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Everything posted by Katman1356...Jason

  1. Yeah I lost some time on that second mile taking the sunrise picture and with the bottle necks of entering the world showcase. I was still happy with my overall pace though.
  2. After I got cleaned up I decided to head to MK to get some breakfast. I had something I wanted to try. The boat ride over was quiet. I think one of my favorite things about staying at the Fort is the boat to MK. When I arrived I headed up Main St. to get something new to me. A cinnamon roll from the Main St Bakery. Despite being hungry I had to grab a pic for SIlvia. So I managed to stop after that first bite to grab a picture. I had also decided after my walk that morning I needed something besides sugar and carbs so I grabbed one of these as well. Ham, egg, and cheese Croissant from the
  3. Thanks! It really was beautiful. My phone camera didn't do it justice. Thanks Ray! Thanks Pam! Thanks Nicki! It was neat to see the World Showcase so empty...with the exception of the people you were walking with.
  4. If any one finds my finger could you please return them. I think they snapped off earlier and headed south without me.
  5. Especially since they already collect a great deal if not all of the information from on site guests right now. Clearly he stays a the Four Seasons.
  6. If he's smart he asked for that weekend off and booked a trip somewhere safe.
  7. Not sure if they serve Kona But you can get it at the breakfast bar right outside Kona. He said thinking of his coffee addicted wife.
  8. As a pot stirring wannabe I went and looked at the thread and wanted to post all sorts of glowing things about how it helped me so much on my last trip and that I loved all the details provided as well as the picture for the visual image. After all I haven't been :flush2: from there yet. I can stir the pot still.
  9. Thanks Genia!! Thanks John!. The knee is doing fine. I must have slept on it wrong or the general Disney Walking was catching up with me.
  10. Yeah there were definitely some people after the 5k who couldnt believe they were letting us on with them. I dont know if I will ever do the 5k Marathon weekend again. This was more of a support for a family member things but I dont have any regrets from doing it.
  11. Continuing on..It's 5k day. I had my alarm set to wake me up at 4:30. I was supposed to meet up with Ed to ride over with him but we had separately realized the day before that they actually were running buses for us poor shlubs at the Fort. He called me shortly after I woke up to inform me of it. If the buses are running it is a much better option than driving over. So I got up and dressed and ready to roll. It was a little cold still but I drove the cart up to the front and walked over and on to my own personal bus. There was no one else on it. We waited a couple of minutes to see if anyon
  12. I can't think of a way. Screaming like a girl was not the reason I did not ride with you guys. To be honest my knee was bugging me still from teh 5k and I didn't want to bang it around on the ride. Also I really was hungry. Coming right up! Thanks TCD. I promise no more Turtle pics in this report. It's not too bad Curt. If you can spend the day walking around the parks then walking 5k is easy. LOL
  13. I know when I was checking on the princess next month there was a list of host hotels. According to eh list I see online for the Everest Challenge. It is only All Star Sports, Caribbean Beach, and Animal Kingdom Lodge. Other races weekends show more Host availability and the Fort is listed on some of them.
  14. To be honest I don't know if it was but I do know a lot of people were staying there for the races
  15. I thought I proved I wasn't a drinker in this one. I honestly know I had to much to fast on an empty stomach. That's why I went straight for some water when I hit the poly
  16. It ended up that the event had steady bus transportation to and from the Fort picking up where the Magic Express drops off by the Outpost. Coach buses that ran their routes pretty frequently. I had no issues getting to and from the 5k via this transportation. Would have been great to raise a toast to him together Aaron.
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