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Dumbo.... Does anyone agree(if you have kids)

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I have to say during our visit to MK over thanksgiving week we love the new fantasy land. I do agree with a lot of fiends that the little mermaid ride could have been a bit better with trying to hide more of the props (lights, etc). I was expecting a huge wow factory being a new attraction but my kids loved it is what matters most. However I was very disappointed with the new Dumbo que. I didn't appreciate my 4 yo being trampeled on by 12 and 13 year olds and then having try and coax him out when our buzzer went off. Bad planning on disneys part in my opinion

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Dd is 6 and it was perfect for her. We loved it. But we were there very late and there were not that many kids there. So I guess I'd have to see it at a busy time to get a vote.

I thought this thread was going to be about the the movie dumbo and the fact that it is way too unbearably sad when the mama and baby get separated. Now THAT I'm not okay with.

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The worst part was that one child had an accident on the top of the play area and before two young CM could clean it up or as they did put two orange cones up there, my son was pushed down and landed in the wet area. That started my downfall of the dumbo que

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My grandson (2) loved the new Dumbo queue, but I'll admit we would have had a much different opinion if we had experienced what Starbuc did. The second time we took him in there, we had trouble getting him to leave when the buzzer went off, so we traded it in for a new buzzer and by the time it went off, he was ready to ride!

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......and the worst was we could not find any shops near toon town, oops circus circus, that sold shorts or sweat pants. I had to wash his shorts in the nice new restrooms at the train station and try to dry them. Even if we didn't have the pee incident. I still think the que is crazy. I know it keeps long lines down. But as a parent it's a nightmare. Unless you are like a lot of unresponsible parents and just don't care....lol

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. But as a parent it's a nightmare. Unless you are like a lot of unresponsible parents and just don't care....lol

My daughter just crawled through the whole thing with my grandson. She had just as much fun as he did! I definitely wouldn't call that irresponsible. Of course an older child probably wouldn't have been too keen on his mother following him around! We might have a completely different opinion of the queue in a few more years!

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I guess it's hit and miss. My older son (7 but with ASD so likes a lot of things that are really for younger kids) loved it. We had a Fastpass so didn't need to go in but he wanted to anyway. For some reason the attendant didn't let him in at that time - maybe I didn't understand her correctly and she was just saying that he didn't need to wait there but it seemed to me like she wasn't letting him go in so we went on the Dumbo ride and then just went back through the regular queue to go to the waiting area playpark. My son played for a long time before I got him to leave and then we just went through the exit and didn't even want to go on the ride.

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For any of you who think the Dumbo play area is bad, have you been to the Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground in Hollywood Studios?


You don't know how good you have it at Dumbo.


Luckily the last time we were at HS our son was not born yet and our daughter was too young to be an explorer and venture into that belly of the beast. I will say however it was hilarious to see my buddy from high school who was with us get spit on from the top of that thing a few times then seeing him ( a 30 something 6 ft adult ) dart up that playground faster than you could say OMG...lol

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We have never been through Dumbo when it was crowded enough to use the queue. They have given us the option of using it, and we move through quickly enough to not give our girls a chance to want to do it.

I think it's a good idea, but I too don't like the idea of my girls being trampled by a bunch of older kids who don't really belong there or don't know how to watch out for younger kids. Personally, if I see a situation where my 2 and 4 year old girls are going to be pushed around, we move on. Once they're old enough to hold their own I would be fine with it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I sit on the fence on this one.

I love the Boneyard and I hate Honey I Shrunk the Kids. The kids love both.

Now Dumbo, I am still not sure about.

We have played in it alot, but we have always been the only ones there or nearly the only ones there.

I don't like how they split it by ages. It doesn't allow my 9 yr old litle mama to be with my toddler and 5yr old. She does a nice job of sticking close to them on playgrounds to keep them from hurting themselves or being hurt by others.

The kids would rather play in the Winnie the Pooh queue than this one.

So I guess I agree with the ones who think it matters how busy it is.

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