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Avatab.... Steve

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Everything posted by Avatab.... Steve

  1. Ditto, we have also used both many times with good results. They both have clean hot showers, both easy on and off, and are nice and quiet. The best thing is that they both have after hours kiosks that list the open sites and let you sign in late and leave early if you like. As noted above we haven't seen New Green Acres fill up completely but we have seen the KOA full when it's snowbird migration season When that happened we just went up the road an exit or two to a Walmart lot IIRC. But I sure did miss that hot shower during the next day's driving......
  2. True, they are maximizing their profit in the short term by making multi-uses of existing assets, but at the expense of greater long term profits by not expanding to meet the obvious demand. In other words, how much longer can they put 10 pounds of crap in a five pound bag before it bites them in the ass? I am already thinking of making the next trip all about Universal and Harry Potter rather than Disney.....
  3. New Green Acres is in Walterboro. Nice stopover, long pull thrus and right off the highway. They also have after-hours check-in and I can't remember them ever being full-up. http://www.newgreenacres.com/index.html
  4. Same here, Been stuck trying to use the GWB several times, the last time was 5 HOURS, then they wanted to charge me as a Commercial vehicle rate! I told them that when traffic backs up like that they should open the tolls and wave people through..... Of course they looked at me like I had 3 heads. That just shows that they are more about money than public safety..... but that's a rant for another post LOL! Anyway, since then we always use slightly longer but much nicer route: 95 to 295 around Providence to 95 thru CT, 287 to the Tappen Zee and around to 78 WB to PA to 81 SB into VA then
  5. No one's said it yet, so I will: Walt must be spinning in his grave.......
  6. We've already seen that Disney is moving away from Walt's idea of traveling to a different world by water or monorail since they started using buses and putting the stops right in front of the MK. Maybe this is a step towards completing that by doing away with the ferries altogether and having the monorail be used for resorts and Epcot travel only. It would cut down on monorail crowding, eliminate costs for the large ferries, and allow them to put whatever they want on that side of the Seven Seas. Of course it would mean a lot more buses and or Trams, but that is the direction Disney has
  7. We saw it at the Drive-In theater on the BIG screen, Just as God intended all Star Wars movies to be seen (and where I saw the original 3 movies) But it was raining just a bit so I will have to see it again at some point, anyone know when the Blu-Ray comes out? In spite of the drizzle it was still well worth the price of admission. And the hot dogs, and the cheese nachos, and the popcorn, and the Junior Mints, and the smuggled in beer.....
  8. No head counts that I'm aware of. In fact even when it's a blatent violation the worse Disney might do is make you move any cars that aren't on the pavement. I have seen people have so many tents that they even pitched 5 or 6 of them so far behind the site they were blocking the dog path. That went on for several days even after the Front Desk was advised...
  9. Which is why many good pilots have flown perfectly good airplanes right into the ground or ocean during bad weather. They lose their visual cues and forget to keep an eye on ALL of their instruments, trusting their own senses instead..... That is apparently what happened with JFK jr off the coast of Marthas Vineyard.
  10. You are right that for some large families it would be an extra expense, but there is no question that the current policy is being abused, and not just by an isolated group here and there. I can't remember a trip recently where there weren't 3 or 4 sites on every loop that were clearly overloaded in every way possible. People, tents, cars, trucks, bikes, golf carts etc etc. It has gotten to the point where one group feels free to make other guests miserable and not have to worry about any consequences. I believe that if the Fort adopted the same rules that most campgrounds have it would go
  11. Sounds like you might have a version of seasickness. The problem at sea is when your eyes are telling you something different than your inner ears or your feet (or your behind in this case... LOL ) Last cruise I was on I had no problem on the ship, but when I got off at a port I got "landsick"...... Really surprised me because I have never had anything like that. I had to go sit down at a cafe and close my eyes until the ground stopped going up and down in my mind...... LOL
  12. I agree, I didn't like that part. Being a cop I felt the same way. I don't care who it is, you don't close the distance w/ a bad guy with a weapon. I also agree with you and TCD that they were trying to have Han die in a very meaningful way, but it seemed forced. Probably because IMHO the actor who plays Kylo Ren just never sold me on being Han and Leias son. he doesn't look like either one of them and the moment or two where he seems to be asking Han for help seemed very insincere or maybe just poorly (over) acted. Maybe that was intentional since he was faking the emotion to draw Han clo
  13. Just got off the phone with a Fort Wilderness CM and he had a couple pieces of movie info straight from JJ Abrams: Chewbacca is Rey's father, which explains why she can speak Wookie. In fact the CM said that Chewie calls her his daughter several times in the movie..... in Wookiese of course. C3PO's red arm was a request from Mattel, which will soon be offering for sale a must-have red plastic replacement arm for every C3PO action figure sold since 1977. And lastly, apparently when the Blu-Ray comes out, if you play it backwards you can hear a voice saying "Han is dead"..... so that's co
  14. You could also pick one up at Walmart once you get to Disney. They have Mtn Bikes for 79 dollars on the website and I believe they put them together for you if you order ahead of time. Someone else on another thread suggested that you could have Walmart deliver a bike to the Fort for you but pretty sure it would need some assembly. http://www.walmart.com/ip/26-Roadmaster-Granite-Peak-Men-s-Bike-Black-Green/45089317?action=product_interest&action_type=title&item_id=45089317&placement_id=irs-106-t1&strategy=PWVUB&visitor_id&category=&client_guid=abc56931-b168-45c9
  15. I agree we all do need to be more vocal to the Management when we are there.
  16. Agreed, lots of families have more than 2 kids, so my counter to that would be what was mentioned above as the old rule at the Fort: 2 adults and up to 8 kids, any more adults get charged an additional fee. I would personally prefer a lower number say 4 or 6 kids, then extra fees above that, but keep the upper limit at 10 max per site. That would allow large families the flexibility to plan ahead and decide whether camping makes sense and whether to pay the extra fees, get another site or stay somewhere else. Also a "limit" is just that, a cap you don't exceed. What I am talking about i
  17. I have noticed the same thing. Perhaps there is a fear on the part of the Fort Mngmt to not generate ANY complaints of racism and the safe thing is to say and do nothing...... In police depts around the country recently they refer to a similar lack of enforcement as the "Ferguson Effect".... Please note that I am NOT saying that any of this is the case at the Fort, simply agreeing with TCD's observation and giving one possible explanation....
  18. Correct. TCD has nailed it as usual. We can debate the fine points on all of these rules or ideas all we like, but if FW were to just consistently enforce whats already on their books most of our complaints would go away.....
  19. Not a limit, but just like a hotel room or most campgrounds, charge a fee for extra people up to the current limit of 10. I think that would push the "lets cram as many people and tents and cars onto one site as we can get away with" crowd back into the value resort rooms or off property. The big problem groups usually come to the Fort not because they want to camp but because it's the cheapest way to get a lot of people onto Disney property w/ all the bennies that go with it. Same with the Phantom sites that actual camping families could otherwise use. I agree that if they don't ban cart
  20. Thanks! Now if only I could get my wife to say that to me once in awhile.....
  21. I'd be happy with that if they also outlaw cars as well. Keep it simple. Golf carts on the road, walkers on the sidewalks. No cars past the front gate. It could work. Or even better, bring back the open trams for getting around the Fort. Or even better better, bring back the Steam Trains!
  22. Class C's are notorious for leaks around the front bunk area. Ours was the same way. All that flexing weight hanging out front really plays havoc with the seals. The water likes to get in and then pool in low spots where you don't even know it's there until enough collects to run out when driving and cornering. We used to have a river come down the inside of the windshield and then down onto my feet whenever I first left the driveway after a rain LOL! If you want a permanent fix, try Eternabond tape. If you put it on correctly it will seal for years. But be careful with it, once it sti
  23. I believe that you could take any random member of Fort Fiends, put them in charge of FW for a year and get better results than the "professionals" running the place now.... What would I do differently if I was in charge? That's a whole topic thread in itself ( I can see it now: "What would you do if you ran the Fort?" ) 1. Run each site as if it was a hotel room. Two adults and two children per site. For additional people pay a fee or get another site. 2. One car allowed per site, no exceptions, and strictly enforced speed limit of 20mph on main road, 10mph on loops. 3. Only sm
  24. An Epcot CM told me not to worry, that the new film was much better than the old one and had some truly spectacular scenes in it, but he did say that it was odd that most of it seemed to be shot in just one small European country called Arendelle and that the test audiences were all mumbling "let it go" under their breath as they left....
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