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Everything posted by stefa70

  1. Awww, I would love to spend an evening with Mama at Old Town!! (And you too Rita ^-^ ) Had a great weekend!
  2. Holy smokes! You don't mess around when writing a TR. That horses ass looks just like you. Hope you get a nice check in the mail for that. Tiny, beer and fried food = Good stuff!! Sorry you got the sickness. We've all had our turn with it. Hope you're feeling better!! :hugs2:
  3. Not a darn thing!! Thanks for reading.
  4. More great pics Gwen. YOU have a blue sewer hose!?!? Sorry about your MH issues, but at least it happened at the Fort, where everything is less stressful.
  5. Very cute! That's the kind of thing you hold on to.
  6. Holy cow TJ, is that a full size fridge? Did you bring the kitchen sink too? :) Thanks for sharing your pics.
  7. I'm not a tea kinda girl, but it looks like you ladies had a good time. The stuffed animal lady story is so sad.
  8. That cabin is beautiful!! The second one, not the first one. I forgot to mention, I was teasing you on the 40 thing. I'm over that hill. It's only a number!
  9. I've sent in my application for songwriter, we'll see what happens. ^-^ Thanks for reading Aaron. Good memory! Yes, he did. He's a big blow-hard, but a sweetie when he wants to be. Thanks Tom. I will only put you in a headlock if your drunk and you slap my face. I'm not a violent person, for the most part. ^-^ We had a super time Judy! You can always stowaway in Genia's RV for the next visit. We'd love to have you, I just can't guarantee you'll go home the same person you came as. >:D Thanks for reading.
  10. Unfortunately, yes. Now you understand why my camp chair, is a beach chair. What you felt like in that one chair, I feel like in every chair. #shortgirlproblems
  11. You didn't overdo! Great pics of the kids in the snow. I agree with TCD, couldn't you find any orange & blue to wear that day?
  12. Great pictures of the girls! :heart: Is it just the angle of the pic of you in that chair, or are your feet barely touching the floor? If it they really are dangling, welcome to my world.
  13. Lucky for The Troll, I'm still catching up on TR's. That means another view. I will add Al to the short "What Troll likes" list. Great job, enjoyed it!
  14. Whoa David! I love the Peoplemover. That is a definite "what not to wear!" Nice work.
  15. Wow, there are so many things wrong with that first picture, I won't even comment. I do love the second picture of the lady in the I LOVE YOU shirt, holding a drink, running to her girlfriend. Don't we all have friends like that? I can't believe those lines. I'm glad we went when we did. I agree with you on the sausages, and that's all I'm gonna say.
  16. Wow, what a whirlwind report! Yes, we love pictures! Good, bad, blurry, we like them all. Did I read that right? They jumped in the water at POC and pushed your boat?
  17. It's really over. I gave fair warning in the very first post. "Ya never know what you'll see in a Stef report" From deer poop to Chippendales. Where else can you get such an education? 2 more reasons why you rock!! :thumbsup3: Give it your best shot big boy. I'll put you in a head lock too. Got it?
  18. Garsh, that was sweet. Good job on cheating winning the trivia question. I love your smug smile in that photo. Your Mickey is much improved from the last attempt.
  19. :rofl2: Remind me to never tell Nicki secrets. You also told me in a pm that you were heading to the Fort. Do you guys wear a lot of clothes, or do you just enjoy laundry rooms? Don't worry about updates, you're at WDW!! Have fun!
  20. I'm glad you did too. :heartsmiley: I got a great hug and kiss from Bernard and I could listen to him talk all day. Nate is a Kyle fan, but I'm still working on converting him. I am a Johnson fan, but I'll root for any of the Hendrick team, even the red headed stepchild. :hah: Nice to see you! The family would enjoy Old Town. I would recommend a Saturday when the big car show/cruise happens.Since I know you're a "manly man" you would love all the old cars. Great comments as usual. I tried to read your "high speed scooter run" post to Trevor last night and could barely get through it ,I was
  21. Genia sent this to me while her and Nate were at DTD. Ya think she'd have had a stranger write it for her. I'm very familiar with her handwriting. Nerd! I never said the chiropractic work was free! The bill is in the mail.
  22. Hey Gwen! Thanks for reading. Lots of fun! Me too, but as talented as I am with my hands, I haven't mastered the headlock, beer holding, photography skills. ;D Thank you Annie.
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