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How Late Have You Been At MK?

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First of all, TTC is not MK.   MK is MK.   The TCD gang's record on an EMH night is 3:28 am (this photo is from 2009) :     But, Jason is right, we were there for Leap Day last year, and set our new

We were there for the leap day all nighter last year.  Here's a pick of my husband when we were leaving at 6:14am.    

Just think about all the money we could save. We tell the kids we're taking them to the MK and just take them to the TTC since they're the same thing.

You beat me!

Good job!

SBD will probably come up with some way to disqualify you though.

HIs rules, you know.


Ok, I'm up from my nap so that I can make things magical for the crazies at MK until some ungodly hour in the morning.


On page 499 subsection 10, paragraph 3, in the SBD "making up his own rules as he goes along" official rule book, it clearly says that participants must have at least 29 posts in order to participate.

So drafthorsecrazy, my hands are tied, you're outta here.

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Ok, I'm up from my nap so that I can make things magical for the crazies at MK until some ungodly hour in the morning.


On page 499 subsection 10, paragraph 3, in the SBD "making up his own rules as he goes along" official rule book, it clearly says that participants must have at least 29 posts in order to participate.

So drafthorsecrazy, my hands are tied, you're outta here.


Rules is rules.


What can you do?


Have a magical night (and morning).



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Just think about all the money we could save. We tell the kids we're taking them to the MK and just take them to the TTC since they're the same thing.


They can go for a monorail ride, a ferry boat ride, a bus ride, a tram ride, get a coffee and donut, visit the gift shop, use the rest rooms, and harass the people in line buying tickets, that's a full day at MK. At least that's what they'll think. 

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I hit 320 on extra magic hours I think either 08 or 09. It was the night before New Year's Eve when they did a dry run of the New Years firework show. We were waiting in line for space mountain. Then when we finished the walk to the fort boat. But my time has already been beat by someone, so I don't think I will be disqualified. But you never know

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Ok, I'm up from my nap so that I can make things magical for the crazies at MK until some ungodly hour in the morning.


On page 499 subsection 10, paragraph 3, in the SBD "making up his own rules as he goes along" official rule book, it clearly says that participants must have at least 29 posts in order to participate.

So drafthorsecrazy, my hands are tied, you're outta here.

Hmmmm....... since I haven't learned to read yet, I don't know what you are talking about

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My game, my rules, so TTC is part of MK and besides what does that big sign say at the toll plaza? MK = 5 resorts including The Fort


Second, what's SBD? Silent But Deadly 


Third, I just decided you can't play, so there.



And neither can Carol or TJ.


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I'm awake, I'm awake!

So I left TTC, which by my rules is MK, at 3:08am and didn't break the players, that are eligible to play, record.

But unfortunately, I get another shot at it tonight. What a transportation zoo at MK last night.


Not bad.


It wasn't a zoo all the way up to 3, was it?


Were you driving from the TTC to other parks?



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It wasn't a zoo all the way up to 3, was it?


Were you driving from the TTC to other parks?




After the fireworks at 10 is when the big rush occurs, so between 10:30 and midnight is zoo time.


No, I wasn't going to other parks from TTC, just MK to the resorts and back.


What people don't realize is that at that time, the woosie monorails can't handle the load, so buses also run the monorail routes. And I think that one of the monorails broke down so that added to the excitement.


They called the all clear at about 2, but by then there were only a few stragglers left and they were getting buses all to themselves.


They brought in 30 or so outside buses just for MK alone, so I'm guessing there were 80 or 90 total buses just for MK guests. That's a lot of buses in a small area. The number of buses waiting in line to get their bus stop assignment stretched from the bus stops to nearly the water bridge at times.


A unique thing they're doing this week because TTC is under construction, is using the former air strip, the STOL Port, instead of TTC for the staging and parking of MK buses. So when drivers go on break, they park the bus at the STOL Port, take a shuttle to TTC, take their break, take a shuttle back to the STOL Port, and pick up their bus. It takes every driver an additional 30 minutes, not too efficient but what can they do.


It was fun though, stressful at times as I had no idea what I was going to encounter at the STOL Port as far as parking the bus and getting out again with so many buses and no one there directing them, but it worked out ok, no problems.


The people were in good moods, so no issues, as usual, there and I get to do it all again tonight.

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So everything past the toll plaza is in the MK?  Wow.  There will be thousands of people there later than you.


SBD= Schmuckface Bus Driver.  Duh.


OK, I won't play.  Maybe if you disqualify everyone you might just win your little challenge.



So, by these rules, I think beat everyone. Im still here.


If youre talking as a guest, 3 am is my best. As a CM, 5 am.

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After the fireworks at 10 is when the big rush occurs, so between 10:30 and midnight is zoo time.


No, I wasn't going to other parks from TTC, just MK to the resorts and back.


What people don't realize is that at that time, the woosie monorails can't handle the load, so buses also run the monorail routes. And I think that one of the monorails broke down so that added to the excitement.


They called the all clear at about 2, but by then there were only a few stragglers left and they were getting buses all to themselves.


They brought in 30 or so outside buses just for MK alone, so I'm guessing there were 80 or 90 total buses just for MK guests. That's a lot of buses in a small area. The number of buses waiting in line to get their bus stop assignment stretched from the bus stops to nearly the water bridge at times.


A unique thing they're doing this week because TTC is under construction, is using the former air strip, the STOL Port, instead of TTC for the staging and parking of MK buses. So when drivers go on break, they park the bus at the STOL Port, take a shuttle to TTC, take their break, take a shuttle back to the STOL Port, and pick up their bus. It takes every driver an additional 30 minutes, not too efficient but what can they do.


It was fun though, stressful at times as I had no idea what I was going to encounter at the STOL Port as far as parking the bus and getting out again with so many buses and no one there directing them, but it worked out ok, no problems.


The people were in good moods, so no issues, as usual, there and I get to do it all again tonight.

Im getting ready to head in as well. Work till 2am on the East side.

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