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Everything posted by okgirlie...Brandy

  1. Thursday, June 30th was Magic Kingdom day! There was only one thing that my daughter wanted the most. That was to see Rapunzel and Flynn. I knew that if we didn't want to wait in a very long line for hours then we had to get there early. Magic Kingdom opened up at 8am. Could we get there? We are not morning people. In order to make it the Magic Kingdom we'd have to be on the first boat to the Contemporary at 6:45am. Wow, that's early. My kids don't even get up for school until 7:40. But at 6:30am we were on our golf cart headed towards the marina! We got to the Contempor
  2. I don't know how I missed you. Wow, best TR of the week. There are so many wonderful reports on here. I appreciate that you think that. Oh gosh, Paul Harvey. When I lived in a small town in Arkansas I had to listen to him often. I have been very busy Sunday and yesterday so hopefully I can get things moving today. My goal is to get at least 2 days done, but I'd like to get 3. But I have my weekly lunchdate with my best girlfriends today and I probably should go grocery shopping. I still haven't been since we got home. My family is tired of hot dogs and sandwiches for dinner. Oops!
  3. Aw Thanks! I thought it was quite appropriate that we have a huge storm at Typhoon Lagoon, too. I do love the sky in that picture. We almost didn't last but thank goodness for technology. We just kept watching the radar on the phone. My son is still talking about swimming with the sharks. We went to the Oklahoma Aquarium yesterday and he told everyone around him that would listen that he swam with sharks. :) I loved that bridge, too. I got up several mornings before my family and walked over to the bridge and took in the lovely views and then walked around the pool and came back
  4. Those are the first pics of the golf cart parade that I have seen. I haven't had much time to read too many trip reports, yet. I am still busy sorting through our 2000+ photos and getting life back in order. We missed the parade so I am glad to get to see some pictures from it. :)
  5. Oh how I would have loved to have gone to see Harry Potter. Hopefully, in a few years when we go back we can have time to go. I am wanting to see the new movie but I wanted to rewatch all the others first. We have one of the top grossing theaters in the country about 5 minutes from my house. It's way too busy to go see it right now so that gives me a couple of weeks to watch all the movies.
  6. We were at the Magic Kingdom that night, too. We had naps and I wanted to keep going at least until 1am but my kiddos couldn't hack it. We left during the 2nd electrical parade. I think we were all asleep the second we hit the pillow. The Wilderness Lodge is beautiful but I agree that it is much like Great Wolf Lodge. It's an indoor waterpark resort. Fun, but expensive. Of course, so is Disney.
  7. Wednesday the 29th was suppose to be a rest day. I wanted to spend lots of down time at the fort. Somehow that didn't happen, but it was okay because we had a great day. The day started with breakfast reservations to Ohanas. My kids are huge Lilo and Stitch fans so they were very excited to get going. We left for the boat dock about an hour before our reservations. We should have left earlier. We missed the boat to the Contemporary so we waited for the Magic Kingdom boat. Thankfully, it didn't take too long. But when we got to the monorail there was a bit of a delay and then an ev
  8. Thank you all! Yes, we lucked out with Soarin. I still think it might be my most favorite ride of all. :) I loved seeing the parks through my kids' eyes. I loved seeing Natalie's face light up as she saw a new character. That was the best and it made the whole trip perfect for me. Bryce, my son, was just happy. He can sometimes be a moody kid so it was nice to have him happy for such a long period of time.
  9. Here's the website: http://www.giordanos.com/floridalocations.html We went to the one on Irlo Bronson. Oh, I see they can ship pizzas. I may have one shipped to my house sometime. :banana: But I don't even want to know the calories in that sucker. Really that should be a once a year treat.
  10. My children also did the Pirate Adventure. They did it on the 4th of July out of the Grand Floridian. I wasn't thinking when I reserved that time and day because it made us miss the golf cart parade. But my kids enjoyed the adventure so I am glad I signed them up.
  11. Thanks you all. Both my kids were worn out like that every night we were there. Normally, I have to give them both melatonin to sleep. I didn't need to give it them once. Also, I slept better than I had in years while there. Apparently, all you need for a good night's sleep is the fort and spending all day in a theme park. I don't know whether to be grossed out about the "mud" or just shake my head and laugh. Yuck!
  12. We passed you on your golf cart one of the days we were there. I would have said hello and introduced myself but my husband was a speed demon on that cart. Kenny gave us one of his super fast ones and my husband took advantage of it. I am surprised Disney police didn't pull us over or maybe they just couldn't catch us. On our way out of town we stopped at a restaurant called Giordano's. I had bought a restaurant.com certificate for it. It took 35 minutes to bake a stuffed pizza but it was worth every minute. It was the best pizza I have ever had in my life. I was sad that we couldn't
  13. Hi, You probably drove as much as we did to get to the fort. We are from Oklahoma City-too many miles away. We had a blast with Peter Pan, too. How sweet of him to remember Colton. :) My son would have loved the Pirate look. I bet the next time we go he'll be too "old" for it. Love your pictures!
  14. I forgot to mention that Tink thought my son's mouse ears were funny. My mother-in-law picked them up at a thrift store and evidently they haven't been around for a long time. Everyone kept asking us about them. But they are basically steam boat willie's pants with his hat on top of them. It is a strange hat when you think about it. Well, Tink made a huge deal of Mickey's patoon (bottom) being on my son's head. It was so funny and she had my son dying of laughter.
  15. We had hopes of getting to Epcot by rope drop. Did we make it? Nope, but we were close. Got there around 9:25. We are not morning people. During the summer my children sleep until 10am most days. We had a bit of Disney magic at Epcot. First thing we wanted to do was get fast passes for Soarin but when we got over there the line wasn't long at all. Yay! Soarin became our first ride at Disney World and we Loved it. What an amazing ride. After that we decided to head over to Test Track to get fast passes for it. But for some reason Epcot confused the heck out of me. We made a wrong
  16. Wow, that's a huge trip! I would love to travel more than we do, but my husband has a shoulder injury from when he was in the marines and that limits us. I was suppose to practice driving the suv with the pop up but I didn't and I am a nervous driver so my husband drove the whole way there and back. I know his arm and shoulder hurt him bad but he didn't complain one bit. Next time, I will have to drive. I am going to just have to get over my fear especially if I want to go back to the fort someday.
  17. Ugh! Computer locked up and I lost everything I had written. Must type these out in Word first and save as I go. Blah! I'll be back later.
  18. We have been traveling since my oldeest was 6 weeks old. My dh was stationed in North Carolina so we made the trip to Oklahoma and back several times. They usually just watch movies the entire way. It's so nice. Thanks. We do love the pool. I think we are actually on our second pool now. My kids are little fish in the water and get upset if we don't get over to swim at least once a day. :) Thanks you all. I will try to get this moving. At the same time I am doing this I am also uploading a ton of pictures to Snapfish. They have a buy 1 get 2 free photobook deal going on right now
  19. I have wanted to go to Disney my whole life. My siblings out voted me when my parents asked us if we'd rather have an above ground pool or a Disney trip. I was disappointed but I do love the pool and we swim everyday during the summer. My husband and I married young and then had our son just 2 years later. Needless to say we were broke. So Finally about a year and a half ago we were able to start thinking about a Disney trip. I started stalking the other disney message board and stumbled across the camping board. I fell in love with the Fort through all the wonderful trip reports. We
  20. Yep, we've been back since Sunday. I was going to start that trip report this afternoon but I just spent the last hour reading yours and I see there are several other ones that I need to read so I didn't get to it. I will try to start it tonight. I want to hurry up and get it going so I don't forget everything. I have the worst memory. I had completely forgotten about the hot air balloons until I read your post. We saw them that morning on our way to the Magic Kingdom. As for now I must go look like I haven't sat at the computer for an hour. Gotta do a quick clean of the house and get
  21. I am just now reading your report. Yes, I had a year of reading before we left to know what was going on. I am so thankful to this board and even the "other" board for all its help. You all definitely made our trip the best it could possibly be. And yes, we had a Kenny cart. He was awesome. Thank you for including me in your spike giveaway. I didn't notice it until the next morning and it made me smile. The fort is definitely a special place. I want to go back already.
  22. You are awesome for taking 5 girls camping. Tennessee is beautiful. I'd love to live there but my family is here in Oklahoma and I won't leave them.
  23. Awesome! Loved all your pictures. :heart:
  24. I enjoyed reading your report. Also, thanks for the tip on Pocahontas. My best friend's five year old daugther loves Pocahontas and I told her if I got to meet Pocahontas I'd get her autograph and a picture and give it her. I love that little girl like she's my own niece so we'll definitely get over to Planet Watch. Plus, my own kids will love it.
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