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Everything posted by BuckeyeFortMama

  1. Perfect example of accent and "way of doing things!" My kids learned all kinds of new phrases during Jersey week, which they quickly unlearned on the way home! I am not saying that they don't hear such things during other trips, I am just saying during Jersey week it's the same few phrases said quite loudly by many different people all day long.
  2. We totally agree. We have pulled ours out well over the "allowed" days missed to go to Disney. I make sure I am close with the prinicpal, nurse and their teachers and let the all know that I find life experience an important part of a child's education (I believe these words came right out of the student handbook) but that I don't want them to fall behind at school. So we get homework done ahead or bring it with and I let all involved that I have consulted the academic calendar before deciding when to take them out so they don't miss any major testing or test prep. It has worked wonderfully fo
  3. I wonder if he/she was filling in from the luau? When we saw the show the female dancer in front of our section the whole night was 6ft tall, had an Adam's apple and hands the size of frying pans. All that aside she moved quite femininely.
  4. The scotch egg has to be one of my favorite Epcot foods. My husband always gets a hard cider drink with black currant juice that he loves. I've figured out how to replicate the scotch egg after quizzing enough of our servers but the black currant juice makes that drink and I haven't found it anywhere.
  5. I'm caught up. I'm also loving your report. Although you're sounding like my husband by referring to anything as a "time suck." The Boneyard is a time suck but sometimes you need a time suck especially on 7am rope drops when you want to see the parade.
  6. Her top is coming undone in the back. You should have stuck around for Act 2
  7. 37 degrees and snowing on the trip to school this morning. I purposefully don't read trip reports on time because I don't want to wait for updates, but since I am now waiting I must take the bait my husband didn't and say... every decent family has at least 1 buckeye in it!
  8. My husband and I enjoyed it more than the kids did because we grew up playing those types of games. The kids loved it too, but for different reasons. My husband does a spot on "I'm gonna wreck it" so it will be a long term favorite at our house!
  9. You know "run" in the title is the cliff hanger in this trip report as no other TCD trip report discusses your intense love of running. We haven't heard of the TCD gang "running" over to the WL or taking a family run before heading over to the MK. Are we ever getting to the running part of this trip report???
  10. And just when I was adding making an apple pie for Lou to my pre-vacation to do list..... We break out in the "great big beautiful tomorrow song" on a nearly weekly basis at some point on the drive to school or dinner or both! Innoventions is a kid favorite in the BuckeyeFortFamily and the People Mover is what everyone has said and so much more. The views from this ride are awesome and it allows you to see the park and 'people watch' from a whole new perspective!
  11. TCD, I see no need for worry. The fiends are a smart bunch of thrifty people. We will soon find a way to wring more fun and less waits out of our "non-fastpass+ 's" than those with the deep pockets staying at the fancy pants resorts can get accomplished with their "head starts." I see it as Disney's way of leveling the playing field because we fiends are just that good at getting the most out of our Disney trips.
  12. That is most complete set of AoA photos I have seen. How cool!
  13. I have also spent hours in a rocking chair across from TSI-not bad at all, It's shady with lots of people to watch, especially those stupid enough to try and sit and eat a turkey leg with all those cranes lurking. And for those of you who have never had a MSB cinnamon roll-the Gaston cinnamon roll is wonderful and does not SMB. Maybe ignorance is bliss.
  14. Kelly, I totally agree, but I say that too loud my husband will say I am only interested in the "smolder"
  15. Aaron, Are you willing to share that granola bar recipe with the Buckeye Fort Family?
  16. This TR shoulb be renamed "Limited Opportunity for Hijacking and Debating"
  17. Kelly, we love WL too. You can come with us in a few weeks so you don't have to explore alone. Aaron, I am LOVING the repeat photos! It's fun to see how they fit into the whole vacation! Don't listen to the easily confused on this one. Keep it coming!
  18. Reformed? That implies a negative where there is none. You meant to say TRANSPLANTED Yankee
  19. Dave has a memorable smile and besides if one listens to the wisdom of the FF they know to "stay off the damn buses." No one says avoid the photo pass photographers.
  20. It can't be that hard to find this man. I instantly recognized his face in TCD's picture. He's taken our picture a bunch of times. I just wish I knew he was more than just another CM.
  21. Are throwing teasers out for your trip report on TCD's ?
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