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I can't believe our trip is winding down! We have two more days here in the 900 loop before we have to head for home. We're in 907, if you want to stop and say hi! I've seen a few Fiend signs around but haven't met anybody yet except for Judy! How awesome is she?!?! She loaned us "Fiesty" for an evening so we could go looping and see all the lights! Dd was in heaven, and Judy is now her favorite person :)

We've had such a great trip. We saw the Magic Kingdom opening two mornings, the kiss goodnight there one night, the Osborne lights for the first time, and ate a bunch of Lou Mongello's best under $5 treats :)

We also saw someone take out the fence in the 900 loop as they were trying to back into their site yesterday evening. Still can't figure out quite how that happened, but somehow the fence ended up in the road, stuck between their back tires (big Class A.) It's now in a pile on the side of the road. Bummer of a way to start their vacation, for sure! The road in and out was blocked for some time, but within a few hours all was restored to normal (except for the pile of fence in front of the CS!) Disney magic, right?!

I don't want to go home to cold Michigan! Gotta go soak up some more FL sun while I can!

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