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Everything posted by Katman1356...Jason

  1. I know one of Sal'd friends tried to register a month or so before and it was sold out then. They definitely have limits on how many people can do this. I believe all three races sold out. Thanks Nicki. Just make sure they know where to send the pictures to!
  2. I was happy to have you guys. I think the closing eyes was a little bit of Jello Shots and a little bit of no sleep. Looking forward to seeing you guys in July! I think they were done for the season. I had figured they were done but with all the Christmas stuff still up I figured it was worth a shot. I knew I had a couple of other things I wanted to do and if it was crazy I could always hop over to Epcot. Thanks Aaron. I was happy to take the video at Jordan's party. It was the least I could do for him. It was nice being able to just pick and choose but I look forward to going back in Jul
  3. The next morning I got up and wanted to try something I had not done yet. Trail's End for breakfast. I love a big breakfast and I was hoping for a nice one close to home so to speak. It was great. Plate one Plate two I have to say I loved everything I tried but my favorite thing was the Egg's Benedict. Instead of serving the poached egg on Ham it was served on barbecued pulled pork. That was awesome. I highly recommend it. The BACON was nice and crisp too. After breakfast I met with RunnerEd to and hi Momma to head over to Wild World of Sports to register for the 5k I was doing the next mor
  4. After chatting with my wife for a bit I decided to head over to Hollywood Studios to see if the Osbourne Lights were still lit up as I have never seen them. As I waited for the bus by the outpost I looked over and saw something I had to take a picture of for TCD. I have since seen he got one of his own but I am sharing it anyway. I was not happy to see that. While I am a relative new come to the Fort i like it without hotels in view. When I got to Hollywood Studios I had some hope I met get to see the lights. The tree looked nice. I really like this picture of the entrance. While I was ther
  5. I can think of worse ways to spend a trip :doublebeer: BOG for lunch was a big hti with me and I can't wait to get back there this summer. Well that takes all the fun out of it. I hope you are anjoying page one. I took that one just for you ya know. :rofl3: I hope I gave you enough time to catch up cause this report is moving on. I caught that. Nicely done. Now to steel back my report and move us along.
  6. The evil voice in my head just said "Must be the Wizard of OZ and the Munchkins." But my therapist doesn't let me listen to that voice anymore so I am sure it was Alien. :rofl3:
  7. Can you really have demon eyes while dancing around like that to Piano Yeehaw Bob?
  8. I picked the wrong day to stop drinking tequila....
  9. One of the best skits. It reminds me of some conversations around here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vuW6tQ0218
  10. Believe me Stef it was an honor to help set up for Jordan's party. I had so much fun hanging with all of you and I very much look forward to doing it again sooner rather than later.
  11. They had a small theater in the back which showed old Disney Cartoons, as well as having the BBB photo area. They also had in the back of the theater an area with cutouts you could pose with to take a picture. I have some pics of the area around here somewhere. I will try and load them up to post.
  12. Hey now I was doing very important work. I was keeping track of the score for you guys so Nate wouldn't cheat.
  13. I can see that Carol. Sil and I have dinner reservations in July. I am interested to get her take on it.
  14. Usually I am not....as it turns out drop me in DIsney World with no car, No wife to watch out for and a pay day and things change...as well will see over the next few days of the trip.
  15. So it is now the morning of day 2. I got up early as I usually do on vacation and I had a mission in mind. Breakfast at Trail's End, Magic Kingdom and lunch at BOG and exploring NF. As i headed towards the settlement I decided to swing by Stef's site and see if they were awake and a live yet. I slowed down to look and just as I thought no one was up heard a shout at the same time I saw a body waving at me. So I stopped and headed in to meet Stef and Trevor and Mason as well as TJ who saw me driving by and yelled to get my attention. I would love to post a pic here but I forgot to take any,
  16. Glad to have you along and that you are enjoying the pics. More coming up shortly. Glad to have you. I hope the little ones feel better soon. My cat (like most) is sure shes the queen of the entire world and wants to make sure you and everyone else knows it. She is one of the best cat's I have ever had though. Welcome! Glad to hear I am not alone in this cat battle. Bonus points to Mo for a great MST3K pic! In all honesty I think I spent more time at the Fort and with Fiends than in any park this trip, and I loved it. My wife keeps trying to figure out what I did the whole time and I wa
  17. I went back to the old one as well. I was having trouble getting my pictures in the order I wanted on the one. It is much easier to write trip reports with the old one.
  18. Silvia and I have been considering a pup since it is just the two of us. It will be nice to try one out first for a week this summer before committing to it. Glad to have you aboard. Totally last year. Page two bragging rights are the best I'll be honest I did miss my wife but not having to spend 30 minutes while "we" decided what we wanted to do was awesome. Glad to have you Nicki. I have to work an overnight tonight so no more posts today on this one but I should have some for you all tomorrow.
  19. Believe me I am working on editing. May not be enough left to make it worth posting or it may sound like R2D2 snuck in. We will see what it looks/sounds like before i post.
  20. You made the first page Congratulations! Your welcome for the shots of the pup. He really did a great job setting it up even with the other half of his setup team otherwise occupied. We are looking forward to our stay in July. Have fun!
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