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Everything posted by campingpixi

  1. If you stay in the infield you can set up your own Pool!!! we did :)
  2. Ha Ha Ha!!! I can help with Daytona, Charlotte & Dover if you want to camp at the track Infield may cost more but is worth it :)
  3. I looked into it and we would only be saving about $25 a day which is not worth it.. plus my kids are not into these type of classes!
  4. We went last July and they did not sign autographs but they do come out and dance with the kids!
  5. I can't wait to see the pics.... you all know how to PARTY!!!! wish I was there!!
  6. got that right.. I would usually end a conversation like that with kiss my ass!! May not be polite but I can't stand those who talk crap about other peoples vacations!
  7. very nice!! you are going to have to take pics cause I wanna see that room :)
  8. I would not pay for it.. if you can get it for free then GREAT!! Read ALL the fine print before you sign.. It looks nice up front but when you get to the details it gets a little fuzzy almost a nickel and dime type of contract. $3 for 1 thing $15 for another on top of possible resort fees it is not worth it in my eyes!
  9. Where do you get that?? I have been looking for that in a case and can only get it by the pack :banghead:
  10. I have great pics of my girls in the rose garden and they have got to be some of my fav pics!!
  11. I can't get over the 6 inch cake.. why so small? I know you can upgrade the cake but for more $$ Hubby mentioned this for our youngest DD cause he heard about it at work! Thanks for the info this is a big NO! for me!! I would rather spend $100.00 at chef mickey's on a cake for her!!
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