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Everything posted by BuckeyeFortMama

  1. Now that we are so very stuffed that walking down to the boat seems insane, I guess it's time to ride the Monorail. Look Mama it's your favorite Monorail! That it is. They may be monofails, but my kids love this ride. Don't let the standing fool you, it's an empty car at just after 6pm on the way to the Magic Kingdom. TCD-just for you. I'm sorry. Next stop Magic Kingdom. The Water Pagent Bull Pen. A Troll like shot between the dual monorails. I like the new Iron Man Monorail. It's really sharp! We saw this sign and thought "let's catch this real quick." Good t
  2. It was and always is, but this was was definitely one of the funnest. We had a great server! Tusker House breakfast. I am a bread pudding purist. The fruit in it at O'hana is ok for the Poly, but I think bread pudding has to have chocolate or cinnamon. We have had some real BL service there before, but the service this time was awesome. The servers were all jovial and attentive. Maybe something to getting this first seating ADR. We will just have to test that out in October. I married this guy not only because he is damn sexy, he's funny too! I want to s
  3. Wait a minute? We took advice from you on our last trip and it was quite good. Maybe your advice just works great for those families that are truly outnumbered by kids because we are just as distracted.
  4. Maybe we could settle this by adding a male version of the dirndl for the women on this board Kilt. A good looking man in a kilt is just as sexy as a hot woman in a dirndl. They are both traditional garb of one of the Showcase countries which allows this to remain a fitting Disney Scale. Just a suggestion. Thank you for the pictures. I knew you wouldn't have passed up the oppportunity for that and here is Goofy from Christmas this past year where he was ice skating in front of the ball. I must agree with the troll and also my husband, much to my chagrin, Fruit
  5. It's March 27, 2013 and after a morning at the MK we are enjoying our first ever non-firework seating at O'hana. We make an ADR for every trip we go on for this amazing restaurant. We have a 4:35 reservation and when we arrived the restaurant wasn't even open but this was the waiting room. The restaurant opening is very nice. All the servers come out to the waiting room and they welcome their cousins to dinner. Right on the dot, 4:35 our server called for us and walked us down the welcome gauntlet to the bread service. This bread is awesome. I do not like coconut, but it has the
  6. I've been so busy trying to get my trip report on with every free minute I have that I totally missed seeing I have been TAGGED by the TAG FAIRY!!! Woooohoooo!!!! See <--------- Ok, enough fiendish celebrating. I better get back to the business at hand. My mouth is watering just thinking of the O'hana update to come. Thanks Carol. When you have such a pretty sunny day you just have to take pictures. Gwen, just wait it gets soooo much better. Oh, yes you will! I got a bunch at O'hana. Get the steak or the pork. The turkey sandwhich was not so good.
  7. BFK3 has the camera for the train ride so we have a couple of his pictures to post. We were headed to Main Street and we were on a mission. We have some villians to fight, so we always start with grabbing some new cards. Check out this one. If you haven't figured our what we are doing, we are playing Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom. This is how you play as far as I can tell from watching the family do it. BFF can correct me later. You find a portal and then bring it to life with your key card. Then you hold up your character cards and they cast their spells. We played
  8. Ok, we have left off on the Wednesday before Easter. March 27, 2013 We have just arrived at the Magic Kingdom. The park opened at 7am but we are arriving after 9. We found the dancers singing their spring songs on Main Street. Guess what? That gorgeous sun followed us here. But the cold is here too. Everyone is bundled up and still trying to put their hands in the cold water. Really kids? Why? Obligatory Castle Shot. We headed straight to the Magic Carpets of Alladin. Look whose getting on the ride too! How cool they are right in front of us. We had gr
  9. .I don't know how I missed this one, but I am glad to hear we weren't being big sissies running the heater.
  10. Kelly, I would worry about some people getting an 8:15, but not you!
  11. My kids would fall in the water if they didn't have the handles to hold onto! I guess they need more practice before we move to Canada. I know! When I read someone else's trip report and see the same boat ride over and over it makes me happy! The Clydesdale story, I can't wait to tell it. It really was a highlight of all of our trips, but I am getting ahead of myself. We can talk food any time! And assuming no driver error, I will carry on. Jason, you need to face this fear and I can think of no better place than the HDDR with the the creamy mashed potatoes and the but
  12. March 27, 2013 Well, we decided to sleep in again since we were on the mend and we had been out late in the cold the night before with Fantasmic. Not a smart idea, but I'll be getting to that. Here we are loading up the golf cart at 8:36 or so the camera says. And we headed for the marina, but.... we had some issues with our Kenny cart this time around with the battery off and on and we barely made it to this point before we realized we would have to take the charger. It was 8:41. We played while BuckeyeFortFan ran back to Little Bear. The Troll says all Disney trip reports r
  13. It's something we always feared, you know having to go the ER, but it went much smoother than we expected. It was cold overnight, mid-30's. It was crazy to run the furnace in the camper.
  14. Sorry Babe. They were good! I'll make you some this weekend. I promise.
  15. Well, I will tell you exactly why those people spent a ton of money to play on a playground because I have been there many times. The rest of their party is riding Soarin' and Test Track and they have time to kill and this playground is a God send of sorts because their is only so much gift shop walking and bench sitting you can do with the under 40 inch crowd before Innoventions opens at EPCOT. So as a mom of sometimes 3 toddlers who needed to let off some steam after waiting patiently at rope drop for a half hour, I'm glad you decided to follow TCDMR. Rant over...you may continue your
  16. Fresh out of the oven. The cheese melts but doesn't disappear, they are very creamy. I only had a half block of cream cheese and 3/4lb of sausage and there was a lot of cream cheese flavor despite only using half of what the recipe called for. She definitely meant 4 tubes because you can't put much sausage spread in each roll. You could maybe do 3 rolls if you were heavy on the meat in each roll. I'm gonna try rolling it up in the whole thing and cutting it into pinwheels just to get meat into every bite. I also wonder if they could be made ahead ahead. This recipe sounds like a win
  17. My first troll report. I finally understand the troll rant and why they are enjoyed.
  18. March 26, 2013 This is the worst day of our trip so this shouldn't take long to get this day on. We had decided to sleep in since we were on vacation and the oldest wasn't feeling so well at the end of the night last night, but by morning we were all up at normal time and this Mama was feeling quite poorly as well. I knew we needed strep cultures and antiobiotics, we've been down this road before. So this was our first trip ever to an ER for something so simple. We had an ADR for lunch at DHS, so we had to get a move on. We tried Centra Care, but there was a line at the locked door
  19. They went from corn on the cob to no corn, then to this. I really prefer this because it is EXCELLENT on the mashed potatoes.
  20. I was sweating it. Mama always worries I guess. I got a kick out of how she reacted to them just taking the wind out of her sails by actually knowing that the big thing on their neck makes sounds. I was playing with BuckeyeFortFan's phone today and found some HDDR pics we took for you. I was a little late taking this one. TCD and BFF I'm not ignoring you, but when men are talking it's best not to interrupt.
  21. Animal Kingdom continued We had some FP's for PW because BFK3 NEEDS to ride this ride now that he is finally tall enough but we have some major time to kill before that. Which means we have time for some good old fashion fun. Now this might be controversial, but we love it. I know that some avoid this place, but why? It's an awesome playground and unlike Honey I Shrunk the Kids you can actually see your kids while they play without chasing them down every slide. Of course there is no need to worry about BFK4 because he doesn't move from here. I finally got him to go over to
  22. This sounds more like my kind of breakfast than just sausage and crescent rolls. I think I'm trying this one tomorrow. How easy! Thanks Katman Another man who thinks with his stomach, I see. Ok, first off I am not going to admit he was right. He told me to search for it and I am somewhat new to the forum so I thought he was pulling my leg wanting me to search on "sausage things" and then proceeded to laugh out loud. Really? I just thought he was being snarky. I had no clue that they were actually called sausage things. But thank you for finding the "sausage things" reci
  23. Where is the picture of the face you had to have made just after the beet and cream cheese push pop?
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