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Nicki aka Rebelstand

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Everything posted by Nicki aka Rebelstand

  1. explain to them how difficult it is to get Fort ressies for Christmas. explain how much time and effort you spend securing and planning this vacation. bribe, shame, whatever it takes
  2. refuse to pay for Skiing trip, cancel everyone else credit cards. refuse to buy christmas gifts unless every agrees to go to Disney. ground the kids indefinitely. No more allowance, cell phones, or internet until Disney is reinstated.
  3. Rita I can only imagine the hilarity that would have ensued. Melty & Misty x2 - walking in front Nicole x2 - getting misted for free walking behind the melty
  4. sounds about the same as I heard. Gee am I gonna show up and then they say "were are your bands"?
  5. Thanks Thanks. Results do honestly vary. If you look on the Fa-Tang thread you will see another set but they were so specialized I didnt' feel they belonged on this thread
  6. I was told by a CM on the phone (take it for what it's worth) to look for an email sometime soon on about linking for FP+. She wouldn't say when but to look for it.
  7. I both do and I don't over plan. However, other than a few ADRs during our stay I have learned to go with the flow. I could not do this though without at least a park hopper
  8. I say it's the AP that changed it. Having the AP makes me feel more free. I don't have to worry about getting my money's worth out of a daily ticket and we've had so many more trips since that first one. I don't stress about getting EVERYTHING DONE IN A DAY.
  9. Not anymore. The kids were 6 & 8 at the time (now 9 & 11) and this was after a full day in one of the parks and the kids were on a public school sleeping schedule. These days we are usually heading into MK just before or after the campfire for some late EMH fun.
  10. I remember the EWP. We heard it from inside our camper on the 300 loop, go the kids their shoes and coats on (cold christmas in FL) and took them out to see it. You can still hear the boat horns and the train whistle in the 900 loop too but it's not so bad that you can't roll over and go back to sleep.
  11. So as per request, I tested out a mickey tie dye using only rubber bands...
  12. So as the pictures in this TR show, I have done some tie dye in the past. Well as I was folding my daughter's multiple mickey head tie dye shirt the other day, I was struck with inspiration from this here TR...
  13. We went to Chef Mickeys which the kids enjoyed. It's not bad for a character meal but call asap. "Also, what is the best/cheapest (relative term for Disney) place on site at the Fort?" we talking food here... Trails End Lunch is probably the cheapest food at the Fort but the buffet is so worth the price.
  14. When we had dogs and a smaller RV we liked the 300. Since going premium and getting larger RV we like being close to campfire and pool (this is ironic considering how little the kids actually go to the pool because we are in the parks)
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