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Avatab.... Steve

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Everything posted by Avatab.... Steve

  1. AHA! That explains the new Golf Cart Only Express lanes I heard were being installed up and down Main Street at the MK. Can anyone on the scene confirm that? Now they just need to designate every other Monorail as Golf Cart accessible and we'll truly be entering a new age of convenience...
  2. Yes, the last time I was there I saw Mousekeeping also using that old comfort station. The outside of the building looked very shabby, almost abandoned, but the glimpse I got inside (There was a truck unloading stacks of cleaning supplies, toilet paper, etc.) looked like it was in good shape. So I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to re-re-purpose? The worker-bees started to get suspicious of a full-grown man on a Mtn bike who kept circling the building trying to see inside, so I had to break off my surveillance and go do something more useful....
  3. Not sure if this is a new rumor, I checked recent activity and didn't see anything about it. Word on the street is that Disney is going to be removing the Cabins on the 2100 Loop, and by doing that, create 44 new campsites. I haven't confirmed this with my second cousin's Uncle's brother's former roomate who was a CM back in 1985, but it sounds too good to not pass it on
  4. Not sure what the policy is for trailers but you can drive your car/truck right on the beach at Daytona. You can get on from A1A at one end, spend a couple of hours going to the other end and then continue your journey. Or, leave the trailer and hop out on the beach. There's always something going on along the beach road and you can park along the way, stopping to get something to eat and drink, get out a beach chair and relax for a little while. On busy days it's crazy but still fun, on quiet days it's a beautiful drive and something you can't do most everywhere else http://
  5. We live near Cape Cod and there are only two bridges over the Cape Cod Canal. Just like you guys, most of us avoid the Cape from Memorial Day until Labor Day. Some weekends the traffic can back up for miles (on the big holidays it's backed up 20-30 miles) At work, we have had all kinds of meetings about what we would do if a bad hurricane hit the Cape during tourist season. The answer? Not much. It's a disaster waiting to happen. Like the Florida Keys, there's too many people and not enough roads. The funny part is that to get away in the summer we go to North Conway (StoryLand
  6. Oh, and in an attempt to head off the RCGB: Disney does deserve props for the new Fort WIFI system. It looks like it will be done right and ahead of schedule Now if we could get the same crew to work on a new pool and some new loops.... Damn, sorry! Couldn't help it. Too much of a Retro-Grouch
  7. Are you trying to get us in trouble again???? You're going to trigger the wrath of the Rose Colored Glasses Brigade again if you're not careful...... Repeat after me: "The Fort is Great Just the Way it Is" "The Fort is Not a Red-Headed Stepchild" "The Fort is better now than it has ever been" Problems? I don't see no stinkin Problems!!
  8. Agreed to all of you. It's time for Disney to take the pressure off of Florida and lure some of those crowds to Texas AND Brazil Oh, and the Suncoast of Canada.... I'm kind of surprised that there haven't even been any rumors of any kind about new parks, unless I missed something.
  9. Good question. I don't know when they were added. I've never stayed at the Contemporary, are the wings DVC also? Hate the BLT. They made it big and ugly, well not ugly per se but ugly compared to the Contemp. Maybe if it was farther away it wouldn't clash so much. I still can't believe that Disney Mngrs looked at the prospective 3views and thought it was the best design and location for that Holiday Inn wannabee design. If we needed any evidence that Disney has stopped being about the Imagineering and is now all about the Imagimoney, the BLT is exhibit A......
  10. I think by now most of you know where I stand on the "Then or Now" question. But since Jen brought up the Train, it reminded me of the Trams that ran around the Fort after the Train went away. They always reminded me that we were at Disney since they were the same Trams they used at the Parks. As much as Lou reminded us how buses were the only solution that could move people around efficiently, I do miss the Trams. As Travisma said, not a complaint, just an observation.
  11. Tim, In all the kerfluffle here, I forgot to say thanks for taking the time to answer my question about when the last camping loop was added. I still can't believe that the answer was 1976........ 40 years ago!?! Is there any other Disney resort that is still operating at the same size/capacity as they were in 1976?
  12. Are you saying that Disney is spending money updating an amenity at the Fort, doing it the right way, AND they are ahead of schedule? Mind Blown Seriously, at the risk of saying something positive about the Fort circa 2016, good job Disney
  13. Yes, though it would take some planning on Disney's part..... How long would it be for them to grow a tree around a lawnmower? Maybe a John Deere this time? Has anyone said Musket Mickey yet? I definitely want to see him back.
  14. I heard all the sites in the 3000 loop have their own barrels, right next to the beer taps.
  15. We were driving down-east in Bangor, Maine last summer and saw the G Car too. So we waved our hands out the windows. That's what passes for crazy for us So no one recognizes that vest-guy in the picture? He looks really familiar, maybe from someones parade photo on here? I wish I could remember.
  16. Can't speak for others but I would guess those two things would go a long way towards a better Fort. :-) Enforcing the rules fairly would certainly make it easier to deal with the extra crowds. And better themeing would make it easier to smile. So would a bunch more rocking chairs... and goats, more goats to pet...
  17. That is a great question. You already hit on some good ones: Log benches and trash cans etc. The themeing at the Fort isn't what it used to be. How many years has TCD been photo-stalking the elusive Covered Wagon? LOL! And you're also right about the pool, as we discussed above it's needed a real update for awhile. And the Trails would be a nice thing to repair, I really miss the elevated walkways over the lake and thru the swamp. Instead of repairing them didn't they remove the walkways altogether awhile ago? I forgot about the petting zoo and the breakfast cart. As t
  18. No, but in that case we were also renting two rooms per night at each one. It was a family trip where we all traveled in the RV but got rooms at night for everyone else. At the ones we stayed at there were a bunch of electric utility and other trucks parked around the edges of the lots, so they didn't have any problem with RV's. They even gave me an extra room key and specifically told us to use the pool and come in for the continental breakfast My guess is that most hotels wouldn't mind an RV in the lot for one or a couple nights, especially if you rent a room or work out som
  19. That was my first question too! Sounds awful yummy, did you get enough for the whole class?
  20. Interesting point about the Super 8 pricing. I know some hotels and motels allow customers to park their RV's overnite and some even have hook-ups and RV pads. At what point does it make sense to stay at a Motel in your RV as opposed to an over-priced campground? I've stayed in my RV at a couple of Comfort Inn's while other members of my family rented rooms inside. It was really nice to have the practically deserted heated pool and hot tub to use just steps away from the camper, and it was also nice to get the free breakfast in the mornings.
  21. Hi Tim, I'm not sure about anyone else, I did say above that RC was always an extra charge, but one that was gladly paid by many camping parents. And IMHO RC was a part of the Fort the same way the Hoop-Dee-Doo Revue is. Extra charge, shared parking, but still considered part of Fort Wilderness. And in that same way Epcot actually is a Perk for staying at the Boardwalk. I can't speak for others but I know I have stayed at the Beach Club in the past just for that reason. It was a big plus for us to be able to walk over to the World Showcase, have dinner or drinks, watch Illumination
  22. Great post and picture. ".....Evidently the Fort is profitable enough for it to remain open but not so profitable (like the DVCs) that it warrants any sort of expansion....." Agreed, it's the only explanation that makes any sense.
  23. I really appreciate the condescension, especially when you skip over the actual point I was making to fixate on the Lazy River. I apologize if my post doesn't make sense to you, let me try again: Yes, FW had a Water Park. With a TON of water features and play areas, including a LAZY RIVER. Right there! Right inside the Fort. You could walk to it from your campsite. When that closed it was a loss to every family camped at FW even if they didn't go to RC. I don't give a you-know-what which resort has a Lazy River in 2016. I do care about what the Fort used to have and doe
  24. The Fort HAD a Lazy River up thru 2001, it was called River Country. Yes, you had to pay extra, but you could walk to it and all of the extra water park features. It was essentially part of the Fort. Many guests took their kids there instead of the Fort pool, so even if you didn't pay for RC you still benefited from it. When it closed, the Fort was left with the one pool. the same pool it has now. (and the much smaller one added just for the cabins) My original point was that since Disney closed RC entirely (even though they could have kept the chlorinated pools open for the guests
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