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Onkel Hans

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Everything posted by Onkel Hans

  1. How big do you think they will make the strobe on the rental carts now?
  2. I find some value in having meals "paid for" ahead of time with the DDP; this is probably not as true for folks who are responsible with their money. I definitely make choices so I can get my moneys worth, though.
  3. From the Lords of Crockpottery: Frozen food or partially frozen foods: Require a longer cook time in a slow cooker than the recipe indicates for stovetop or oven. Using an instant read thermometer is recommended to ensure meat is cooked through and tender. Frozen meats: Can be cooked in a slow cooker, however, it is best to use the following guidelines: Add at least 1 cup of warm liquid to the stoneware before placing meat in the stoneware. Do not preheat the slow cooker. Cook recipes containing frozen meats for an additional 4 to 6 hours on Low, or an additional 2 hours on High.
  4. BradyBzLyn has in the past posted some informative links to the Disney Food Blog that covered Disney Dining Plan snacks, single-credit dining, and a guide for kids on the DDP; from the Touring Plans Blog she linked the worst value table service. I think she posted one about two-credit dining, but I can't seem to find it. I believe the conventional wisdom is that using the DDP for two-credit dining is not the greatest value because you rarely get a meal at a signature restaurant that is twice the value of what you could get at a regular table service.
  5. Those look terrific, they will certainly Disnify your camp site! I am looking forward to pictures of your set up when you are finished.
  6. http://www.retronaut...ake-disneyland/ http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/arts-post/post/see-chinas-wonderland-an-abandoned-fake-disneyland-photos/2011/12/13/gIQA5vDAsO_blog.html
  7. If I were to be camping at the fort, my sign would be displayed 24 hours a day, perhaps illuminated tastefully at night, but not as an invitation. For me it is a recognition that I am part of a fine group of like-minded folks who enjoy camping and the fort, and an encouragement for those who have yet to join this esteemed bunch to check out the website and add their names to its hallowed rolls. I'd hate to think that I should only put my sign out if I am entertaining visitors. However, I feel it is a "camping thing" that in reasonable hours folks can call always call on you if you are outsid
  8. I only knew because I would have remembered if we were on the same cruise.
  9. I think they left around 5 or 6, just behind the Veendam. I also hope to learn from these cruisers, I am especially hoping for Personal Navigators.
  10. Disney Magic on her first trip from NYC to Canada.
  11. Too funny, I have lived in New England for decades and I have never been on a whale watch. I know what you are talking about though, we felt the same way about the maple sugaring demo though the train excursion was on our shortlist. Touch a lobster? not so much. Eat a lobster? I'll take two! I'm really hoping they incorporate some Maritime cuisine for this cruise, I was hoping to catch a traditional lobster supper up there.
  12. This is the second cruise for my wife and me, we are bringing her parents along for their first cruise (not counting her Dad's days in the Navy). We will be doing the Saint John River Boat Cruise, and the Halifax Whale Watch. I know the Saint John whale watch is better, but we didn't want to do an all day trip. We were very close to doing the Halifax Photography Tour, but it looked like too much walking for the in-laws. I have heard that the Wonder had some work done on the door exteriors and the magnets don't work as well. We had reasonable luck on the Magic last October with some magnet
  13. It's one of my favorite graphic designs by Disney--not sure if it is because it looks so bold and colorful or because it means I am about to visit the Magic Kingdom.
  14. We loved the Western ports of call, I hope you folks have great voyages!
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