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Everything posted by h2odivers...Ray

  1. Today I was telling a friend about our upcoming trip to Disney next week and I got the same stupid question From a non Disney lover that I've gotten several times before...aren't you bored with disneyworld yet? Haven't you done everything there a dozen times. I've given up trying to explain my love of Disney years ago and just told him he'd understand if he ever went. However it did get me to thinking. Have I done everything at the four parks and DTD? Well here's a list of what I haven't done. It's shameful but true. IYHO should I try to do them or it completely SMB? Ellen's energy adventu
  2. What a great story. She'll make a pretty little princess. Thanks for sharing
  3. I'm with you on not drinking and driving, and setting a good example for our kids to follow. Most of the time we don't have a car at Disney. Disney transportation is one of the biggest +'s of staying on property. I know we all joke about Staying off the buses, etc but I want to give the all the transportation personnel kudos for doing a great job. Even Lou and the lever pushers.
  4. I'm going to leave the answers to your questions to the experts. We camped at the fort for our first time this last Christmas and had a blast. I can tell you the comfort station we had in the 1400 loop were very clean. Welcome and have a great trip!
  5. Before we moved to Crescent, Logan county. We lived off of may and Hefner in Quail Creek. Small world.
  6. Most Oklahomans have two hobbies... Watching football in the fall, and watching the weather in the spring.
  7. Glad we didn't stay up there to watch the fireworks. DW was waiting for us to go to castle to watch the fireworks.
  8. Thanks. Watching the weather right now. Looks like its going to miss us to the south.
  9. Oklahoma just passed the open carry law. Since I already have my concealed I can actually carry my weapon in the open. It still surprises me to see someone openly carrying.
  10. I believe that every state ill be traveling through is ok with me packing heat. Lol. Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and the Texas panhandle. I'm going to call my instructor to be sure.
  11. I believe that every state ill be traveling through is ok with me packing heat. Lol. Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and the Texas panhandle. I'm going to call my instructor to be sure.
  12. great pix. i love the WL, and if youve never been i recommend going to AKL its gorgeous. The tree only SMB if you dont have a child with you. Me and DW can sit for about 10-15 minutes as they climb the tree. This last trip DD made me go with her and this is the pix I was able to get. Sorry for the poor quailty taken with iPhone. It sure was worth the climb for this view. Try it at night Mr. Troll. With your camera skills i bet youd get some great shoots. some people, dare i say most people dont realize the beauty that is outside the parks on their first visit. I am willing to bet most people
  13. I thought I was being paranoid. It'll be me, DW, and DD( What happened Kelly? Should we avoid the rest areas, truck stops, Walmart, etc?
  14. We are looking at renting/ borrowing a class c and driving from Oklahoma to Mount Rushmore to Yellowstone NP to Colorado back to Oklahoma. I know this is ambitious for our first RV trip (2711 miles), but what the heck I'm going for it. I don't want to plan every stop we make and just kind of drive till we want to stop and find a place to stay the night. I know that we will probably have to stay the night in some truck stops, wal marts, and rest areas. Now I'm not a paranoid person but I am a little worried about safety at the above mentioned places. I have my concealed carry but most of
  15. I'm going try these soon. Thanks
  16. Congrats to INC for finishing that course from heck! Looks like a pretty neat place to spend a weekend. Hope your shoulder heals quickly and your back running soon. I've said it before but I'll say it again. You've are a lucky man blessed with a great family.
  17. We will be at the world may 27- June 8th. Even though we're not staying at the fort we have a fort day on the itinerary. Please post your site number when you get there. Would love to meet you and see your rig. It looks awesome!
  18. Have a great trip. Dollywood is on the short list of future family vacations.
  19. Fried biscuits sounds good. But I think anything fried tastes good. Love the Anna pix. There's just something about that smile of hers. It just make me smile.
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