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The Accidental Full Timers With Children - What The Fort!

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My Eyes... My Eyes... Somebody Stop the Slide show... PLEASE Now for that park you've been asking for..... Glacier National Park. A few things to remember: 1. The Fort AT Halloween has more parking

The pictures don't even compare to the original... awesome. That is quite ironic about Minnie. We had no idea! here is the thing on the pictures. we don't post kid picks online. All the recent pict

sorry about the same picture showing up multiple times.... I have removed it but for the one that's should be there. Was having issues with the pictures showing up at all and then didn't check it aft

something else we will have to go back for. We only got to gaze upon the mariposa grove. I have to say picking a favorite spot is almost impossible. Each place is truly gorgeous in it's own way and manages to surprise you somehow.


I totally agree with you, each place we have been to is so special in its own right!!! The United States is so amazing!!! However, we all had our favorite spots. Some places that we have visited like Yosemite, The Grand Canyon, Bryce, and Zion to name a few, we cant wait to return to. (Fort Wilderness too!!!!) Other places like, Yellowstone, Mesa Verde,The Badlands, we truly enjoyed, but dont have a strong desire to go back to for at least ten years. So, we most definetly have our favorites, and those are places that we want to return to sooner rather than later.

As a side note, I am going to make my Glacier park reservations this week. Also because of your trip report, we are considering adding Olympic National Park to our schedule, and possibly the Redwoods.

Thanks for doing this trip report!!! Can't wait for your next update!!!!


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As a side note, I am going to make my Glacier park reservations this week. Also because of your trip report, we are considering adding Olympic National Park to our schedule, and possibly the Redwoods.

Thanks for doing this trip report!!! Can't wait for your next update!!!!



Hurricane Ridge is worth the drive to Olympic all on it's own but there is even more to do driving around the 101.

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Mostly Words, Yellow Cities, & Tagged Cars

One rule I haven't mentioned yet:

RV Fulltiming 11. What looks good on paper/computer/etc may not translate well in reality.

This was a difficult lesson for us. We are road trip warriors. We've made it from DFW, TX to Staten Island, NY in less than 36 hours with a 2 year old and an 18 month old. So 300-350 miles a day should be a breeze...right? Wrong.

We only drive on weekends due to work and school so if you follow the recommended towing speeds for most states (55-65), well let's just say you can add about 10 minutes an hour to whatever google maps says to the freeway drives. Back road driving is about the same as google maps due to the lower speed limits. Not to mention that towing a trailer is different than just driving. Once you factor in stops to let the dogs out, which currently means unhitching, and getting gas. Well that 6 hours quickly grows. I know some are you are going "pshhhawww, that is no big deal. we do that to get to the Fort all the time!". That is very true but we were doing it EVERY weekend.

It was about half way through the trip we realized that in order to get the big things done, in the time remaining before getting back for Halloween, we were going to have to drive 6-8 hour days. Once we even had to do a 10 hour day because DH really doesn't like driving both of the weekend days(his days off). All because we PROMISED the kids we'd be back in Oklahoma for Halloween... not Christmas, Thanksgiving or Easter but Halloween!

Things we knew we'd have to miss- (the ones I can remember)

Crater Lake

The Entire State Of Utah

Yellowstone (this was actually a case of things just not aligning properly, we ended up at Glacier instead)

The Grand Tetons

The Painted Desert

Petrified National Forest


Carlsbad Caverns (this one actually bothered us the most)

Back on track -

After hitting that last monument, we headed out. At this point we had only two weeks to get back to southern Oklahoma for Halloween at Memaws, you know that thing we promised the kids six months ago we'd be there for..... the reason for RV Fulltiming Rule #7. Don't make promises to be back for that special day.

Unfortunately, according to our current travel schedule, 300-350 miles or 6 hours driving, we were still three weeks out. You know what that means? Leaving early on Friday driving 5 hours, overnighting somewhere (hopefully not a Walmart Parking lot) in or near ABQ, hitching up the next morning and making it to Amarillo (The yellow city), TX.

Now let's move on from this wordy post. Are you ready to get back to some pictures. We finally arrived in the Yellow City a bit tired but doing ok. The next evening found me, where else... but in the Laundry room. I sent Shawn and the kiddos to see the Caddy Ranch-

My kids are in the picture... sort of-




Doodle, there is a shameful lack of glitter here... you really should do something about it!




Finally here is one, and I know it's been awhile since he got one, for TCD -

Sun Over Cadillac Ranch (Afternoon shot)


Guys and girls you are almost caught up with us. I've only a few posts left before you get to join us (semi) real time. How does that feel? We spent our week in Amarillo and then headed to the MEMAWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We spent Halloween at Memaws, a week in Fort Worth visiting friends, a week in Dublin, TX (the oldest Dr. Pepper bottling company. They still use REAL sugar cane), Memaws for Thanksgiving....

Next UP - Repairs, Renovations, and OMG That Quilt is HUGE

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Now to stop the interior rain. I wanted material that was washable and when that's the case, with heavy duty use in mind, denim is the only choice for me. No quilter can do without her box of gadgets and at least one sewing machine... other than the coffee machine (mochas anyone?) this was my luxury item.


Now to get started-



Here is the finished product-


Not the prettiest thing and there is velcro in the corners to help it stick up but no more "Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head".

A little late to the party, but this puts you up there with the Appolo 13/NASA crew in my mind. :bravo:

Enjoying the TR!!!!!

And I agree, you need to see Crater Lake NP. Granted we left the worst heat spell on record in SC, over 30 days of 100+ temps and found SNOW still there, so I am biased. But that and the surrounding parks on the west coast was awesome!


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Even man made stuff can be cool!!!!

It does look cool. I think it's held together by the paint.

I love the Cadillac Ranch photos. Especially the Sun Over Cadillac Ranch photo!

Have you heard of the Airstream Ranch?

An RV dealer along I-4 just to the East of Tampa set this up a few years back, not as impressive as Cadillac Ranch, but still interesting:


I have heard of the Airstream Ranch. It is, like any Airstream Fanatic, on my list of things to see. Although I will admit to some sadness at seeing such beautiful trailers done that way.......

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Repairs, Renovations, and OMG That Quilt is HUGE

It was in Dublin that our first Major System went down since leaving on this trip. We'd lost one (the converter/inverter thing and the battery) on the way to the Fort but none since leaving on the trip.

Our trailer still had the original working 1971 Magic Chef Oven in it. We used it often. Then in Dublin it's thermo coupler thingy died a horrible death. You just about can't replace it and we didn't.

Here it is open -


Massive, isn't?

Here is the hole it left in the wall.... yes Shawn is actually pushing it in place.



He later added a few small shelves on this side-



I am embarrassed to say that I've yet to take a picture of the mended wall ..... add to my to do list! While it has been stained and some things added, we know it isn't the prettiest of jobs even now that it's finished, when you live in the trailer it is hard to rip out half of it to do pretty repairs!

While Dh was slaving away at the wall this was what I was doing-



Now you might notice that quilt is quite a bit larger than the width of the trailer... right? Well there is a method to this. My husband has been complaining that my quilts aren't big enough. We fight over them at night. So I made one that is certainly big enough.... it works well.

Here is the finished Quilt posted just a few days ago on the blog - ( I finished the week before Christmas. It was folded in half for the picture and the bed is completely out)


After Dublin, we headed back to Memaws for Thanksgiving. Then spent a week in Denton to get our bearing repacked.. what a fiasco, then headed down to "home" for week, and then to Beaumont, TX.....

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The quilt looks great Nicki...though I have a hard time believing that your hubby needs a big one. He must just be a cover hog. :))

In all honesty, do you ever wish you had a home base? I know after being in Georgia last weekend, I couldn't wait to be back home. My neighborhood, my grocery store, my post office..... (I don't own any of those, but I call them mine. ;) )

Will you do this forever, or do you have a time frame of when you'll settle down?

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The quilt looks great Nicki...though I have a hard time believing that your hubby needs a big one. He must just be a cover hog. :))

In all honesty, do you ever wish you had a home base? I know after being in Georgia last weekend, I couldn't wait to be back home. My neighborhood, my grocery store, my post office..... (I don't own any of those, but I call them mine. ;) )

Will you do this forever, or do you have a time frame of when you'll settle down?

He might be skinny but he is tall ... actually he typically throws the covers off (sometimes to the floor), then I bundle up, then he tries to get them back... the size was kind of a joke between us but it works better than any other quilt.

A little family history for you to give you some insight-

My father migrated here from England. I have a cousin that hasn't settled for more than 5 years anywhere. My oldest brother has moved from Louisiana to Texas to Louisina to California to Texas to Louisinana to New York to California. I have moved from Louisiana to Texas to New Jersey to Oklahoma to an Airstream that moves weekly. Now at least I it doesn't take long to pack up when I move. Gypsy blood?

On a serious note, do I miss a home base? Technically I have a home base but only technically. Do I miss a house... unequivocally NO. Not yet.

Is there a chance I will at some point in the future... probably. Realistically there will come a point in time when our children will choose or need to settle into a "normal" life. Or I will reach a point were I do not wish to homeschool my kids. Or Shawn will need to settle close to his parents so we can take care of them (he is his mom's only child). We are, somewhat, committed to living this way until next Feb of 2013 (Nov Airstream Rally at FW and Feb DCL Trip).

Having said that we have promised each other and the kids that we will only do this so long as it works for everyone. At any point and any time, when someone expresses a serious interest to settle down, then we will seriously evaluate our lives. I say seriously because the kids, when asked, will tell you they wish they had a room to put more toys into. They are under the mistaken belief that more room is more toys.... yeah right.

Also, this lifestyle is somewhat dependent on DH having the job he currently has or one similiar to it. At this point we are just seizing every moment we have with each other and our kids before the kids are teenagers.

I guess what I am saying is-

We take it one day at a time or more accurately one week at a time. We have not promised ourselves to live this way forever nor have we said we'd never do this forever. It works until it doesn't work. We could decide tomorrow (not likely) to settle down somewhere or we could be doing this in 5 years. We went into this without really planning to and will likely decide to stop without really planning it (although we will have a plan as to what we will do...or where we will want to live).

PS. We have and do often discuss the Home Base option....just can't decide where we want it to be...(Fort Wilderness... I wish)!

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Here is the finished Quilt posted just a few days ago on the blog - ( I finished the week before Christmas. It was folded in half for the picture and the bed is completely out)


Nice job on the quilt Nicki.

I have a quilt that my mother made for me about 40 years ago that looks very similar. It's the only thing I have to remember her by.

The spooky part is that she used fabric with all Mickeys for the opposite side. Did she have premenition that Mickey was going to be a big part of my life then?

It's big enough for a king bed and we still use it on chilly nights.

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Nice job on the quilt Nicki.

I have a quilt that my mother made for me about 40 years ago that looks very similar. It's the only thing I have to remember her by.

The spooky part is that she used fabric with all Mickeys for the opposite side. Did she have premenition that Mickey was going to be a big part of my life then?

It's big enough for a king bed and we still use it on chilly nights.

Be careful Lou.. your warm and fuzzy is starting to show. Your mother must have had second sight. I hope my kids will want some of my quilts when I'm gone.

On a side not, every piece of fabric was bought during our trip. I'd look into Quilt shops or fabric stores for a little something to add to the quilt.....

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I swear there is a Gypsy gene - I have it - I know it. I always want to travel. Recently I have been thinking of our family as pilgrims - leaving our home - looking for a better place to settle down. Like your family if we like it on the road - we are going to stay on the road - we have no long term timeline. There is something about that is just so freeing. I essentially gave notice at my job yesterday - I should be scared - I’m not nearly as scared as I thought I would be.

I hear you about the toys. For me shoes has been the most difficult culling experience so far - I don’t know how I am going to get my husband down to three pairs of shoes. He pulled another pair out yesterday. For the kids - it’s the toys. It’s amazing how many stuffed animals you can accumulate. I had to allow them each six - three to take with us and three to pack in our small storage unit. Do you keep a storage unit? They ask constantly if they can bring this or that and I just don’t have the heart to tell them no. Then I will find they have rescued a small toy from the donate pile and I just have to think to myself - are we traumatizing them by going for the simpler lifestyle? We have about 150lbs of Legos - I cannot see us bringing them all - and the kids swear it will kill them if I sell them - not sure what we are going to do about those. How did you get rid of the stuff before you went? I have been moving everything that is "sellable" to the garage so we can paint the house and then stage for selling - we have a ton of crap. One bay is almost full. I was thinking of perhaps having an open house for friends and family - so they could come through and pick out items they want - but I can't imagine that will take care of everything. A Tag sale just seems like so much work since we would have to truck everything to a relative’s house where they actually get traffic.

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I swear there is a Gypsy gene - I have it - I know it. I always want to travel. Recently I have been thinking of our family as pilgrims - leaving our home - looking for a better place to settle down. Like your family if we like it on the road - we are going to stay on the road - we have no long term timeline. There is something about that is just so freeing. I essentially gave notice at my job yesterday - I should be scared - I’m not nearly as scared as I thought I would be.

I hear you about the toys. For me shoes has been the most difficult culling experience so far - I don’t know how I am going to get my husband down to three pairs of shoes. He pulled another pair out yesterday. For the kids - it’s the toys. It’s amazing how many stuffed animals you can accumulate. I had to allow them each six - three to take with us and three to pack in our small storage unit. Do you keep a storage unit? They ask constantly if they can bring this or that and I just don’t have the heart to tell them no. Then I will find they have rescued a small toy from the donate pile and I just have to think to myself - are we traumatizing them by going for the simpler lifestyle? We have about 150lbs of Legos - I cannot see us bringing them all - and the kids swear it will kill them if I sell them - not sure what we are going to do about those. How did you get rid of the stuff before you went? I have been moving everything that is "sellable" to the garage so we can paint the house and then stage for selling - we have a ton of crap. One bay is almost full. I was thinking of perhaps having an open house for friends and family - so they could come through and pick out items they want - but I can't imagine that will take care of everything. A Tag sale just seems like so much work since we would have to truck everything to a relative’s house where they actually get traffic.

Gypsy or just trying to find that place were I belong.. not sure which. But I do believe there is a wandering gene. The thing with plans is they always change and it's just easier to go with the flow and not fight it.

Honestly the most difficult thing for me was going from 4 sewing machines (hunting for the 5th) to 1. I hated leaving behind my treadle sewing machines as they were my favorite to use. My husband misses his tools but his biggest packing nightmare was the back of the truck. Two dog crates (one large enough for a 145lb dog), the slinky bin, bikes, and leveling blocks... it took him days to figure out how to get it in the way he wanted (it's changed since then too).

The toys-

Well, our kids didn't have a lot of them to begin with. When you move every two years, for the past six years you purge alot (only two kids as well). We let them put about a large bins worth each in storage and they brought two of the long flat bins each. We took about half of the legos (i feel for you there). We return to storage about every 6 months and dump/purge/retrive things.

Usually I have a Garage/Tag sale before a move but this time I just donated a huge portion to my friend (pastor's daughter & associate pastor's wife) and to Goodwill (you can get a tax deduction for it).

I have some recommendations for you.

Start test packing the trailer before the Tag/Garage Sale. It will help you figure out how much you can take. It might even help you purge/pack more away.

Have an argument with yourself over EVERYTHING you put in the trailer. Justify taking it to yourself!

Make sure to pack both warm and cool weather clothes. We currently have about 4 days worth of shorts, 4 days of jeans, 4 short sleeves, 4 long sleeves and one sweat shirt jacket per person. (We store the unneeded under the truck seat and put what we need at the time in the trailer)

Be careful of your kitchen gadgets. If you don't use it every day/week think long and hard about if you want to take it. (We had to leave our almost brand new kitchen aid mixer behind)

JCPenny has some Quick Dry Towels. I highly recommend you pay the extra money to get some kind of fast drying towel. It will save you a lot of frustration, money and laundry time.

Melamine or Corelle is your best bet. We bought Corelle then found some Mickey Mouse Head Plates that were melamine. We took the corelle back to storage.

I'll stop for now. Please let me know if you have any questions or need help with anything!

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