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Everything posted by PureTcrazy...rita

  1. Bless your heart for looking, but no. It had smoked gouda and apricot jam.
  2. Thanks! I should do that. My son loved those pork chops so much that when I saw they had dropped them from the menu, I emailed them to beg for them to bring them back!
  3. I wanted to make the smoky portabello soup from Artist Point. I pulled up the recipe and said, uhhhh no. way too complicated. I have searched for the sterling silver pork chop from brown derby with no luck. It's not the meat so much as the has that comes with it! Zebra Domes too complicated. Heck, I must be a pretty lazy cook! :) We do have a Mickey Waffle Iron, but we just use regular waffle mix!
  4. Dave, We will be heading out to DL in 2 days and a wake-up. I appreciate your trip report. I tried to just skim through so I would still have surprise, but catch important details! I hope the crowds and waits are near as good as y'alls was!
  5. Sitting here at my laptop that rope course looks fun. In reality, I would have a heart attack!
  6. I am looking forward to hearing more. I am already envious that you got to wear sweatshirts in August.
  7. Welcome! I hope you have lots of fun camping! Looking forward to meeting you! I have yet to meet your Mom and Dad, but they are sweethearts here and on FB!
  8. Awesomely adorable Pirate! Love the pics from the makeover! I have to close my eyes and scream to ride BTMR so kudos to Z for being so brave!
  9. Awesome! Determination pays off! It looks like a gorgeous area!
  10. I'm also gonna add that if anyone does get over to the Caverns, St George Island, Cape San Blas or Torreya state parks let me know. I am very close to that campground and would certainly come visit if possible! :)
  11. A new baby is so exciting, so happy for you both! Love the trip report. I figured that y'all planned for CP to be the decoy while you snuck in the animation place to get the sunglasses! Good Plan!! I am definitely NOT a gator fan, but I have spent some time in Gainesville. I found the folks there to be surprisingly friendly. I hope y'all enjoy the wedding this weekend.
  12. I think I remember Cheryl posting something about discounts on the cards at Costco or somewhere like that.
  13. We grew up camping in a pup and Mom and Dad had one for many years before they finally gave in and bought a TT. I am sure we should have bought stock in rubbermaid! We used those tubs for food, clothing, and even firewood. We had each tub labeled with a person's name or the contents. Some of them we kept under the back pop-out bunk, some in the truck. Congrats on the pup! I hope to see you at the Fort soon!
  14. Awesome pics. Z is always so adorable! That looks like a squirrel with mange or something. I hear they carry fleas, so maybe it lost hair due to flea bites? That was a mighty sweet thing to do for your Mama!
  15. I too have been reading along and not commenting. It has given me something to picture that was not at a hospital! This is near my home and I want you to continue! There do seem to be some folks that have groupies, but that doesn't make the rest of our trip reports any lesser! Summer is a slow time on FF.net, there is even a thread on here about there not being many posts right now. I'm glad your not "butthurt!"
  16. I'm glad day 2 went better! The seats on that roller coaster are pure scary just looking at them. I have told Christopher that if I get very sick and in pain and he can't bring himself to just end it for me, to take me on that ride. That would do it. I have anxiety just looking at those rides. I love round and round and simulators. If it goes over my head, forget about it!
  17. Always love to hear about your random adventures, Carol! I also want to know what Lorna and Richie thought of the HDDR.
  18. LOL, Have you met my friend? Linda Blair sitting here with Mama on the Porch at Crockett's! She can be a tad grumpy at times, but I've never seen her head spin! She got along great with all the Fiends at the 4th last year and was with us for Halloween and Thanksgiving. You'd love her, Kim! Now I'm feeling nostalgic about being at the Fort on the 4th.
  19. Kim, my heart was pure pounding while I was reading this. I can't imagine the anxiety you and H must have been having. Thank Goodness Lil H was able to step up and handle the situation. I'm sure he was anxious too. I'm glad we didn't have to get the bail money together for you! :heart: you much! It looks like the boys were having a great time, though!
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