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Posts posted by McMonsters..........Kelly

  1. Thats a thought Judy!  I'll have to see if he's up to it.  We will be there a week before he arrives.


    Edit: Just checked on how this works, they no longer allow you to sign up.  They pick someone randomly.




  2. As some of you know, my husband is currently deployed and wasn't expected to be back for Christmas.  Me being the awesome mom that I am decided to book a trip for Christmas at the Fort to help us get through the holidays without Daddy.  We found out recently that my husband "may" be back!  I am still going to Disney because it can always fall through but we are planning on him coming into Florida mid trip.  I don't want to tell the girls and plans change, that would crush our oldest.  So I need to figure out how to surprise them.  He'll be renting a car with his team and getting dropped off at Disney.  I'm thinking small, we don't like too much fuss but I want it to be special for her.  The girls are almost 4 and 2 if that helps.  I tried talking to Disney and they weren't much help, I was told to check out Disney Florist.....either I didn't explain myself well enough or the lady was an idiot.  I have no idea when he will arrive until we get closer to the date so I need you help to brainstorm for different scenarios.  It can be anywhere on Disney property.

  3. I'm thinking during the beginning of summer but not when it is super hot or crazy.  If we do summer we could always do it closer to the mountains.  With so much going on between now and then I want it to be easier on everyone for financial reasons.

  4. So we're itching to get together again soon and with the Carolinas being somewhat centrally located we are looking for input.  I'd like to find a place for everyone, tenters included. Any suggestions for a good time for everyone or ideas on great places?  Who's in?

  5. Well well what is going to happen next.  Yesterday had to install a new kitchen faucet, we ran into a snag trying to fix the old one.  Today while eating an egg on toast I lost a cap or should I say didn't lose it cause I know where it is...I swallowed it.  I am afraid to see what else is coming my way since things seem to come in 3's.

    On the bright side, at least you were home when they both happened.  Just getting all out of the way before you head down!

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