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Everything posted by CitaPita...Carmen

  1. This is both good and bad to hear. We booked the week after Thanksgiving because it was supposed to be a "quiet" time, but it looks like the Fort is booked solid that week now, so maybe not... I am happy to hear that you still enjoy that time, even if it is going to be busy. I'm personally looking forward to all the decorated campsites!
  2. Your daughter has the most expressive face, I love it! Awesome view from OKW. And does anyone actually want to touch those buttons in the restroom? Is it positioned before or after people "wash their hands"?
  3. Loving that camper/car combo! And the bike's banana seat.
  4. Evie got her first haircut at the barbershop on main street in MK. This was taken on the boat back to the Fort. Her hair is in a ponytail here. :) Not a mullet.
  5. Hazel riding Cloud, one of Cinderella's ponies. Our first trip in April 2013.
  6. Great updates! :) Really good info on the Elsa shortage at the show. I can picture my girls asking every two seconds where she is through the whole show. As a side note, why do kids love Elsa so much? Anna is so much cooler. It has to be the dress, right? Whoever designed Elsa's blue dress deserves a major raise!
  7. Okay, so VW vans are rear engine. Wonder where it is now? Also, that's a split window. I wonder if the person that cut it to pieces knew how much it was worth? If not, I'd love to tell them so I could make them cry.
  8. I fear that I am one of "those people" and hug VWs like some hug trees. SAVE THE VWs!
  9. I fear our days of getting a good deal on a guarantee room are over since we're a family of five now. We're still planning on going in December 2016, though. We went on the Magic for our 10th anniversary in 2011 so we'll celebrate our 15th the same way, I think.
  10. Whoa, I was way behind! All caught up now. Can't wait to hear about the Frozen package! Wish the Frozen fun was going on in the fall, my little ones would get such a kick out of it.
  11. Dave, that one makes me sad. Why did they ruin a perfectly good VW with that frankenbeast! Still interested in seeing the inside, though.
  12. This thread is making me "homesick" today. The pictures are gorgeous.
  13. Thanks, Lou! Sounds like we may have to pass. There is no chance I would get to eat my meal if this is the case.
  14. That sounds great! Question, how do they handle high chairs in the "cars"? Also, are the movies even a little bit scary for little ones?
  15. Thanks you guys! I do quilt sometimes, but this was my first time making a dress. There were so many flaws, but E didn't see them so all was okay. :) The Elsa costume looks a little more complex, so I'm a little worried.
  16. Mo, I have a feeling you'll like this if you haven't seen it. Wholock! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3bGYljQ5Uw Any chance they'll try to get Kristen Bell, Jonathan Groff, or Idina Menzel?
  17. I was thinking about the fact that I need to sew an Elsa dress for my little E for Halloween this year (she'll be one of thousands of Elsas this Halloween!) and remembered the Cinderella dress I sewed for her last year. I am hopeless at using patterns, so I followed the directions I found on a blog and it worked great! Here is the link to the tutorial: http://www.makeit-loveit.com/2010/10/cinderella-dress-halloween-costume.html And here is how mine turned out. I was pretty pleased considering I had never sewn a dress before.
  18. Awesome! I almost linked them to this post as a possible source of the emergency, but didn't know if that was against their rules or not. :)
  19. Another Disney camping group I'm a part of on FB was reporting oodles of Emergency Vehicles near the Fort yesterday afternoon. Probably related?
  20. I've been wondering about this as well. My youngest will be 15 months during our trip. He's an amazing baby in restaurants, but loud noises do tend to startle him. I like the idea of doing the Backyard BBQ. I might go that direction!
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