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Everything posted by h2odivers...Ray

  1. OMG! That's looks awesome! But can you say "heart attack on a plate"
  2. Finally caught up. A few comments. I was ROTFLMBO when you heard the door click in the CR stairwell. My wife would have made walk down and take the elevator back up to unlock the door for her. I love TDD, and his hat, and Ultra is a girlie beer. Should 8 yr olds have cell phones? $126 a glass or $800 for a bottle. While working on my masters 20+ years ago I was the bar manager at an upscale restaraunt and we had a bottle of wine, Opus One, that we sold for $125. The "rich" people didn't buy it was the schmucks who were trying to impress their date. As for the blind taste test. Me, and
  3. I'm in. Sorry I'm late. Never heard of a trail run either. Wow. People actually run 50 miles? Did I read that right?
  4. That does look good. Meatballs, cheese, sauce, and bread. The only thing that's missing is BACON!
  5. Thanks I remember someone posting about calling the day before or the morning they want their reservation. I can't remember how they did it and I can't find the post where they were talking about it. If somebody knows where that post is please let me know. Thanks
  6. Ok dumb questions. What's a pin code, what's it used for, and how do I get one?
  7. Are they afraid that if you spill some gas on the pavement it might ruin the concrete? Or maybe in Oregon and New Jersey the gas pumps are all in a beautiful field of wild flowers. Give me a break. If Goober Pyle can pump gas I would think the people of New Jersey could do it. Oregon I understand. There's a reason they call it dope.
  8. Are they afraid that if you spill some gas on the pavement it might ruin the concrete? Or maybe in Oregon and New Jersey the gas pumps are all in a beautiful field of wild flowers. Give me a break. If Goober Pyle can pump gas I would think the people of New Jersey could do it. Oregon I understand. There's a reason they call it dope.
  9. How exciting. Have a great trip. Never been in November. Wife's the special Ed director at our school. I can't wait till she retires so we can go in the off season.
  10. Great trip & pictures. Just curious but why can't you pump your own gas in Oregon or New Jersey? Is it a safety thing or a union thing? It's not rocket science.
  11. 1 round trip ticket from Oklahoma City to Orlando. $399 1 six day pass to Disney parks. $ 275 7 nights lodging at a value hotel $900 Having your own dumbo ride for $30k... Makes you the Dumbo.
  12. I'm not sure ehat happened to Dave but last summer we arrived at Orlando international 2 days before my son and took the ME. When my son arrived he rode the ME. I just called the ME and asked them about it. They said as long as she is traveling on a day during your stay she can take the ME. Ex. You are staying June 1-8 and she arrived on the 3rd or the 4th. She can take the ME. However, if she arrives on may 31st she can't. I hope that helps.
  13. Actually even if you don't get the luggage tags she can still go straight to the DME area and give them her baggage claim tickets and they will go get her bags for here and bring them to the Fort. It really is easy. The only problem she might have is if she reads shmuck face one and shmuck face two's nonsensical ramblings about the monorail/tram. It's a stinking vehicle that brings you from a terminal building to the main atrium building!!!
  14. Southwest arrives on the "A" side. It really doesn't matter. As Jason said. All planes land at a terminal then every passenger takes a monorail to the main building/atrium. From the main building follow one of the dozen signs towards the ME. Give the cast member her luggage claim ticket and they will bring her bag(s) to the Fort. It Make sure she puts any medicines or things she can't be without for 2-4 hours as it does sometimes take a long time to get your luggage. It's really convenient and easy. Even if you don't book it, like my FIL didn't do, they still put him on a bus and bring
  15. Great TR. thanks for sharing. I guess pork chop sammiches are regional thing. In oklahoma it's a whole smoked pork tenderloin sliced thick on a bun with bbq sauce, Head country bbq sauce to be precise) and the optional sliced onion. I would be honored if you'd share a picture of your dads marker. If its to personal I understand. As a fellow vet I thank him for his service.
  16. Great TR. thanks for sharing. I guess pork chop sammiches are regional thing. In oklahoma it's a whole smoked pork tenderloin sliced thick on a bun with bbq sauce, Head country bbq sauce to be precise) and the optional sliced onion. I would be honored if you'd share a picture of your dads marker. If its to personal I understand. As a fellow vet I thank him for his service.
  17. I'm in. I also didn't know that it existed. Thanks for posting. I love a good pork chop sammich. Can't wait to hear about it.
  18. Biergarten great. Akershaus good. Cinderella's royal table good. Never had a bad meal at Disney. Wish they had a few more economical sit downs.
  19. Great to hear. We check in may 27 for 7 nights. How were the buses? What about getting to DTD?
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