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Just Whipperwhirl

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Everything posted by Just Whipperwhirl

  1. LOL Steve - I had heard about the smell problem - I also heard there is a method for handling that. Like I said - there is a ton of info out there - just alot of it is conflicting or expensive to obtain. There is a lady online who offers a guidebook - 80 pages - but she wants almost $40.00 to access it - that sort of defeats the purpose of trying to save money here. I wish the hybrid diapers only meant gas part of the time! Actually you put an insert into the diaper that is flushable - so its kind of the same as huggies or some other disposable diaper only they wont take 500 years to deco
  2. How awesome - I wonder if I can pull that on DH one day - CT to the Fort - only a small detour.
  3. Always looking for ways to save money and I have heard cloth diapers can add up to a significant savings and I also like the idea of being more responsible reguarding the environment. The options are endless, the reviews are inconsistent and I find how they work is confusing. The hybrid diapers appeal to me because you can use them as straight cloth when at home and use the disposable inserts when you are traveling out and about / camping. But it looks like the savings for those isn't that great. Anyone know of a website where I can get more consistent information? ANyone have experience
  4. I have never seen a slip cover as beautiful as that one - does your wife sell them?
  5. The fish and chips is my favorite meal at Disney - I like it so much - if you look closely I have a picture of it in my signature. A nice cold beer - fish and chips on the water - Im all set. Thanks for taking the time to do a trip report for even a one day visit - thats dedication to your followers!
  6. Thanks for your trip report - you made me feel alot more comfortable about tent camping on the 4th of July. I dont see an air conditioner - how was it sleeping at night?
  7. Thanks for the support. I wish we had the option to cancel - unfortunately there just doesn't seem to be any "out". Im not saying that people shouldnt buy from RV direct - it just seems that you cannot take this particular salespersons word on anything. She outright lied to me about the date it would be ready - if she didnt have any idea - that what she should have told me before - not after she got our money. My husband were just talking that if we could find an out we could just go and buy off a lot - probably have a new unit just in time for the 4th of July - Instead - it looks like we
  8. This is just so upsetting. Our camper date has come and gone - I contact them again - to see if we will have our camper in time for the 4th of July - and she finally admits that we will not. I hate this sales woman right now. She said just what we wanted to hear when we placed the order and now Im stuck. I just sent her an e-mail back saying - well now that the extreme limit of our time frame has come and gone - can you revise your date of completion at all? Is it 12 weeks, 16 weeks, will we have it by the fall? I feel like we made a huge mistake
  9. I guess that is a little more sadistic than my normal post.
  10. I have yet to see anyone flame on this site - so happy to see a BLT report - I definately see a DVC in our future.
  11. That is so cute. Im glad its not a video of what I thought it might be.
  12. Great pictures - you have beautiful kids. I noticed you have a LEGO fan in the house. We bought one of these bags so we can camp easily with our legos when camping: http://swoopbags.com/
  13. I think we should call the fish feeder people daily and ask if the fish at fort wilderness have been fed. Perhaps someone could ask for a tour of their facility. I want to see someone fill the fish feeder - we need to know when thats done so we can completely document the important role these fish feeders play at FW.
  14. We usually drive straight through - but with a newborn and now towing a camper - I think we are going to have to stop at least once.
  15. I love this thread - so thought provoking.
  16. Had a bad night Troll? I am personally so grateful that TCD came home.
  17. Alot can be done with duct tape - look at my little chistmas tree:
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