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MLM5.. aka Judy

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Everything posted by MLM5.. aka Judy

  1. Yea! A tent camping trip report no less!! So tell me about the weather, how did you fair in the lower temps? I'm loving this report and can't wait to see some pictures, what a magical trip you have had so far!! I'm glad your experience with 2000 was good, I've stayed there twice, first time was awesome, second time was rough (Halloween weekend was nutty!) Looking forward to more! oh yes, and welcome to fort fiends, your gonna love it here!!! :heart:
  2. speaking of waterbottles, the disneystore online has some of the aluminum bottles on sale today for $2.99! I brought ours for 10.00 each
  3. Glad you have booked your trip, I didnt know that you could only book a 1 day park ticket and still get dining for the rest of your trip, I'm going to have to figure out hte math on that one, I have little ones so we do more fort than park. looking forward to hearing about your plans and a trip report!
  4. He has delivered to my site before when I requested him to do so (I was traveling alone with little ones) He is the kind of guy who will go out of his way to help you, just ask :)
  5. boo, I came here to show pic's to my DH of air conditioner set up you guys had and the pictures are gone
  6. I've used him 3 times, and all three times, I (meaning me myself and I) had some sort of complication, he always came to my resuce!
  7. What sweet smiles your girls have, I love the Yeti hats, those rock, thanks for sharing!
  8. Great report Holly! I'm the fiend that is always late to the show, but I'm loving it! Maddie is adorable! My head leaks to and I also am pro waterproof mascara and sun glasses, otherwise I think my DH may enforce my meds.. he hasnt completely bought into my Disney obession, he has however been totally sucked in the Fort and Fiend madness.. whoo hoo! Looking foward to more!
  9. OH LAWDY, you are a better women than me. I love Zac and he doesnt know it yet, but he loves me to... :rofl2: I would not have been able to maintain, I would have to had to wrap myself around his leg or something... shew.
  10. I vote for Haloween to... It's amazing, the crowds are good, the weather is mild, I'd dare say its the best time of year...
  11. I also am a fan of the movie Fried Green Tomatoes, it never dawned on me that it was filmed that close, I just put Juliette on my list of places to go!! I love that kind of stuff. I feel your pain about down town Atlanta, I had to meet my kids father at the Embassy suites last weekend.. it was a mad house and that place is not SUV friendly and the people were just plain rude, I've often wondered what happens to people when they get within city limits.. the out skirts of Atlanta you find some of the nicest people around.. but as soon as you cross the line.. BAM.. jackwagons GALORE!
  12. that is awesome and I'm taking notes on where to watch the fireworks. I find it amusing that the TCD gang is in almost every firework picture.. I couldn't have ask him to move either, in fact those silhouettes are very appropriate for a feind report, adds a very nice touch :)
  13. I LOVE LOVE LOVE ZBB, Dave lived in Atlanta for a few years and knew of them before they were a huge hit, can't wait to see more! You were just a few hours from me, next time your in the area let us know! I have a red solo cup with your name on it!
  14. Holy cow, some good reading on this thread.. how did I miss it?? :rofl2:
  15. That my friend is an awesome deal, GOD I love amazon! anywho, I can help with a few of those questions. We had a 20lb tank hooked up to it for 5 hours total on thanksgiving, we did two turkeys. One I did inject with a marinade and used a dry rub on the other, both were equally excellent. I was worried about the dry rub "coming" off but it stuck beautifully. The tank was still 3/4 of the way full when we were done. In fact, I'll be using that same tank for our Christmas dinner. We are doing a prime rib in it this weekend, just recevied confirmation that DH will be home late Friday night
  16. Another sweet update, I LOVE the Yoda back pack , that was awesome and Anna NEEDS that Tshirt as our beloved Doodle would say. We got a Big Easy this year and loved it! Camping was one of the reasons we wanted something oil less, I still havent quite figured out how it does what it does but the meat is awesome, we are trying a prime rib for our Holiday dinner.. whenever that might be.. grr..
  17. Dave, just a few comments as I've got about 3 seconds before Izzy puts more dog food in the fish tank.. I think TE Pizza is awesome, but I have never had one prior to several frozen concoctions so my judgement could be blurred a bit.. Those waffles from WL are calling my name.. I literally just wrote myself a post it note to remember to move that to the top of my todo list for our next trip (whenever that maybe, but I'm ALWAYS planning) The picture of you at the playground, that looks like it might have caused you a little pain the next day. I hope everything is where it's suppose to be and h
  18. That's a very cool approach, I plan on taking this approach this year, in hopes I might actually be able to afford more than one trip if we cut out all the park time. We enjoy the parks but so far both trips, we left feeling like we missed out on alot of the fort.
  19. Thank you sweets! I'm not totally ANTI IASW.. the little ones loved it and sang that song all night.. but next time I do that, I will have had a few cups of Steph's punch to loosen up a bit first :rofl2:
  20. You are very observant! you nailed her, she NEEDS to know how things work.. it drives her batty otherwise..
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