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Brent... Just Brent

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Everything posted by Brent... Just Brent

  1. Sorry you went through all of this. I recently did myself with a TT. In the end, the stress wasn't worth it. I know you'll have just as good of a trip to the Fort next week as you would have in a new MH. That's the way I'm looking at it.
  2. Sounds like a great trip. I looped by a few times, but you guys were never at home. Hope it was great!
  3. I feel certain that's their official name, right? Off Candle Things... found at your local Wal-Mart or store of choice.
  4. They weren't too bad last week, but they were there. I got a couple of bites on my foot one night. WIth all the rain, though, I think it might get worse. They were fine as long as the off candle things everyone recommended were lit.
  5. I don't believe that. I've been when there were only 30 or so people there, but the show went on. When we were there last week, there was always a line for the late show. Then again, I'm sure some blogger who has been to the Fort twice knows more than I do...
  6. I second Crystal Palace. I wish there were different characters, but the food seems better for the adults.
  7. I may have ventured in there last week for the grand opening at 0-dark-thirty. It's definitely very cool and different. If I ever get around to my TR I'll be sure to include my full report.
  8. Aaron - When I took the Keys tour in MK years ago, the guide mentioned that the popcorn in MK is actually different than the other parks. It seems like she said it's sweeter.
  9. We had this in MK one night this week. I think it will be good, but they're still ironing out the kinks. Mine was fine. Not bad at all. Obviously the steak wasn't the highest quality, but I never expected it to be a Flying Fish steak (which I had last night). My friend also got it and his came out tough and overcooked. The bean salad tasted like they had forgotten to salt it that night, so I added salt and really liked it. The pork is sweet, but I enjoyed it. So yeah, I think it's a winning combination, it's just not quite "there" yet.
  10. I actually printed and laminated that list for my trip. It came in super handy, too. I'm spoiled and used to the on-screen guide at home.
  11. With all the rain you brought, I spent too much time doing laundry. Glad I packed a paycheck's worth of quarters!
  12. I figured you would. That's why I marched into the outpost and DEMANDED a lineup. And by demanded, I asked about everyone in there who looked at me like I was crazy. Then I tried to take some photos of the construction... and again was looked at like I was crazy. I decided to get out of there before they had me committed.
  13. It might be different up in the snooty premium loops. Maybe those folks get nice things. :rofl3:
  14. The "official" lineup they gave me when I asked is what was posted above. They don't list the HD channels on anything. I only know because my TV found them. It's frustrating. Of course I'd rather watch the HD versions.
  15. I should also add, they're a little different than the resorts I noticed. There are two sets of channels. One analog and one digital. The digital channels start at 70.1 and go from there. There's a lot of flipping to find what you want in HD.
  16. They were in the one in the 2000 loop working yesterday. New machines, but they still require quarters and not cards. Ugh.
  17. Just drove through. The first 20 sites are empty, but the last half of the loop is full. There are RCID flags marking where power and water lines are, but no sign of work being done. I have pics and will post when I'm not using my phone.
  18. I'm going for a soda now. I'll look closer. Maybe I was running my mouth and not paying attention.
  19. Im in. Sorry you weren't at te Fort. Would have been great to see you and the twins.
  20. The loop is definitely open. I just drove by there on the cart.
  21. No problem! I even brought a real camera this time. I have quite a trip report in the works and I'm only on day 4.
  22. Woohoo! You don't waste any time getting started on a TR do you? Sorry I didn't get to meet you this weekend.
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