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Everything posted by CitaPita...Carmen

  1. I just realized that I hit my 100th post in this thread. Those fireworks must have been meant for me! :jumpforjoy
  2. Seriously, could these rich folks walk any slower? Don't they know it's past my bedtime?
  3. This is my kind of night! A night with Doctor Who can't be anything but great. Geek points this way, please! Funny part is, I know of Wil Wheaton, but had never heard of Luke Bryan before this thread!
  4. Just wanted to say thank you for the report! Your girls are super adorable and I hope they had a wonderful time! Now when are you going back? :laugh:
  5. Okay Fiends, be careful what you wish for.... Here is Little E's scary story from our last camping trip. You've been warned! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vx-rq5XAQWw
  6. Thank you! And Knotts Berry Farm is a ton of fun. It did crack me up how similar some of the rides were. SM clone just a bit away from the BTMRR clone. Very similar names, too, although I forget what they were. Oh yes, they are definitely demonstrating a penchant for the creepy there. Hopefully by the time they are allowed to date (at age 30) they'll have grown out of that phase. :) Yes! And we'll definitely be diving into the plumbing/electrical/propane stuff. All of it needs to be done, but especially the electrical. We're going to modernize the inverter, etc. I'd like to do some
  7. Thanks, everyone! :) Here is a bonus update for you, and with this we'll be caught up to the present. This weekend we're going to shift focus to the outside of the rig. Things you'll find in this video: My terrible voice (I can't even stand listening to it, so I watch it on mute. Completed walls (except trim)Completed floorAdorable little one with messy hair, per usualMy rambling, also per usualYou can watch it here: http://youtu.be/kSJAZs6gZ0A
  8. I love this! That's a great Snow White and I'll bet your son remembers that moment for a very long time. :) I love Snow's selfie face, too!
  9. Warning: This update contains boring pictures of wood. Last we left this build, we had cut many pieces of birch for the walls and ceiling of Polly Luna. Why birch? Well, it goes back to our VW days. We always dreamed of switching out our boring white headliner with the headliner of choice for VW Bus renovators: Birch. Here is a good example of what we were after. (Not our bus, but one that served as inspiration) See how shiny and warm that is? As a reminder, here is a picture from the last update that shows what unfinished birch looks like. I'll admit that at this stage, I
  10. Are they still hanging around? Time for some scary ghost stories. Something about a hoard of zombies that sneak up on kids that hang out near the lake after sundown.They are drawn to the heat of campfires and only those within the confines of their own campsites are safe. Make sure to tell the story loudly and enunciate. That should do it!
  11. First, gorgeous site! That's the kind of site that gets a person campsite spoiled. Second, count me in with the cranky crowd. Those kids probably don't even care that it isn't their site, it probably never even entered their heads. But what on earth are the parents doing that they aren't keeping and eye on their kids and reeling them in? Definitely rude. What the what?! That is completely crossing the line. I mean...even a kid would know better than to go into someone's yard and sit in their patio set, which is essentially what that is. Time to get the hose out!
  12. Oh, you have NO idea what you've just unleashed. Next update, I'm going to bring cuteness overload! Hello Aaron's DW! :thumbsup2: Glad you are here!
  13. We just got home from a full day of working on Polly Luna, so I thought I should post an update or two so I can get you guys caught up to where we are right now. I'll probably have a long-ish video to share tomorrow night. We're nearing a milestone on the rig, but more on that in another update. But first, back to that moment in time when our motorhome had no walls or ceiling. That wasn't a fun moment, so we won't hang out there long. First things first, we needed a lot of wood. The only vehicle we have that is large enough to haul 4'x8' sheets of wood is, you guessed it, Polly. So Grand
  14. Love the sign and the shirt. I really don't have time for another project but I think this thread will gain me one anyhow.
  15. I just have to say, thank you to all of you for the encouragement, it helps me keep going! Well, that and our Fort reservation. :) But seriously, this project is no walk in the park and it's good to have Team FF cheering us on. :parrot:
  16. I had to google Eddy Grant and the first thing that popped up with Electric Avenue. That fits! :) When I say a "beach" theme, think more Frankie and Annette than Cape Cod
  17. Here are a few of the ideas I found. Using a roof-mounted collapsible hanger. Or, if you have a relatively short box you can use a tension shower curtain rod between each bed end.
  18. Is it wrong that I'm happy that you are going because we might get a new trip report to read? (Yes, we expect you to work on vacation!)
  19. Okay, enough poop. Let's move along to the good stuff. Everything had been ripped out of the coach and was laying in a heap in the garage. Now what? Here is where we learned a valuable lesson. Tearing things apart in a fury of disgust is the easy part. Rebuilding, especially when you have a renovation partner with completely opposite ideas to yours is, another thing altogether. You see, I've been obsessed with "glampers" lately. Vintage campers that have been redone with bright walls, girly fabrics and cutesy accessories. Invariably the camper will have a pennant banner somewhere. Here i
  20. It's easy to get overwhelmed and quit! I think we stick with it because both of us are invested in working at it. If it was just me I would have probably given up the second it rained mouse poop on my head. Luckily, I have a very stubborn and very determined partner in this who got me over the hump. The end result will be worth the work. At least, it better be!
  21. True story! :) Okay, I'll post it. Wasn't going to because I can't stand the sound of my voice, but this does give a good overview of the whole coach. The video in question: http://youtu.be/j3EWnVKCLCw
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