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Everything posted by stefa70

  1. You're not sure if the glass maker blows? :rofl2: Anna is a beautiful princess. Good stuff Dave. Carry on please.
  2. For the record, I am pro-CKCK! No apologies necessary though as I've been gone and still trying to catch up on reports. Belle is adorable! Mason doesn't last long in the dog park either (he's only 5) I think it's due to sensory overload. He sniffs, he lifts his leg a time or two and sniffs some more. When he's foaming at the mouth, it's time to go. I second the carrot cake cookie! Good stuff.
  3. Arghhh, Happy Birthday Adam! :walk-plank-smiley: Cute Scuba guy too!
  4. That's it? 32 pages? Geez, I expected more from you. :raspberry: Let the Ohana debate continue....I'm with CK, just bring me the food. Another great job!
  5. My pleasure!! It wouldn't be half as much fun without the great comments from all of you. :rofl2: Good stuff, Ray! Yes, Boo and I are almost twins! Hope to meet up with you too...but I don't speak German, so don't be talking crap. Thanks TJ! Thanks Heidi! You need to check in more, I worry about you when you're gone too long. That's cool that your Mom and son were there at the same time. I wish I'd have known, I would have stood at the HDD and met them before the show. Would be the next best thing to meeting you. It was extremely warm for the second week in January!! I loved it because I
  6. Happy to bring you along Gwen! Between all the fiends, we'll keep you "in the Fort" until your return. Thanks! You're welcome along anytime! Awesome! Glad you enjoy the recipe. So easy and what my boys call "stick to your ribs" food. Thanks Rita. I wish you could have been there too. It was great to see Mama, she is such a little pistol! I want to grow up to be just like her. Always enjoy chatting with Ed too. So proud of him for signing up for the coast to coast run. He was hemming and hawing about going and I said DO IT! Life's too short to have regrets. Mama responded with "You'd think
  7. Thanks Aaron, I hope so too! Some of his troop mates have been moved to Alaska. ICK! I agree Kelly. I'd bet some of those folks will be changing their family vacations, to avoid marathon weekend, in the future ;D That's a pretty small table Annie! Glad you enjoyed the trip. Thanks Kim, I've given Jordan more hugs than he can possibly stand. He appreciates all the support more than you guys know. Avoiding GI is getting harder and harder. Don't be too sad, I have a small race report coming up, hopefully starting tomorrow. I know you're not a speed fan but it's a TR all the same. Tha
  8. I'm back and caught up Jason! Cinnamon roll... :drool1: I love how much Sil would call while you were there and that you shot videos for her. So sweet. :heart: Waiting for more, please!
  9. When I got a pretzel at Epcot last week, the guy in front of me ordered two of them. $20 later, he walked away with 2 glorified ICEES.
  10. Holy flashback Dave! It's been so long since I've had sponge candy that at times I've thought about having it as a kid but not knowing what the heck it was called, or if I had even dreamed it up in my pea sized head. I'm calling my father and having some Fed-exed, ASAP! I wish I had known you were in the Villages. I'm about 40 minutes from there. We love to have dinner there and walk the shops. Maybe I'll just go and meet your parents first. Wegman's is not just a grocery store, it's an attraction! Love it!!
  11. The devil on my shoulder wants to lie and say I have not seen Pete's Dragon since '77, just to force you to watch it again. I can't do it though....I have seen it quite a few times since then. You were complaining about the effects so I was saying that it was impressive at that time, when I was 7. Give Pete another chance.
  12. Great update Jason!! I'm all finished up, so the ball's in your court. I'm so proud you did the 5K! Great picture of the ball and flag. NOW I know why you didn't ride TT with us. :rofl2: You could have screamed like a girl, I do! Wait....I am a girl (I just don't act like one most of the time) I'll be gone this weekend, but hope to see a lot of updates when I return!
  13. Oooh!! Please tell me "dirty Santa swap" is as sinful and fun as it sounds?!?! :jumpforjoy
  14. This is it folks! Time to wrap this up. After a quiet, relaxing evening and a good nights sleep, it was time to pack up and head home. The sun was just creeping up over the 500 loop, so I walked out to the road to snap a pic. The clean-up process begins. Mason started out in the dirt. Then hid under the table like he didn't want to leave either. The screen room came down. The blower came out. I made a trip to the comfort station Loaded up the cart. We pulled out around 9:30. My site looks so lonely now. I'm sure someone came along and filled it shortly. Bye-Bye Fort! With one bathr
  15. I may have called Nate's knife a pocket knife (everything smaller than a machete is a pocket knife in my house) It was more of a hunter's knife that clips to your pocket. We weren't sure they'd let him in with that being visible. Glad you watched Pete's Dragon. It was pretty impressive to a seven year old! I don't differentiate between FS and GO, I just call it Golden Icks. Anything built that close to the Fort, sucks.
  16. We lived that same day a week or so later! Love AK and Lion King show. So happy that it recharged you!
  17. Soon, we were back home. These were at a site near us. Cute. We took Mason for a short walk, then Trevor and I walked over to TCD Point for the fireworks. We brought a flashlight but OH EM GEE, it is dark back there! Trevor was spotting for gators in the lake, I was spotting for Mike Myers or Jasoon Vorhees in the woods. (Not joking) We survived the fireworks (and creatures) and walked back to our site, showered and watched a little tv before drifting off. It was a great ending to an amazing trip. Coming Up: That dreaded day...vacation is over.
  18. We're finally nearing the end. It's still Sunday afternoon and Trevor and I just wanted to chill for a while. We would be packing up in the morning and heading back to reality. We decided to go down to the beach and watch the sunset. Unfortunately, as you can see by this picture of the Settlement, the sky was really overcast. We weren't deterred though. It was a busy week and just sitting in a lounge chair sounded peachy. Ahhhhh See that seagull along the waters edge in that last pic? I stalked him with my zoom. Once we realized our sunset was going to be nonexistent, Trevor started ta
  19. Peaceful is never a word I would use to describe my trips, but if it's giving you some peace, I'm happy! Oh they were still there, for hours! I'm not sure of a better solution but for paying guests to wait 1/2 hour to cross a street, to get to a ride where chances are they'll wait another hour, made for some ticked off people! No, I had her by at least an inch! :raspberry2: Next trip, you and I will ride the GMR! I too remember the Sunday night movies and love the montage at the end. This trip I glanced over at Jordan & Nate and wondered if they even knew where half of the scenes came
  20. I have nothing against Snuggies...when they're worn at home. I still would trade them for a flying car. Thanks for pointing out those lockers. (and devores explaining) I've never noticed them before. Nathen always has a pocket knife on him. Once, he forgot to take it out before we headed into DHS. He stuck it under a bush in the planters and grabbed it on the way out. That works too! ;D
  21. OJ running through airports........... :lmao1: Nice dancing! Was it the music or the margarita that got you moving?
  22. Stella is one brave young lady (and probably taller than me :- ) STELLA!!! :rofl2:
  23. Nice update! Girls are ADORABLE! Must get that from their Mom. Push talker was very unstealthy...maybe he should take pointers from Felix! Atta boy Felix! Make the girls feel needed, works every time. Good job taking choice "C" I know how it is to want to hurt someone for being an a$$, but in the end it's not worth it. People like that are generally just miserable people.
  24. Sometimes the voices in your head should be heard! ;D Just having you read along is good enough for me! :heartsmiley:
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