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Just Whipperwhirl

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Everything posted by Just Whipperwhirl

  1. If I wasnt busy catching up on the report - I would have had time for my guess - bummer - thats what I get for not checking in every day. Lesson learned.
  2. I am loving this trip report so far. The wilderness lodge is something else - but it reminds me a bit too much of the great wolf lodges that are all over the country. Once you guys have kids (if you are planning on it) - you will see what I mean.
  3. Oh my gosh - I cant believe this - praise the Lord that you and your family escaped relatively unscathed. Take care of your body the next couple of weeks - injuries, especially to the spine, can reveal themselves slowly. I really hope they catch the jerk responsible!
  4. I am thinking it has to be a calm night.
  5. I think the kids would have a ball with these sky lanterns, a calm night in an open field - Any thoughts? http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001ECA83W/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?ie=UTF8&m=AJM9YAM0WEBZS
  6. Im thinking about this one - any thoughts? http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0033SC2SE/ref=ox_sc_act_title_5?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER
  7. What a great topic - I will follow this one closely - all my kids seem to want to eat when we camp is smores.
  8. I love that you squeezed through the skylight - that was thinking!
  9. I was just thinking the same thing about the peach cobbler- I think we need an official proclamation declaring it as the official desert for FF.net. For those of you that have never tried it - you need to - it is sooo good. Devores - you are a gifted photographer - some of these pictures are amazing. There are angles I have never seen before - looking forward to more.
  10. I just booked 04/01/12 - 04/13/12 and I was wondering if there was any special activities dring Easter at the Fort like there is for other holidays.
  11. Love the pictures - and thanks for all the great detail.
  12. You have some beutiful pictures and I love your details when writing this up - thanks so much for sharing.
  13. Before we found the Fort - It was my dream to stay at the Wilderness Lodge - now that we have stayed at the Fort and I toured the WL - I can't imagine staying anywhere else but the Fort - except perhaps the AKL club level for a night - we may try that our first night in Orlando next April. I wonder how they would feel about us pulling in with an RV.
  14. By gosh youre fast. I didnt take one picture all weekend - this baby sucks all the drive out of me. Thanks again for being so wonderful to hang with - you have a terrific family.
  15. We need a panoramic thread - I love, love, love looking at what you have done Troll.
  16. We already have a projector and a permanent home movie screen - I am looking for recomendations on a portable screen - one to bring camping - I have seen the blow ups - we camp alot on the beach and I worry about wind. Anyone else use a movie screen when they are camping and have any recomendations?
  17. You accomplished more in one day than we did in two weeks.
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