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MLM5.. aka Judy

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Everything posted by MLM5.. aka Judy

  1. soooooooooo glad your here! I throughly enjoyed your first trip report. The pop stories and all! Awesome pic's to! :banana:
  2. I've enjoyed this so much, I'm sad your leaving to! Now what will I read.... Dave and TCD, step it up boys! :rofl2:
  3. I would love to see them Kelli, thanks!
  4. Holy buzz killer Marty! :rofl2: j/k, you do have a very very valid point. Last year when I went with just me and the 4, I didnt do shirts and that wasn't the main reason but it was in the back of my mind, 1 mom to 4 kids, chances are, I couldnt keep my eye on them 100% of the time. However, this year, big daddy is coming with me and they won't be out of my sight while in the parks. My big kids aren't what you'd call trusting children..lol.. not sure that is always a bad thing either. As for my little guys, they will be leashed to me or daddy or strapped in the stroller at all times, sadl
  5. does the infamous TCD and clan visit the Fort at Halloween? :popcorn:
  6. Second the motion for Tank Tops!! I look weird in a regular t shirt.
  7. Please take a picture of that cart if you dont mind, he mentioned he only had one 6 seater and I have it reserved for Halloween, I'd love to see it ahead of time.. we are drumming up something for the golf cart parade :banana:
  8. and I'm always lurking FF is my happy place when I get close to a melt down at work.. whooo saaaaaaaaaa...
  9. I can't believe I'm just now catching up, your family is ADORable! Your mom just makes me smile, excellent live trip report! Lovin the decorations and set up! More please! :popcorn:
  10. omg THOSE rock! I have no intentions of selling anything, the more you get to know me the more you'll learn, I have not near enough energy to do this for profit, I'll be lucky to do enough for my family .. :rofl2: I just really like the idea of us all having matching shirts, such a cute idea! I have never heard of gimp so I haven't a clue, how would we know if something was copyrighted or not? I just have a vision of being chased by the popo at WDW for having someones copy right on my shirt.. seriously.. that's my luck Maybe Jen will pipe in here.. she is the resident expert! I have a
  11. OHHHH.. I'm loving the FW one, would you mind sharing that one? :)
  12. Corel photoshop 3 is what I did those on... do that make programs for actually designing? These are just modified jpeg files..
  13. Hi Fiends, I have been playing around with the idea of making matching T-shirts for my family for our Disney trip. I have never done it, but it seems pretty easy. I have been googling and have found several designs on the internet. Do any of you make T-shirts and is it really as easy as printing and ironing it on? Here'a few of the designs I came up with last night while playing around. I'd love to see what you have! These are all pretty basic, but in the infamous words of Joe Dirt "..I'm newwww... I dont know what to dewwww..." :rofl2:
  14. Hi Pam! I havent done it yet, but we know that if we go to the fort more than once a year, our budget doesnt allot for us going to the park both trips. I had to cancel the July trip because of the storms in Alabama. Didnt seem right for us to plan a vacation when so many around us need help so our money is going for that. Our first trip to the fort was last year and that was all it took to hook us! We know that FW will be our annual family destination spot from here forward, we have no desire to go elsewhere. ANYWHO back to the topic at hand. My kids 12, 11, 10, 2 (and baby but she didn
  15. The best deal I have seen is here.. if you find something better please share! http://www.disneyphotopass.com/previsitoffer.aspx
  16. who is Andrew?? Doesnt fit my vision.. :rofl2:
  17. Nope that's Russian for "BITE ME" I have been translating Russian part numbers to English all day, pretty much knew that one :rofl2:
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