash for the Nemo show.

As usual a couple of photos were taken along the way..



Finally made our way back to the Nemo theatre. I know, I know, we do a lot of zig zagging. Our methods are not always the most effient, especially at AK, but sometime you gotta do what ya gotta do.

We really enjoy this show and considering how much Gabe loves Nemo and such… we really thought we’d hit the jackpot with this one. A long show, indoors, comfy seats, a/c. How could we go wrong?

Here’s the only photo from the show.


As we were leaving the theatre the incessant begging to brave the rapids of the Kali River one more time has begun. So we did what any worn out, beaten down parent would do…

We caved in to the begging and headed for the River!

On our way we enjoyed this little ensemble for a sec.


With the river in view… the kids are getting very excited! You’d think they’d never ridden this ride before.




Fun was had by all and there was joy in the land.


Me: “Sure that’s fine. Go right ahead.”


Me: “Ok. That‘s fine.”



Me: (How did I know this is how this would end up?)*laughing* “Yes, you can put your head in the fountain.”


By this time we are starting to run short on time. Lil H wants to see the Festival of the Lion King AND do the Safari but we’re not sure there’s enough time for both. He decides that he wants to see the Lion King and then if there’s enough time we can ride the safari.








The Festival of the Lion King turned out to be a GREAT decision. All four of us, even though we’ve seen this show several times, enjoyed it so much!!! I don’t think the FOTLK ever gets old!

Now, I ask H what the time is… Looks like we have enough time to get on one of the last safaris of the day. Kilamanjaro here we come!!!

Now here is where I make one of my dumbest WDW decisions ever. We have a thousand photos of the safari and even more video from past trips. H isn’t riding the safari so I have both kids all by myself. With all of this in mind….

I left the camera with H.


As it turned out this was one of our best rides EEEEVVVVEEEERRRRRR!

There were only 12 people on our truck including the driver. That means not much weight was there to hold the truck down when we hit those bumps in the road. We had a driver who apparently liked to keep things exciting. We were in the next to the last seat.

Are you starting to see where I’m going with this?

Remember how I said we were in the last seat? There was a couple in the very last seat and the husband had a bad back. As the driver hit every bump in the road all I could here was the man saying “owwwww, ouch. Ohhhh!” Then the wife would almost giggle and say, “oh I’m sorry are you ok?”

Now, as we hit all the bumps and potholes, I was having a hard time keeping my own hinder parts on the seat. Can u picture me trying to stay seated and both boys flying up in the air. It took every ounce of strength I had to keep them from being flung out of the truck. Of course they’re squealing with laughter and loving every minute.

The man behind me is continuously groaning in pain and his wife keeps getting tickled about it. I can’t remember what I said but I turned to the couple and said something witty. They cracked up laughing and the rest of the safari got even better from there. Even the poor man had a sense of humor about the whole thing and we all exchanged wise cracks for the rest of the ride.

To top it all off the animals were all over the place! I mean every animal. There wasn’t a creature left unseen. Even the elusive lions were out in full view. Both the male AND the female. They weren’t just “lion around” either. The male was feeling amorous and was working his charms on the female. :rofl2:

Our awesomely exciting driver even went so far as to slow almost to a stop, he even did actually stop a couple of times, to let us get the best view possible of all the animals. What a blast! But I am still kicking myself over not having the camera.

With our hearts racing with excitement we meet back up with H and head for the exit.

One more photo op for lil H on the way out.


Lil H on the bus ride back to the Fort.


What a great day! Good times.

Next installment: A full day of the Fort including canoes.

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DAY 11 July 7 Fort, Canoes and Rain… OH MY!

As much as we enjoy the parks… there’s just no place like home. We’ve looked forward to having another day to just relax and enjoy.

Last year TCD did a TR with pics of his canoeing expedition at the Fort. I showed the photos to lil’ H and he exclaimed “OHHHHH!!! I WANNA DO THAT!!!” Well, the two H’s canoed last year and it was a hit! So we decided that it would be a family tradition from then on. As of yet on our trip we haven’t worked this into the schedule but since we weren’t going to any parks today and our morning was free… it was decided that today was the day.

After having breakfast we hurriedly got ready to make our way over to the Bike Barn. Yes, you go to the bike barn to rent a canoe.


Does this kid look ready or what? He’s into adventure and the canoeing excursion fit’s the bill nicely.


A view of the Meadows Trading Post from the Bike Barn. Tnbob can very often be seen fishing from over there. But only after the crack of 9 a.m.


The H’s getting their last minute instructions before shoving off.


Shoving off.


After the fellas are safely in their canoe Gabe and I head over to the footbridge for a few photos of this glorious occasion.


If you look closely you can see them. They’re that speck out in the water.





Now that they are merrily on their way, Gabe and I are gonna wander around and explore…maybe even take a GC ride.

Here are a few of the photos taken while we waited on the H’s to return.

The Hitchin’ Posts… least that’s what I call ‘em.


The Meadows TP



I’m going to share something with you….

My favorite spot in all of Fort Wilderness I think…

But you have to promise not to tell anyone…

I wouldn’t want the secret to get out and spoil it…

Here it is…


I know …at first glance it doesn’t look like that big of a deal does it?

But wait. I’ll prove my point.

Look at the view from this spot. And it’s in the shade. And you can sit down.

Looking straight across the fishing hole you have a great view of the Meadows TP.


Panning a little to the right there’s the 600 loop. You may be able to see TNBob and MrsTNbobs camper from here.


Keep panning… the Bike Barn comes into view.


Directly behind you… The Meadows Swimmin’ Pool.


See what I mean? In this spot you’re right in the thick of things… only not. It’s awesome. Trust me.

As relaxing as this spot is for me. Gabriel is ready to get moving. There’s no point in trying to get him to sit still and relax. It just ain’t happenin’ so to the GC we go. Maybe we can sneak in a visit with Bob and Kathy if they’re home.

A few photos on the way to 600 loop.




Most of you have gotten to know me well enough to know that if WDW doesn’t want me to photograph it…

They’d better keep it hidden.

Behind the scenes at the Bike Barn.




As luck would have it we arrived at 600 loop and Bob and Kathy were home. Yay! When I told Bob where they fellas were he said Ty (their grandson) would have loved to go canoeing with them. At that very moment I had a stroke of genius.

Lil H wanted to go twice anyway. Once with his dad and once with me. This was something I was planning to do in a couple of more days but Ty would be gone by then…

We would go again after lunch and I would take them. Awesome! I couldn’t wait. What’s even better I knew Lil H would be beside himself to have Ty along for an adventure. It was getting about time to pick up the H’s from canoe excursion Number 1 so Gabe and I said goodbye to the Tnfiends and we were on our way.

Obviously H and I each had a camera so I will share the photos he took right….. Here.





Apparently my visit with the TN fiends ran a little long. H and lil H had been back for a bit. But they made good use of their time taking photos and hanging out.




To be continued…..

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Day 11 Fort, Canoes and Rain Oh MY! The adventure continues….

In the last installment I said that Bob’s grandson Ty wanted to go on a canoeing trip. Well we decided that after lunch would be a good time. So… after lunch Lil H and I started walking over to 600 loop since it was just across the street and we could just take the footbridge to the Bike Barn. Of course sweet Kathy gave us a lift in their super fast TN cart instead. wink.gif

I know I’ve already saturated your brains with canoeing photos but …

Here are some more from my adventure with lil H and Ty.



There goes Kathy getting one last look at her grandson before we’re out of sight.


Jen was on the other bank taking pics but I don’t know why I didn’t take a pic of her taking a pic. One of life’s many regrets.






I’m going to pause right here to say that the boys were a hoot!

With every splash of water from the oars one of them would ask …”What was that?!” and the other would say… “I think it was an alligator!” Then the adventure would play out right before my eyes.

It wasn’t easy to keep from laughing out loud but I didn’t as I didn’t want to spoil the moment by making them self conscious. I think I could have stayed in that canoe all day with them!





See the dam in the background? That meant that we were at the end of the line. Due to the debris in the 1400 loop section of the canal we were instructed to go to the dam and return the same way.

The boys tried to talk me into going ahead anyway but I said no because it would be dangerous!

Their reply…. “Cool! DANGER!!! Let’s goooo!!!!!”

Since I was the only adult in the canoe I had to be responsible and do the right thing.

But not before getting a little closer to the dam.


This is where it was confirmed that I am indeed the cooler parent.

Lil’ H got very excited and told me that his dad didn’t go that close to the dam. “You rock mama!” I’ll take that.

Look at those dark clouds. This can’t be good.


Which way to the bike barn?


If memory serves me correctly this is the sign pointing the direction that we weren’t allowed to go. We had to get moving. Those skies weren’t getting any bluer…

Look at the blur on that oar. We were rowing like crazy to make it back before the storm got us.


This is when it got a little nerve racking.

It started to rain.

And thunder.

The wind was picking up.

I had my baby…

And someone else’s baby.

I was starting to scope out the area for anywhere to find shelter if it got too bad and I didn’t think we’d make it back.

The boys were getting a little nervous but were still having fun. It added to the excitement of it all.

The wind was blowing so hard that it kept pushing us into the bank so I just starting rowing on one side of the canoe to keep it straight and rowed with all my might.

WHEW!!! We finally made it. The Bike Barn CM was standing out there watching and waiting for us. She looked a little nervous and said she was sure glad to see us! I was glad to see her too!!! :rolf2:

We made it back just in time. The sky had gotten very dark and the rain was starting to really come down. Lucky for us Kathy and Baily were there to pick us up on the GC. Well it wasn’t really luck we knew she was coming.



That was our exciting canoe excursion. I highly recommend doing this! You get a perspective of Fort Wilderness that you can’t get any other way. The scenery is beautiful and the slow it down and take it all in pace is very peaceful. Even with 2 third graders in a storm. :rofl2:

Believe it or not the rental was only 6.50 for a half an hour (which is just enough time with kids). I don’t mean it was 6.50 per person either. It was 6.50 per boat and the boat holds 3 people. Go ahead and do the math. That’s pretty darn cheap if you ask me! And an awesome experience to have with the kiddos! Or without the kids for that matter… your choice. wink.gif

In my opinion this is one of the biggest bang for your buck activities in all of WDW. I can’t say enough wonderful things about it. I will offer this advice though. If you’re going when it’s hot rent your canoe as early as possible so you don’t completely black out from the heat. That would not be good.

Remember how I said the rain was really coming down… and we made it back just in time?

Photographic evidence that I was not exaggerating. These were taken within minutes of getting back from the canoe trip.





Lil H getting’ cozy with his bear who is wearing his mission space plush NASA helmet that he waited a whole year for.


In spite of the rain we managed to throw together a little dinner. Nothing like good ole comfort food on a rainy day to make you feel all cozy inside.


The rain had pretty much settled in and so did we.

I love the Fort.

Even in the rain.

Coming soon: Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, more Fort Wilderness including my FW bike tour of a lifetime. Not necessarily in that order.


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Day 12 July 8

Hollywood Studios, Wilderness Lodge and a Special Celebration

Today is July 8. We’re leaving on July 12 and are starting to experience that “time is slipping through our fingers” feeling. On top of that my parents and bro were leaving on the 9th. At the time.. that was tomorrow.

In spite of all that…

Today is a very special day. It’s H and My 16th Wedding Anniversary. You would think we’d have really planned something spectacular don’t you? We rarely plan much of anything. Why should something like a 16th wedding anniversary be any different? :rofl2;

The plan was to get to HS as early as possible to sign Lil H up for the JedI Training Academy. From experience we knew that those slots go quickly …late comers are just out of luck. Believe me it is a pitiful sight watching the little kiddies hang their heads in disappointment, slowly turning to walk away. That wasn’t about to happen to my baby if I could help it.

I have to say that the sign up process is much better than last year. Last year you had to wait in line until show time. For us that was over a two hour wait. We complained among ourselves that it should be like a “fast pass system” where you could sign up and come back at the appointed time. Guess what! This year that is EXACTLY how they did it! Yay! That meant we could meet the KFP’s and KFBro at the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular for the first show. I know we did this early in the trip but honestly can you really do this too many times? We can’t. He’s lil H’s hero. Hero’s come and go but Indy seems to be there for the long haul.

Big H, Gabe and I sat in the back …Mom, dad and bro asked if they could try to get Lil H seated close to the front where Indy drops from the roof. Of course they could! And they scored the front row! How awesome is that!?



My parents always get the boys a souvenier and what better place for lil H to cash in than the Indiana Jones gift shop. He chose this Indiana Mickey. Last year he got a JedI Mickey. He says he’s starting a collection. Looks like he’s off to a great start.


I’m not sure what order we did what so I’ll just guess. I’m pretty sure I can come close.

The logical thing to do next would be to ride Star Tours.




After that we made our way over to the Great Movie Ride. I still love that one but I’m tired of the gangster hijack. I prefer the cowboy one. We haven’t been hijacked by a cowboy in a long time.



Pixar Place is always a crowd pleaser. Love it!


Guess where we’re going..




It was getting about time to get H back over to the jedI training academy to check in. There were thunderstorms in the forecast but we held out hope. It looked like it was going to hold off but you never know. We only had around 20 minutes until show time.

Everyone involved kept looking at the skies then their kid then their watches. (repeat process over and over). Worried expressions were on all the parents faces because the skies were getting dark (I know…this was a recurring theme for us). Finally they gathered all the kids together for a quick list of instructions, lined them up in single file line and marched them toward the stage. They were given their JedI robes and were positioned on stage. Whew! We made it!!! Yay!!!



The JedI master was in the middle of his routine when the unthinkable happened…..

The skies opened up and poured buckets!!! The show was cancelled. But the JedI Master did call them into the area where Darth Vader makes his entrance/exit and gave them their Padawan certificates.

We were huddled under and umbrella chatting with a CM when we heard someone calling for all the Academy kids to come back and follow them into Star Tours. They had something special in store to make them feel better for having their training cancelled.

It was an official meet and greet with Darth Vader and 2 storm troopers! This was an exclusive event just for the padawans and their families. Cool! Lil H has been to the Academy twice but never had a photo op with Vader.



After meeting members of the Dark Side of the Force we were trying to think of somewhere dry to go as it was still raining cats and dogs. (As lil H would say, “not literally…that’s an idiom”.) LOL!

Everyone was hungry so even though it’s not great food, the ABC Commisary was the clear winner. After all, it was dry, there were seats and there was food. And there were tables large enough to accommodate all of the KFK posse. It was still raining when we left the restaurant but Lil H, being severely pro-poncho, was ready to brave the outdoors.


Gabe had been doing really well with the 3D attractions so the next logical move was made toward Muppet Vision. This is one of those things I never remember that I like until I do it again. The kids loved it, squealed with laughter … etc… etc…


On our visit to HS this trip it was rainy as well and Phineas and Ferb were taking photos inside. We’d decided then to wait to get a photo outside with the cool set up. NOT! Since it was rainy they were back inside. Oh well, we decided to go ahead anyway.

This dancing foo... I mean CM, entertained the masses with his talent. He had the kids laughing and dancing along, even lil H. That’s what being a CM should be about. He was great!


Now the P & F set up is supposed to be outside. But they move inside when it rains. It rains a lot in FL. You would think since they have to do this fairly often they could at least have an alternate super cool backdrop for the meet and greet. That is my opinion. Still Lil h enjoyed it so it was ok.



When we left the meet and greet and got back outside we found that it had stopped raining.

And we had just enough time to make it to the last Lights Motors Action Stunt Show!!!

But we had to hurry!

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Whew! Made it just in time! And got great seats too!






Our boys love this show! Can you tell?





As we were leaving I couldn’t resist to take a pic of Walt’s plane. I can never get a good shot on the Backlot tour.


Now for a few random photos.

Here is something I don’t understand. They take the time to construct this perfectly lovely Splash Fountain. Then they put it in the most unattractive surroundings possible. I don’t get it.




We were all pretty much tired and wet by now. However, Mom and I had not ridden Tower of Terror or Rockin’ Roller Coaster. This is when something magical happened…

Dad and H told us to go on ahead and ride them both. They would keep the boys with them and catch up with us after we were done! Yay!!! Because of circumstances I hadn’t been able to ride any thrill rides this entire trip! We didn’t waste any time or ask them to repeat the offer. We were outta there!



After a long day in a WDW theme park with tired feet, tired kids and wet clothing, this is always a welcome sight! Wilderness Lodge and Fort Wilderness!



The kids like to ride in the back when we’re on the kind of bus that has the steps in back. Poor H couldn’t fit the stroller and sat alone..



After we got back to the Fort, dried off, rested up etc.. we decided that we would take mom and dad up on their offer to keep the kids at the WL with them while we grabbed a bite to eat and had a little kid free break.

Remember? This is our anniversary!

Here we are at the FW marina waiting on our resort launch.








Wilderness Lodge. Incidentally, this is where H and I honeymooned in 1995. We had a room facing the pool. KFDad booked it for us. That was embarrassing. :rofl2:


After we delivered the boys to their grandparents we decided to go very casual. Roaring Fork would be the place we shared our 16th anniversary dinner.

We both had some sort of bleu cheese roast beef sandwich with a cucumber salad which we both enjoyed a lot!


It was topped of with the carrot cupcake. Yes, I said cupcake. I’ll take my fiend points now.

I am not exaggerating when I say this cupcake may have been one of the best things ever! Seriously!

We have a saying in the south…”it was so good it’ll make your tongue slap your brains out!”

And it was so big we had to split it. I’ve never needed to split a cupcake before.


I don’t know if it was because we’d been wet all day and were now sitting in the a/c but I was freezing. To the point I couldn’t sit there any longer. We decided to go ahead and leave so we could thaw out and collect the boys. It was getting late and we really were tired. Before we left the WL I tried to take a pic of the fireplace but it isn’t that great. Here it is anyway.



That concludes our day at HS, WL and our Anniversary dinner at Roaring Fork. As I said before time is running out on this vacay but we still have MK and a full day at the fort including my bike tour!

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Day 13 July 9

Magic Kingdom

Today is the last day for my bro and parents and as is tradition on their last day we will be going to Magic Kingdom.

On our way to the boat dock H took a photo of the watercraft rental prices just in case anyone is interested.





Lil’ H is such a clown.



I don’t know about ya’ll but I never get tired of crossing Bay Lake and Seven Seas Lagoon in a WDW watercraft.

Nor do I get tired of monorail photos.


Remember earlier in the trip when I say that H wouldn’t stop taking backside photos?

I love Main Street…





As we were strolling down Main Street, CM’s came scurrying along shooing everyone onto the sidewalk.

We hadn’t taken the time to watch a parade this year. Mostly because the kids aren’t terribly interested.

But since we were herded onto the sidewalk…

and there were floats from the Street Party passing by…

we decided to hang around and watch.

Due to the kids not really caring a lot for parades this was just enough to hold their interest without them getting bored or whiny.





After the parade passed by it was that time again.

We were about to begin one more EWTOT.

For those who may have forgotten this is our Elephant Walk Tour of Tomorrowland.

This is a ritual that is practically written in stone. It cannot be avoided.

Here is another back of KFK shot. I’m the shadow at the bottom taking a pic of the castle.


KFM, Gabe and lil H in the BLSRS gift shop.


Next up on the tour….

The Peoplemover.

I don’t care how many times we go to WDW (I’ve been going since I was 4) this ride never gets old.

We loved it when we were kids because it was a freebie back in the old ticket book days so we did it a lot. And the line moved quickly, and you could sit down for a long time.

The old If You Had Wings attraction, which was located where BLSRP is now, was the same way… a freebie. Loved that one too!



I love this photo of Gabe holding his Nana’s hand. Too sweet!





Next on the tour was Carousel of Progress but I didn’t take any photos this time.

You’re welcome.

Well, maybe just one… wink.gif


After the EWTOT was complete, and since it was on the way out of Tomorrowland anyway,

And it’s KFBro’s fave..

It was time to race!


On our way to Adventure Land, Frontier Land, Liberty Square, etc…




I love the Swiss Family Robinson Tree House. Didn’t go up in it this time… Boooo!!!!


To be continued…

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Day 13 continued…

Does anyone besides us still laugh at the Jungle Cruise jokes?

I can’t help it. I still laugh. This ride is one of the boys fave’s too.

The backside of water.










There’s nothing like a jungle cruise to whet your appetite for adventure…



Lil H spying out the next adventure…


He wouldn’t have to look far.

Just across the way we spied the Pirate Tutorial.

And it was about to begin.

We headed on over and landed a great spot right in front. Yay!

Capt. Jack



Lil’ H wasn’t called up for the Tutorial but he was called up at the end to be sworn in as an official member of Capt. Jack’s crew and he received a cool certificate. There he is in the camo shorts coming down the steps. That boy got his fair share of pixie dust on this vacation. J


The Tortuga Tavern. We’ve never eaten here but it looks pretty good.


Speaking of food…

We’re all getting pretty hungry by this point and we were all in agreement.

Columbia House.



Sidenote: On FB Dave says there isn’t enough Pood Forn sooooo….

Here is a photo of my half eaten shrimp dinner. :rofl2:


KFDad’s order was wrong. He’d order the tuna Sammie but this wasn’t tuna..


KFM took it back. Come to find out it was hummus. They told her to just keep it and gave her the tuna Sammie as well.

Here’s a closer look at the hummus. It was ok but not something I would order.


With full bellies we were on our way again…

The Riverboat. I like looking at this more than riding it. At least with disinterested kids. Although, you do get to see some great scenery along the way.


Bro wanted to ride the Haunted Mansion…

Our kids did not.

We were tired anyway and decided this is where we would say our goodbyes to the fam and head back to the Fort.

A few exiting photos…





Aaaahhhhhhh!!! Home Sweet Home.


One quick look back over my shoulder before piling onto the golf cart..




And that brings us to the end of Day 13.

Coming soon: FW bike tour of a lifetime, One last hoorah at MK, Golf Cart Therapy, a special fiend and the dreaded departure.

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Day 14 July 10

Relaxing at Fort Wilderness… sort of.

There were 459 photos taken today. But don’t worry, I don’t plan to post them all.

I only plan to post 450. :rofl2:

Don’t panic. I’m just kidding.


We’ll just go ahead and get started and see what happens.

The way I figure it there’s no better way to start a Fort day than with bacon and eggs. They were delish even if I did break a yolk.


After stuffing our tummies with breakfast and being complete and utter slackers all morning…

We decided to drag ourselves onto the golf cart and go for a spin.

Now you know you are totally lazy when it takes all your energy to go for a golf cart ride.

There was nothing to block us from going behind 300 loop. So that’s exactly what we did.



Then we rode over past the dog park


On our way to the Meadows


Just as I was about to take a photo of the bridge….

This lovely lady rolled into the frame. I don’t know who she is but good for her for riding her bike around the Fort.

I feel inspired. But we’ll get to that later.



The walking/bike path that leads back to the outpost/bus stop.


Here’s a flamingo that knows how it should be done.


As we continued on our journey we decided to go to the 600 loop. This is where Bob, Kathy and the grandkids were… in 602.

But they left yesterday along with the KFParents. They didn't leave together, just on the same day.

When Lil’ H saw someone else in their site he said… “Now that is WORSE than a shame.” I agreed.


A ride through 600 is never complete without taking a photo and mocking the poor unfortunate souls in 617. Since I haven’t posted a photo of this site since early in the TR…

Here ya go.

At least this moho was relatively small so they were able to make the best of being stuck with the worst site in all of Fort Wilderness.






I was going to take a moment here to rant, complain, etc. but I think the picture says it all.

I have on my angry eyes.

We would never have gotten away with this.


In fact we would not have even gotten away with this...


Coming out of 1400 loop I couldn’t help but wonder.

The bus stop on the loop side has a nice shady shelter to sit and wait on your always prompt WDW Transport Bus. (on the right edge of photo)


But woe unto you if you’re going toward the Settlement and have just missed your always prompt WDW Transport Bus. When it’s hot this is not the place you wanna be.


Now a little scenery…


We canoed under here… remember?


We were on our way to take the boys swimming. They love swimming. Especially Gabe.



We were just in time for a dark cloud, distant thunder and the closing of the pool.


As you can see the campfire was already underway. We didn’t hang around so I don’t know if they cleared the people out of there or not.


Since the pool was closed but it hadn’t started raining yet AND we had two disappointed kiddos we had to do SOMETHING. How about the playground?

Cheers from the boys made it an easy decision..


Hmmm.. This is interesting. We weren’t allowed to canoe this way because of the debris in the canal.

Either these folks are breaking the rules and living life on the edge or they’ve cleared the debris.


To be continued…

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Day 14 July 10 Yep. There’s more.

When I left off on the last update we were still at the 300 loop playground due to the pool being closed because of thunder. From the look of the darkening skies we were only going to have a few more minutes before we’d need to head back to Quail Trail.



And there it is… the drizzling has begun. Back to 912 we go to hang out under the awning and enjoy the rain.




Can you feel the love? I love that our boys love each other so much.





The rain was starting to let up so we let the boys have a popsicle until the thunder was completely over before heading back to the pool to see if it was open yet.



H really has a thing for lurking in the woods and taking photos when we’re not lookin’. :rofl2:


After the popsicles were finished and the rain/thunder stopped we were on our way to the pool. Since this was our last full fort only day we wanted to make sure they got to swim one more time.

On our way we saw these fine fellas.

Good to know FW Security is on the job! I feel soooo much safer knowing they‘re there. :rofl2:


Actually, I think they should bring this guy back. He seems more like someone who should be keeping the law and order at the Fort.


With double FW bicycle security keeping the streets safe we made it to the pool without incident.

And as luck would have it (remember that lucky sighting of the one of a kind bus?) the pool had just reopened. We were back in business.





Lil H waiting on the green light. I wish I had a dollar for every time they’ve gone down this slide.



It pays to swim on a rainy day.

There are no crowds to deal with.

I guess they don’t want to get wet.


While I was still at the top of the slide waiting on the boys to come back up I noticed something.

Something I have never seen before.

It’s really a great idea.

If you like the pin trading program you’re gonna love this.

It’s the ponytail holder exchange system.

If you don’t like the color of yours you can trade right here at this trading station located at the top of the Meadows Swimmin’ Pool slide.

I was satisfied with the one I had so I opted out of trying one of theirs.


After a gazillion runs on the flume slide the kiddos wanted to go splash around in the kiddie area.

ZOOM! Look at him fly!


Lil’ H liked to “trick” me by filling up the container with water then calling me over and having me stand in a certain place.

I never saw it coming. :rofl2:


After spending a chunk our afternoon at the pool we were getting hungry and decided to go back and have a little lunch.

Before leaving I took a few photos of the canal and bridge from the kiddie swimming’ area.

I don’t know about anyone else but I used to be really relaxed at the pool.

Not so much anymore.

I’m not sure if it’s having young kids or being terrified of inadvertently ending up in someone’s TR in a swimsuit!!!! :rofl2:

Anyhoo… here’s the photos.




In the next intallment…

My FW Bicycle Tour of a Lifetime.

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Day 14 July 10 just keeps on going…

KFK’s Bicycle Tour of a Lifetime (at least my lifetime)

We have already started our day with bacon and eggs, rode around the Fort in the golf cart, taken the boys to the playground, hung out under the awning during the rain,, gone swimming at the Meadow’s swimming’ pool and had lunch. I don’t remember what we had but I know we had something. Probably a sandwich or something of the sort.

Since the boys were tired and ready to wallow around on the couch in the a/c and H seemed to be thinking along those same lines….

I asked if he minded if I went for a “little bike ride”. :rofl2: Let me backtrack a minute here and share why that is funny.

Several years ago I convinced H to go for a “little bike ride” on the beach. I told him that it would be great. This was in the middle of the day. Heat doesn’t bother me and sometimes I forget that not everyone shares my tolerance of the blazing sun. Anyway … we were at Hunting Island SC, and I took poor H to the opposite end of the island. Not even considering that we also had to go all the way back.

Luckily I knew the island pretty well, and after a little stop at the Lighthouse store for a couple of sodas and ice cream to cool off with, we cut through to a shady road on our way back. It took 3 times longer to get back to the campground but we were in the shade!

This “little bike ride” is now affectionately known as “THE BIKE RIDE OF DEATH!!!”.

Soooo.. When I asked if he’d be ok with the kids while I went for a little bike ride … well now you know why he lowered his head looking at me over the top of his specs and said “Hmmm… little bike ride huh?” :rofl2:

Long story short, or at least not as long as it could be, he gave his blessing and sent me on my way.

Let the bike tour begin…

As I leave Quail Trail I take a left onto the bike path toward 600 loop.




As well all know you can’t even go near 600 loop without making fun of the guests in 617. It’s all part of the experience. I know I’ve already posted a photo or two of these guests but here’s another one.


At first I considered not going into 600 but changed my mind. I figured I’d at least go over to the bridge going to the campfire area for a couple of photos.


Then I thought…

While I’m here why not go out on the bridge and take a couple of photos of the fishin' hole.




Since I was already this close it would be a shame not to go all the way and check out the campfire area. Afterall, I was on my own. Solo mio.

I really should have taken more photos here.




After leaving the 600 loop. I decided to head over to someplace very special…

I know. The entire Fort is special.

But this particular destination has always had a special place in my heart. Now that I have kids, especially boys, it is even more so now.

I started to pedal a little harder because I can’t get there fast enough. The thought of being able to walk around and explore with no distractions was more than I could take.


Amost there…


I made it!!

And it looks like someone was expecting me!

How awesome!


Yes! The Tri-Cirlce D Farm! I have so many wonderful memories of this place, not only from my childhood but of sharing it with our boys as well.

How excited they were to ride ponies for the first time!! They even got to experience feeding the goats. I believe there were still some other animals when Lil H was smaller too.

The farm is only a shadow of what is used to be but it still stirs up wonderful feelings and memories. :heart:







Here is where the kiddos stand to get up on the ponies. We’ve done this just a few times.

Lil’ H’s first pony ride was with Cricket. We took a photo of Cricket last year but this year I didn’t see her. Gabe was too small to ride that time but he got to do it the next year and the next and the next.

Our boys are now too big to do this again. Boo! Where does the time go?



Why haven’t I noticed the picnic tables before?

Maybe it’s because the thought of picnicking where there is a strong scent of horse poop isn’t that appetizing?

Still, it’s a nice view.




The other side of the pony ride building.





I believe I’ve come very close to my photo limit so I’ll pause here…

But I’ll be back. My bike tour is just beginning.

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Day 14 July 10 continues on…

More photos of the farm.

I’ll start this update by saying that I miss the days when this was an actual farm. As much as I still love the TCD Farm it’s a little sad to see the emptiness of it all.

Who remembers when Minnie Moo was at the TCD farm?

I do. In fact I have a photo of her somewhere.

There used to be goats. Lots of goats. AND the kids could feed and pet them.

There used to be pigs. Lil’ H got to see them on his earlier FW visits.

There used to be chickens.

There used to be a Blacksmith too. I remember seeing a fire in the fireplace and him working diligently on the task at hand. I remember hearing the sounds of hammering as he worked.

Here are a few photos of his shop.


It seems like I remember someone saying that the Blacksmith gave them a horseshoe from this shop.

What a great keepsake that would be!!



Hey look! You can see the Settlement bus stop in the background! There was a time you could hear the ringing of the blacksmiths hammer while you waited on your bus. Good times.


This seems like an odd place for a picnic table. Especially since there’s not much to see here now.


Just another vantage point from the Blacksmith’s shop.


Ok, enough nostalgia for just a minute. I’m ready to see something that is still working around here.

The Tri-Circle D Ranch.

I still love it here.

They still have horses AND they are actual working horses. There are actual people there tending the horses.


Here’s one of the horses and part of the pasture.


If you ever get a chance to visit the TCD Farm/Ranch make sure to go inside the stable area. There’s a lot of cool stuff in there.

In fact, don’t wait on a chance to visit. Make it happen. You won’t be sorry.

The stables have this wonderful display of memorabilia and information on WDW horses.



This was always especially cool to me. Notice the old style Mickey Mouse ears.

I always loved the globe with Mouse ears. Reminds me of my childhood. I always thought it was clever. wink.gif


They also have this wonderful photo display of the many roles of horses at WDW.



Models of the types of horses used by WDW.


A model of the calliope that used to parade down Main Street in Magic Kingdom.


More horse memorabilia..


I believe the photo in the lower right of the next photo is of the WDW horses pulling the calliope down Main St. I wish they still did stuff like that.

On the subject of Main Street… Who remembers when there was a night time castle show WITH A LIVE BAND, followed by the fireworks and then the Main Street Electrical parade? A lot of things WDW does now seems “canned” to me. IMHO.



I know photos of the calliope have been posted before but…

since I am documenting the horse memorabilia this absolutely had to be included.

For such a wonderful piece of WDW history, this calliope deserves a little more respect than it’s being given here.

It is quite impressive and should have a display worthy of it.


I love that a horse walked past as I was taking photos. J


Yes, I pushed the button.

I know another fiend who would push it too.

You know who you are! :rofl2:


As I was admiring the inside of the stable I saw this lady. She has pizza. (Pood Forn at a distance for Dave). :D


A quick look down the other end of the stables.


Here’s a name card for Ned. I spared him a flash in the eyes with my camera. You’re welcome Ned.


Now that I had sufficiently immersed myself in horse information, memorabilia, nostalgia and actual horses...

I decided to check out the outside of the stables.






I know I’m posting a lot of photos but due to projected plans this may all be gone one day soon. This place is absolutely wonderful and I would like to remember every part of it.

Be back soon with more of the TCD Farm and the next stop on my bicycle tour.

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Day 14 July 10. Yes, there’s more….

After a thorough look at the TCD Ranch and the Blacksmith Shop, I felt like wandering around a bit and just absorbing the atmosphere. You know, take it all in.


Hmmm…. Purina must be a sponsor.



If you look closely you can see Bay Lake in the distance. Ahhh… what a tranquil getaway this is turning out to be!


If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times…

If WDW doesn’t want it photographed and posted online for all the world to see…

They’d better learn to hide it.


I’m sure that the vantage point of this photo will be a dead giveaway to some of you as to which way I’m headed now.



A quick look back over my shoulder …



Nearly there…


I know some of you guessed my next destination already.

For those of you are still aren’t sure….



Yep. That’s right. River Country.

This is my all time, hands down favorite place in all of Fort Wilderness.

Or should I say… it used to be back in the day.

My memories of River Country are among the most vivid of all memories I have of many, many, many years of WDW visits.

Here’s a shot of the dreaded green fence of shame.




The shower/restroom facilities.


Is that an orb? I don't even believe in orbs! Maybe there are disquieted ghosts in these here parts!

It would serve WDW right for closing this wonderful place! Hmmfff!




Here’s my favorite spot within my favorite spot in all of Fort Wilderness.

The dueling rock slides.

Our family spent hours going down these slides.

I’m not exaggerating at all.

I would race dad, dad would race bro, bro and I would race. Repeat over and over and over. Even KFM joined in.


In fact, here’s a photo of KFDad right here. 1989


There’s bro in the lower right corner of the photo.


Memories like that are why this bike tour was so special to me.

But sadly all this “remembering when” has made me feel a little melancholy at this point AND my throat felt lumpy and my eyes were starting to burn. So I did the only logical thing I could do…

I shook it off, put a smile back on my face and thought happy thoughts of how much fun I had here over the years.

It would not do any good to wish my kids could experience it. It's never going to happen. BUT.. they will have their own memories of WDW that will be just as special to them as RC is to me. Now that I’m feeling better, I take one more look at the RC slides before moving on.


I don’t know what this is but I’m sure someone does. In fact I’m sure it’s been photographed, posted and discussed at length at one point or another. :rofl2:


Since I’m already back here AND totally alone I figured there would be no harm in peeping behind the restroom/towel building.



With my memories relived and my emotions put back into perspective I was on my way…


I’ve never checked out the inside of the pavillion before and this seemed like a great time to correct that oversight.



I’ve heard good things about Mickey’s Backyard Barbecue but we’ve never tried it. It sounds like fun but I’m not sure we want to spend that kind of money to eat outside at a picnic table.

All comments are welcome on this subject.

On my way out of the RC area, for some weird reason, I took a photo of this door on the back of the ticket booth.



That concludes my tour of the Pavillion and River Country area.

But my bicycle tour of a lifetime isn’t over yet.

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Day 14 July 10... Keeps going and going and going.

I believe we left off with a tour of the River Country/Pavilion area.

As I pedaled away from my all time favorite place within my favorite place…. I noticed a little path.

I’ve seen this path before but have never taken it.

Until now.

I knew where it led but decided to walk down it anyway.

Here’s a view of Bay Lake on my way to the path.


Here is the path…


Here is where the path comes out..


Well… what did you expect? A path near River Country that goes in the direction of Bay Lake can only end up in one place.

Bay Lake.

I know it wasn’t much of an adventure for ya’ll but I’d never walked down the path before …

And, more importantly, H had the kids. It was a great adventure for me. :rofl2:

It was kind of a cool perspective of Clementine’s beach though. Here are a few photos.




Of course I couldn’t let the opportunity go by without checking out the boat dock on the far side of the beach…


No fishing and cast members only. Booo!!

Since I wasn’t a cast member and wasn’t allowed to fish, I decided to pull an H and take photos from the bushes.




With my curiosity of the mysterious path satisfied it was time to move on. I was still alone, childless and ready to roll. Back up the path I go.



A few more looks around TCD farm/stable before looking for another spot never spotted by me.




Just keep pedaling.. Just keep pedaling..


Ahh yes. Here it is! Of all the years we have visited FW, believe it or not, I’ve never ridden on the path from FW to WL.


I didn’t ride the entire path due to time but it is a nice peaceful riding path. I think I’ll take the time to do that next visit.


After going just a little piece up the path I went ahead and turned around. It was a nice path. I got the picture.

I also got this picture.


This might be a good idea for us. That way our entire family could ride.

I’m nearly back to the Settlement bus stop.


Now I was wondering.. “Hmmm… where should I go now?”

Then it hit me! “Duh! Go to the place you’ve never really gone to before but have been wanting to go!”

With my destination settled in my mind, off I go!

Can you figure it out?


That was a big clue for anyone who’s been there.

Here’s a dead give away.


I’ve been this far before… remember earlier in the golf cart? And I think H and I may have come this far on a bike many many moons ago. And lil H, Ty and I were here in the canoe.


This time I’m not stopping at the bridge. I’m going all the way!



Now I’m feeling a little euphoric! LOL!



Oh look! A little bunny. I tried to make friends with my best Disney Princess impersonation but he wasn’t interested.


Oops! Close to the photo limit.

Coming up: The conclusion of my bike tour.

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Day 10 The Rest of the Bike Tour

Since the bunny wasn’t in the mood to make friends…

I went over for a good look at the famous cabin.




Now it is all starting to sink in.

The reason people like this spot so much.

It is the most peaceful place in all of Fort Wilderness.

And the view is fantastic!!!


A couple of zoomed in shots..





I don’t know why, but when I took this shot I felt like I was going to get in trouble. Like I was somewhere I wasn’t supposed to be. Weird. J


Was this once a volleyball net? I remember the beach used to be a really happening place at one time. There were lounge chairs from one end to the other! Good times.


As you can see I am nearing the marina..





Back to civilization. wink.gif


I may have mentioned it before..

But I loathe the new Settlement Trading Post sign. Again.. Fort Wilderness management, Booo!!!


But I am pro Clover King wagon.



The V.I.P. cabins. KFDad scored one of those a few years ago. Go KFD!



I love this GC path. Always have. I wish they still had the piped in music. Again.. Boo!


Due to time and a mental image of H with a crazed look on his face and the camper in ruins around his feet, I decided to head back to Quail Trail. :rofl2:


On the way I snapped this photo of the new 5er in the 700 loop. We all know who this is…



I love bike riding at the Fort.





Back on Quail Trail. You can just make out our site. There’s a FF sign beside our truck.


As I got closer to our site I noticed that there was no screaming, yelling, loud thuds, etc. and the camper was still standing. Go H!! Whew! :rofl2:

And that concludes KFK’s bike tour of a lifetime. This is something I fully intend to make time to do on every visit from now on.

Next time I’ll make sure to venture to other places I’ve never been before.

Before I conclude this update I want to recommend that if you are able, get on those bicycles and pedal all over the Fort. As much as I love having a cart when we’re there, you really do miss a lot of the details that make Fort Wilderness so great.

It is a fantastic feeling riding with the curves of the bike paths and hitting the little bumps in the road…

Or being able to stop and take a moment to fully absorb something that catches your attention.

You tend to slow down a little more and take it all in. I know I enjoyed it a ton!

It’s good exercise too.

I love the Fort.

I can’t remember what is coming up in the next installment but it’ll be something. I just don’t know what. :rofl2:

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The conclusion of Day 10 and the beginning of our last day before departure day.

After I got back from the bike tour of the fort the fellas were ready to get out and about so we were off for a golf cart ride.

As is our tradition we rode around taking photos of site posts so we can remember which ones we like best. (We never remember to bring a pen and paper so photos work for us). wink.gif I’ll spare ya’ll and not post those. You’re welcome.

I will share this one. We liked the view.

Since all of the surrounding photos were of posts in the 1300 loop, I’m just gonna take a shot in the dark and say this site is in the 1300 loop.


This is the only photo from our golf cart ride. Shocking isn’t it? LOL! Anyhoo… we headed back to the camper and rustled up a little dinner. We had grilled chicken, wild rice and veggies. It tasted better than it looked so sorry Dave, no pood forn.

After a while we thought it would be a great idea to take the boys to the campfire for some smores and a movie. Because of the weather we weren’t sure if they would be having it but sure enough..

When we got there it was a go! We’d already missed the munks but the boys didn’t seem to care one way or the other. This was still a great way to end our last Fort Wilderness only day.

The fellas roastin’ those marshmallows…




While the boys were distracted with smores I walked over to take a photo or two of the chuck wagon.



The projection building. Or whatever it’s called.


Gabe’s little hand waiting on a smore.


After we finished the smores and got all the sticky fingers and faces cleaned off… the movie started.

Hercules. Not my fave but lil H likes it pretty good so it worked out fine. Gabe would have preferred Toy Story 1, 2, 3 or Cars so he was getting a little fidgety. H was considering just taking him back to the site when it started to drizzle rain.

Hmm… we were hoping lil H wouldn’t be too disappointed but he said it didn’t matter he was about ready to go anyway. :fairydust: That was tooooo easy!!! We hopped on the cart and made our way back to Quail Trail for a good nights sleep.

Tomorrow is our very last day for a park. Our last park day must ALWAYS be Magic Kingdom. It’s a cardinal rule. My daddy raised me right. wink.gif

Day 15 July 11

Magic Kingdom

Well, we are in the home stretch now! This is our last day in MK. We will be leaving for home in the morning.

Just a few general shots.






Going over the water bridge! Still one of my fave’s! :yay:


Our last arrival at MK 2011.


It was slightly crowded in Fantasyland. :D


First on the agenda…

Peter Pan.

Gabe kept saying “Tinkbell! Tinkbell!” How could we refuse?


Next we rode It’s A Small World. No great photos of that this time.

After that we thought we would eat at Pinocchio’s Haus. We haven’t been there in a very long time and I remembered someone giving it a thumbs up recently. Unfortunately, there was a meltdown involved once we got inside , and I’m not saying who, :rofl2: so that didn’t quite work out for us. Maybe next time.

Look at the clouds forming…

Par for the course this trip.


At this point we’re starving but Gabe is once again yelling “Tinkbell! Tinkbell!”

What other choice did we have?

Back to Peter Pan.


Somehow, the photos of Peter Pan don’t seem the same as being there. LOL!


With Gabe’s “Tinkbell” need taken care of we decided to head over to the Tomorrowland Terrace for a bite to eat. This proved to be a good decision.

We used to eat there when I was a kid. In fact, the famous French fry basket circa 1970’s came from the Tomorrowland Terrace. We always got a bite to eat and watched the fireworks from there. We didn’t even have to pay a fortune for mediocre deserts to do it either! Good times.

View from our table.



We ordered the fried chicken sandwiches and were pleasantly surprised at how good they were. This was probably the second best quick service we got the entire trip! First place still goes to the Columbia House but this was a very close second!


A couple of more scenic views..



With tummies no longer rumbly it was time to spin like spacerangers.

Is it just me or do I detect a Rhino face? Anyone who followed Leslie’s TR knows what I’m talking about. wink.gif


Yes, this marks the beginning of our Final Elephant Walt Tour of Tomorrowland for 2011.

Now we’re on to the Peoplemover. Here are a few views from there.


No more photos from the EWTOT.

Winnie the Pooh seemed to have the winning vote for our next stop. However, I've hit the photo max so I'll continue in a moment.

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Day 11 continues…

I left off on the last installment saying that Winnie the Pooh was our next attraction but I’d maxed out the photo limit. Here’s the pics.




Lil’ H had been wanting to see the sword in the stone for the entire trip. Since this was the last day we figured we’d better go ahead and let him have at it!


He’s giving it all he’s got in this one! LOL!


And with that..

We made the decision to leave for a while and try to come back later.


When we got onto Main Street, poor lil’ H was tired and said he “couldn’t walk another step”. A little dramatic I know, but I figured he could use a little babying so I carried him. The castle show was going on as we were leaving so he watched what he could with his little head on my shoulder as we walked toward the exit. As the show got near the end I stopped and turned around so he could watch the finale.

Sorry, these 2 photos were taken with my phone so they’re not the best… but they’re not too bad.





The two girls in this photo look like they’re having a blast don’t they? :rofl2:


Gabe, however, does look very happy to be back in the camper.


After a little rest poor Gabe was getting stir crazy and on the verge of an all out meltdown so I thought maybe a little golf cart therapy would help settle him down.

As we were coming down the steps of the camper I saw someone in a cart near our fort fiend sign. I walked down and introduced myself. The man turned out to be our very own Ken! Judy was back at their site cooking dinner so unfortunately I didn’t get to meet her in person. I was hoping to catch up with her later but it never happened. I did however get to meet 3 of their kids. What a wonderful family they are! I can’t say enough about how they inspire me with all they do for special needs children. After a very nice visit, Gabe was starting to get irate, so we said our goodbye’s and nice to meet ya’s, hopped on our Kenny cart and we were on our way..

It was kinda nice going for a ride with just the two of us. :D

We had, through the course of our trip, ridden all over the Fort so I thought we’d ride over to Creekside Meadow for a look around.

I didn’t bring the camera so the next photos were taken with my phone.

One thing that cracked me up was the bus stop. I don’t know why it mattered to me or even why I noticed but it just says “Bus Stop”. All of the other ones have the loop numbers , the one by the TCD Farm even has a name. But this one at the tent camping area is just simply “Bus Stop”. :D


We rode through here earlier in our trip and it was filled with tent campers, but it is a ghost town now!



The creek that puts the creek in Creekside.


More dark clouds gathering…


The Bus Stop.


Holy Bat pole!


Since parking and standing aren’t allowed here…

We kept moving.


Now we are at the outer reaches of guest access at the Fort. I would have entered the gate but it clearly says not too.

There is even a basketball net at the outer reaches of FW.


Being the rule follower that I am ::) and due to the darkening clouds, I turned around and headed back to the camper. Good decision. It felt like it was starting to drizzle rain. Imagine that! wink.gif

Thankfully it didn’t really start to rain until we got back back.


Looks like the neighbors had pizza!

And a lot of it too!!!


Home Sweet Home!


Our intention was to go back to MK since it was our last night but that just didn’t seem like the thing to do. The kids were tired and it looked like it was gonna rain hard.

I know that was kind of anti-climatic. It would have been great to end our trip with Wishes or the MSEP but sometimes that’s just how it goes. Our last night was spent in the camper watching TV and playing with the kids. I can live with that.

Coming up: The Departure Day Blues

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July 12

It has finally happened.

That day we all know is coming.

We try not to think about it but it’s inevitable.

Departure Day.

I am anti-gift on the windshield on departure day. In fact, I put it right up there with “gifts” from a pet cat.


It might have been a gloomy, rainy day but the cute factor in the truck on the way home was just too much!!! The boys know how to peg out the Cute-O-Meter. :D








I know this is hard to believe, but it rained on our way home.


This Flying J used to have a pretty good buffet. It has been a tradition to stop here and eat on our way home.

Last year Denny’s replaced the buffet and we swore we’d never eat there again it was so bad.

We forgot about our solemn vow and stopped here again.

We will not make that mistake again. Ugh!!!!

We have eaten at some very good Denny’s. We have also eaten at some bad ones.

It probably isn’t necessary to tell you which column this one falls in.


We started out with a nice sunset early on in this report so I thought it would be fitting to end with one as well.


The End.

Trip Report over.



The fat lady has sung.

Thanks to everyone who joined in, made comments, followed along or just plain lurked.

We had a wonderful trip and since this is technically a July 4 trip report I am going to REALLY end it now with this:

I love the Fort and…

God Bless America.


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