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Just Whipperwhirl

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Everything posted by Just Whipperwhirl

  1. Who knew that Michael Bolton had a sense of humor - he took himself so seriously on DWTS. Very funny.
  2. Ditto - this TR killed my whole morning - worth every minute!
  3. We had a two week vacation planned for this Halloween - we were going to come down with out new camper which has ample room for my latest duck tape creation (its a bit taller than the last) - but we had an unexpected family situation take over our lives(Im knocked up with Baby number 3 due October 22) so unfortunately no Halloween trip this year. We are definately going at least twice next year - aiming for April and Halloween (perhaps Christmas too if DH agrees). So glad you are here TCD - now new people will stop asking where you are!
  4. I cant believe I missed this TR - Where was the Big announcement that TCD was here? We need a scrolling banner or something - there is so much going on these days - I can't keep up! Doodle - I love this little Whip smiley - Im not sure why. I have a screen shot of TCD's exit speech from Voldemort (at least Im pretty sure I still have it) but like TCD said - the past is the past - this place is so much better than the other anyway. Welcome home TCD!
  5. Thos are beautiful pictures - Welcome Norm!
  6. I have watched this experience from the shore in 2009 when my daughter was 10 and she went on the cruise at the Carribean beach hotel. I have to say that some of the manuvers in the water would make me concerned for a 4 year old. My son is 6 and I would think twice about sending him. The experience was fun for my 10 year old though.
  7. I have a bad cough now that my throat has stopped hurting. The Oreos are helping though I think.
  8. I would like you to know I ate an entire row of double stuff Oreos today because of this thread . . . Thanks
  9. I agree - this thread is cruel. I love Oreos and I have no hope of seeing one of these soon
  10. I cant really offer any advice but I just wanted to say I am insainely jealous.
  11. Well -w e have had the puppy just about 7 months and she still jumps on everyone. I feel like we have tried everything. The worst part is if you ignore her - she jumps and bites. I have a professional trainer comming to the house in a couple of weeks - Very expensive - but I need to know what we are doing wrong or this just isnt going to work out when the baby comes. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
  12. I was just making this joke with my husband the other day but it is totally true. We got a puppy - then a new camper and then a new SUV to pull the camper - I said to DH - whats next - a new house? New puppy. new trailer, new baby. What a wonderful year you are having :rofl2: Indeed - can't blame the baby on the dog though - LOL
  13. I was just making this joke with my husband the other day but it is totally true. We got a puppy - then a new camper and then a new SUV to pull the camper - I said to DH - whats next - a new house?
  14. I just heard there is one opening up in Fl in October but thats all I know. We traveled to California last year specifically to go to Legoland and I would love to know the facts about the Florida Park. Thanks! Whip
  15. Here is a picture of my 35th Birthday cake at Citricos - can anyone tell me the theme we have going on here?
  16. NORM!!! Akershus gets my vote - the food is good - the characters interact - At CRT they move through very quickly.
  17. So - as most of you know we just bought our first camper (rockwood roo 183L) and I am making a bunch of reservations so that we get some use out of it before the baby comes. Here is my issue - I dont know what kind of camper we have for the drop down menus. Is it classified as a "travel trailer"? And do the beds that pop out classify as "slide outs"?
  18. Happy Anniversary! 10 years is awsome - the best is yet to come.
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