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Everything posted by fortpartyof4

  1. I never went back by to see if they had to move it. But, if what Jason is saying is the case, then I wouldn't try it either. Personally I don't like to see sites with multiple campers or more than 2 or 3 tents at the Fort…..to me it looks junky. But, with the rates as high as they have gotten, I totally get why people do it. If that's the only way you can get your kids to Disney, then you do what you have to do! I once saw a Mom sleep in her SUV with her small children for a night on a tent site.
  2. Finished this little guy while @ the Fort last week! Worked on it poolside, on the Trail's End porch, and on the deck by the marina while the boys swam, played in the arcade, and played tetherball. It was nice to do something creative instead of just squinting into my phone looking at Facebook and Instagram while waiting for the kids. Plus it was fun to work on a Disney project while at Disney! And sitting in some of my most favorite relaxing spots at the Fort to boot! Like many of you, I have cross stitch kits galore and they have been sitting for too long. Did a Pirates of the Caribbe
  3. Haha, yes, that does seem to be the case. I guess to do that, you have camper #1 check-in, then use their room key to get the other one through the gate?
  4. I saw 2 pop-ups on a site in the 2000 loop on Thursday. It was strange to see in that particular loop, but nothing I hadn't seen in others prior to that visit. The pop-ups that had been behind large motor homes in the full h/u loops were gone, however those occupants still have several other "dwellings" spread around their rigs. Various forms of tents and screen rooms. timsmith, when are you going? Right now, there is a TON of standing water in many loops that could hinder your ability to put a tent up behind your camper in some of them. Used to be you couldn't put anything "off the p
  5. So was my mom. Really, they were quite genius inventions. I wish they were still available! Not the plastic junk that you see now. Note the flag on the boat in the second photo. Wasn't there a discussion on here once about the type of flags on the resort boats?
  6. Also, I have a very strong craving for sugar cookies and punch after viewing the potluck photos!
  7. Great TR! I had been meaning to get back to this one, started it when you were writing it but got busy. Wanted to read the detail because we did this very self-guided tour last summer. Just to let you know, I will be plagiarizing some of your content to go with some of my Gettysburg photos in our family album! It's very thorough! I felt the same way when we were there, very honored and humbled. I am happy that we will soon be living so near all of the history in PA.
  8. Yeah buddy! Representing the Gators at 10,000 feet!
  9. Actually, I'm the one who is behind the times. I got the term from them, but they haven't used it in a long time……and like KFK's boys, had no interest in the brothers Jonas during their 15 min. Any Bieber reference causes them to cringe. But, I'm a dorky middle aged mom, so I am allowed to use outdated terminology. Ya feel me? Like, far out man. Gnarly. See what I did there. They have new material now, though I won't try to quote any of it because I'm sure I'll mess it up, and if I ask I get heavy sighs and eye rolls. Forgot to mention that Rocky stole the show once again. He look
  10. Dan, I can get you in touch w/ him if and when you'd like to discuss Loll. I can tell you that my youngest turned 11 while there and completed the 20 mile hike that the camp is famous for. And he is on the small side too. They did 10 mile conditioning hikes in the months prior to going, as well as other training. I was reluctant to have them go, it was so far and my little guy's just a first year Scout. That is a huge trip for his first summer camp! Some of our troop went to GA instead because they didn't want to invest so much (it wasn't cheap, even with fundraisers). In the end we
  11. Another fantastic installment in the CKCK series. Man, those little faces are so. darn. cute. And, thanks for a great tip on staking out a parade spot. I had noticed your Tundra before as well, and wondered how you got the GC in. We have one too but it has a full quad cab, so the bed is much shorter. In one photo it looked like you remove the tailgate? Although, when I read about the airbags you had installed, I figured even without the tailgate we're not equipped to do what you do with the cart. We were pulling a 29' and plan to go a bit bigger so probably shouldn't push our luck. We
  12. FINALLY I finished it! I am very proud of that so please don't add any more bonus material and burst my bubble! I had so many comments ready from where I'd left off, but it's too much! Parade people! The monk! Middle aged men living in their mom's basement. Honestly I could not tell if the people in that SW parade were CM's with horrible costumes or people wearing 80's sweat suits with a few pieces of plastic armor placed in random areas. Having been to a couple of SWW, I was cracking up at the various references. And just think….we probably walk or drive right by these folks every da
  13. You packed a lot into that one post! Thank you for sharing. I like it because I have been trying to get caught up on TR's this past couple of weeks and feel like my tires are spinning. Yours made me feel like I'm getting somewhere finally!
  14. Wow. Like others have said, this is a dream trip for me. My husband and 2 sons just returned from a week at Yellowstone with their Scout Troop. They took some incredible photos and have memories to last a lifetime. My two pennies on the truck camper is to unload it. A friend had the very same truck you drive, even the color was the same, and they had a truck camper. The transmission blew on a trip out West from FL because of the camper. Of course, he also towed a boat at times here in FL - not for long distance trips - but still, he said he's never doing another truck camper. TCD
  15. My absence around here is purely due to life stuff…..nothing more. If I see something on here I don't like or agree with I just stop reading that particular thread. There is plenty of content to read for just about anyone's preference, and this continues to be my go-to source for tips and info when planning my WDW trips. Even for finding out info on my new state! In the evenings I sometimes pop on to check in but don't post a lot. I'm so behind! I will try to drop by when I can in between all of the moving and transitioning to PA. Speaking of behind, instead of finishing this, I "repor
  16. I think I started reading this back in the beginning, and have only now had time to try and read more of it. Holy epic TR! I'm only about half way through it, and enjoying it very much. I am with those who expressed their gratitude to you for taking the time to do these. I've been to the Fort many times and have another in the hopper before we move up North, but no time to write. How about I send you my photos and you can compose some witty prose to go with them? Then I have to get through the dozen or so others that have been started since I last visited. You people are on fire! My
  17. I did not get this stuff when we were there last weekend. Same old folded up map-like paper. However, when I stopped by on Friday on my way out after our stay at POR, it was not very easy to get in. AND there was a new sign posted just as you pass the guard shack with specific requirements for the parking lot. Finally it looks like they're addressing that. Good! The guard did allow me to enter after I told him I had some items to pick up at the Meadow Trading Post. Which is true, I did go in and replace the mug and keychain that broke. I wasn't going to, figuring the reason it all br
  18. Wow! Word travels fast over there in Dunedin. There is indeed some news, however I don't want to steal MD's thunder. It is a much happier announcement for him than for me, so I will let him tell the story. Besides I don't have time! Love the tablecloth tale. And the photos of the wee twins and their sister. Time really does fly. My oldest's voice cracks a little some times and there are hints of a 'stache above his lip. Don't like it one bit, but of course he is loving all of it. The mattress I was referring to is the one that someone once suspected might be what softens Tink's la
  19. Forgot to mention that we stayed on the site in between the one you're on here and the cabin. I didn't like having all that traffic on the path behind our site. It was back when we also had a pop-up and during a month when we weren't running the a/c constantly so you could hear everything. Also took away from the privacy. Now the boys on the other hand, LOVED being there. Between Judy and her fall decorations, plus the site across the path from her, and the store, playground and beach being right there, it was a lot of fun for them. On the plus side, we didn't have a cart then and tha
  20. First, thanks for the ear worm… before I even opened up the report, I was humming that REM song just from reading the title. Second, I have a feeling you are underestimating your girls. Yes, they'll get super busy with school and all that comes with it. But I have a feeling that the very fact they're both going to in-state universities not so far away from WDW, you'll still get some visits in, because they will suggest it. That being said, if you happen to have reservations over Christmas that you don't think you'll use, give me a call. I've been trying since we were AT THE FORT over Ne
  21. Oh, sure. Rub it in! At least that means we have a TR to look forward to……..
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