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Posts posted by Lou...

  1. ...and I would guess some of it depends on the attitude of the person in any given job.

    It's the little things.


    That's certainly true, but if you're stuck loading guests on a busy attraction, and even though you're the type that wants to make it magical, there just isn't the time to do so. Get em on, get em off, Rawhide.

    CMs that are in a position where they have one on one contact with guests for more than just a few seconds are the most likely to make a magical moment.

    While it happens on a regular basis, it's not that common considering how many people are at WDW, so when it does happen, it's very special.


    Fortunately all of my jobs, including the one I have now, did allow for magical moments. In fact, we have a specific thing that we surprise guests with that is called "Magical Moments", so don't be surprised if out of nowhere, it happens to you.

  2. my perception is that while there are struggles, if you are really in tune with your purpose as a CM and ready to bring the magic to life for someone else, I bet you can find a lot of joy working as Disney. Am I right?


    Are you right? Not for the vast majority of WDW jobs.

    Most jobs at WDW are just that, a job. Many, many CMs are not in positions where they have the opportunity to make the magic to any appreciable degree.

  3. The tower is in an especially bad location as an HS icon


    I disagree. It's fine where it is and it does exactly what it was originally designed to do, be seen from World Drive so that guests knew that they were approaching the then MGM Studios park.

    Just because the other parks have their icons where it can be seen from inside the park, where is it written that all parks have to do the same thing?


    Is that still an active water tower?


    Never was. Although it's a real water tower, it wasn't used for that purpose. It's a decoration.

    The water towers at film studios were there in order to have a water source in case of a fire. The sets were so flimsy and made out wood and cloth, that once they caught fire, it spread quickly.

  4. Look how Ulmerton has filled up over the years.



    Tell me about it.

    We lived on the inter-coastal at Indian Rocks beach for 5 years and loved the area right along the coast, but once you left that small strip, it was a nightmare and is the single reason why we moved out. I could no longer take the traffic.

    We traditional go to Tropicana Field for at least one game when the Red Sox come to town and sadly that's probably more than most of the people that live there.

    We enjoy those weekends. The businesses and Rays fans are friendly and realize that it's good for them when the Red Sox or Yankees are in town.

  5. The hat was there on my first trip to Studios.  I like the hat in itself.  I just think it would look better maybe in the courtyard outside the gates - kind of like when they put the themed Christmas trees in front of Studios and AK.  They make great photo ops.  I don't think the hat really fits into the theming of the early Hollywood street scene.  BUT, it could also be argued that a castle doesn't fit in with the theming of Marceline-esque Main Street - and I don't want that castle going anywhere!  I don't know what would make a good icon for the park.  At first I thought a movie camera - but those have changed in style over the last century- what time period camera would you use?  Filmstrip?  No one uses film anymore.  Would ANY oversized object really look good in that spot?


    We speculate (and argue) because we love Disney with a passion and feel it is partly our home, too.  If it wasn't worth being passionate about I wouldn't go...


    Excellent comments and observations Janet.


    I also don't have a problem with the hat, but just like in real estate, it's location, location, location.


    As a Walt and Roy Disney fan, I'm also a WDW purists whenever it makes sense to be one, and I feel that they had it right originally. Take the hat out and leave that area as it was, empty. 

    The original icon, the Earful Tower, was the correct icon and IMO, should be the icon again. So what if you can't see it from inside the park, you can certainly see it as you drive up World Drive.

  6. Alex, Alex, Alex, you poor misguided pixie dusted wannabe CM.


    "Who wouldn’t want to be a cast member for the “Happiest Place on Earth?”

    Walt Disney world has earned the nickname of being the “Happiest Place on Earth.”

    You say it twice, but the happiest place on earth is Disneyland, not WDW.

    You need to do your research before writing an article about something you have no first hand experience.


    "If you love meeting new people and talking about your experiences, working for Walt Disney World just might be perfect for you!"

    Talking about your experiences, really? That's not what I do.

    It's the guest's dime and it's all about the guest's experiences not the CMs.


    I’m positive that the job requirements for working at Walt Disney World do not require you to plaster a smile on your face at all times.

    Maybe not all times, but it is a job requirement and you're reminded of it on a regular basis if you're in a position that has a lot of guest interaction.


    I could go on but I'll be nice to Alex.


  7.  Nobody likes change.


    I can think of someone who knew a little bit about theme parks that loved change.

    His quote below was about Disneyland, but he would have surely said it about his last labor of love.


    "Disneyland is something that will never be finished. It's something that I can keep developing. It will be a live, breathing thing that will need change. A picture is a thing once you wrap it up and turn it over to Technicolor, you're through. Snow White is a dead issue with me. But I can change the park, because it's alive."

  8. Thanks for posting that idea Marty.


    I made two similar shelters last winter and Mama Cat never used it and none of the other strays used it, even when it got cold.


    I was told afterwards that stray cats, in particular, will not get into a space where they think they might get trapped. Having just the one opening with no other way out is a problem for them.

    I would put a hole through each side. It won't be as warm or dry but they may feel safe and use it.

    When I was told that, winter had passed and I never tried out the multiple holes idea.


    I have an outdoor pet Igloo for Luna. I cut a large hole in the roof and she does use it.

  9. YOUR right it SMB but a lot of people would disagree with that. As of 2012, Fantasia has grossed $76.4 million in domestic revenue and is the 22nd highest-grossing film of all time in the U.S. when adjusted for inflation. Remember this film was released in 1940.


    Using your argument, Avatar is a better movie than Fantasia as it ranks 14th.


    And Fantasia is a better movie than Mary Poppins, Forest Gump, The Godfather, Grease, Pirates of the Caribbean, and many others, really?

  10. Can someone please explain to me why it seems like a lot of people hate the hat?


    It is and always has been an eyesore. It doesn't fit into the theming in that area.


    Why is it a "monstrosity"?


    It's too big and overpowers the area.

    The Earful Tower was and should be the DHS icon.


    It's a hat. A hat that most Disney fans associate with a famous movie.


    While it my be a famous movie, it SMB. I haven't been able to watch the entire movie and probably never will.

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