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I am coming here with my question because you guys have been so helpful with all of my other questions.... and no one else understands my Disney/FW obsession. Now, this is something I know will ultimately be my decision.... just wondering what you would do.

Here's the deal:

DH and I and 4 kids have been planning this 13 night FW stay for a few months. Long story short, he can no longer stay that long due to job issues. 8 nights is his max. We decided that the kids and I would do the 13 nights and he would fly home to work for 3 days and fly back. That seemed like a great option 4 months ago. Now, not so much. Being along with DD12, DS9, DD6 and DD2 seems a little overwhelming. And what if an emergency arises. Also seems like a lot of back and forth for DH to do.

Have any of you Moms ever camped/vacationed alone with the kids?

We are leaving in 2 weeks, so need to decide soon. Kids really want the longer version.... I don't blame them!!

We are back to square one... what would you do?



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I would say part of this answer is going to be your mindset and the second part is your DD12 and DS9. Can the two older ones help out with things some to make life a little easier for you? If the kids are excited about it they should be willing to live by your rules for when dad is gone (or we will go home!). I would say go for it, you will make great memories. At the same time you know your limits.

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If this is something your husband wants to do for all of you, then I think you should do it. I look at the extra time he is giving you and the children there as a gift from him. As a stay-at-home homeschooling mom, this to me would be one of the best gifts I could receive. How often do we get to spend time with our children away from the everyday shuffling around and various other day to day tasks? As others have said, if an emergency should come up there are people there who can help.

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I agree you should stay plus I am sure if there are any Fiends at the Fort while you are there without the hubby you will find plenty of help should the need arise. I know we are always ready to help our neighbors while we are camping wherever we are. Good luck and have a great time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If this is something your husband wants to do for all of you, then I think you should do it. I look at the extra time he is giving you and the children there as a gift from him. As a stay-at-home homeschooling mom, this to me would be one of the best gifts I could receive. How often do we get to spend time with our children away from the everyday shuffling around and various other day to day tasks? As others have said, if an emergency should come up there are people there who can help.

I agree absolutely!

Now would be a good time to start training your older children to help out more with meals and cleaning, if they don't already. They could get lunch and breakfast each day, leaving you to only worry about dinner. Also, don't be afraid to enforce nap time, even for the older children. They can have a lie down mid-day to read or just rest quietly, or even write a journal about the trip.

Do what you need to make the time as stess-free as possible, but enjoy this special time makking memories that will last a lifetime!

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Hopefully your older kids could watch the youngers for short periods of time. I know the most stressful thing I did was spend 24/7 with my then 12yo DD last summer. We took a long circle trip of the West and DH flew home twice during that trip. You need a break occasionally- so take a walk around the loop or sit at the beach or shop in the store for 20 minutes a day. It saves your sanity. My DH is the buffer sometimes between us and w/o him it became stressful at times.

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Thank you all so much for the responses. I think I have "re-found" the courage to do it. My 12 year old daughter is very mature and helpful and she can basically take over with the 6 and 2 year old.

Lou, I hope I don't have to hunt you down. I'm sure it will be smooth sailing, but so nice to know there will be many helpful people around if the need arises.

11 more days!!!!!! Gotta get packing.


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You're going to the most visited vacation destination on the face of the earth. It might take an extra step or two, but I'm betting whatever happens (if anything does) has probably happened several times before.

Can't tell you what you should do, but no way in hell I would give up any family time at Disney.

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MLM5 Judy will be along to help with this question I hope. She takes her 5 down in the automobile, sets up the tent and campsite and DH flies in. She also takes the kids by herself.

She's a better woman than me!

Thanks Rita :heart: Honey, I absolutely recommend it! I do recommend that you DONT plan, or make reservations or try to stick to a schedule. I did 7 days last year with my 12, 11, 10 and 2 year old and this year I added 2 more to the trip (my baby and my cousins child) I did have a extra set of hands this year MOST of the time, but a few days I had all 6 of them on my own and it wasnt nearly as bad as everyone would think. My older children are awesome with the young ones and that makes all the difference. The fort is a great place to let them just enjoy being children and the memories you will make with them are something that you'll cherish for the rest of your life! If some thing arises, I have no doubt that fiends will come running to your rescue, so please dont be afraid to ask for help. This is a pretty special group here.

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If you stay home alone with your kids, you can for sure do vacation with them!

The only tricky part I see would be using the comfort station. Going as a group would be the best but tricky to schedule. I think jumping in the pool counts as a shower when you are camping.

I say just make sure you have plans in place to feel safe ie: Do you have a trailer that the oldest can stay in and be safe if needed? Do you have cell phones or radios for them to carry so you can keep track of everyone? Set some clear rules about not wandering off alone... etc.

I think you will have a blast

Carie, single mom who would not travel if she could not travel alone... with kids... always.... :jumpforjoy towing, about 1,000 miles...

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