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Everything posted by WannaBeImagineer

  1. Wow thanks for reading everyone, I'll try to address all the comments and get another post up tonight! Thanks DIT! We are very excited about the boy! Thank you and thanks for reading! haha thanks, I wasn't sure if I would ever move back to Louisiana but now that we're back we love it! Yes lots of good things Thank you I have more to come. I was thinking the same thing about TCD. Thank you I'm about to get it going again. Thank you! I keep hearing that about the time flying by. I fully expect our boy to be a climber and into things so I'll be right
  2. Count me in as a fan, we've only been once but I liked it! Here's a picture of me from a year ago, pure happiness!
  3. haha Thanks for reading TCD and thank you for the congrats! We are very excited! WBI
  4. Wow that's great I didn't realize ya'll were still there! Keep enjoying! I guess I should have posted that we arrived Tuesday night, July 2nd and left Sunday afternoon, July 8th. WBI
  5. WBI’s DisneyWorld Babymoon at the Poly! Hey everyone! I’m back with another trip report. A lot has happened since my last report. I’ve told you about some of it but as I’m sure you guessed from the name of this trip report we are having a baby! That’s right we’re having our first baby and it’s a boy! We’re very excited, the camping princess is 20 weeks along! In addition to the baby, over the last year we’ve moved from Florida to Louisiana, started new jobs, and bought a house. Before we moved we were able to take two DisneyWorld trips, one in May 2012 and one in June 2012 when our Ann
  6. We are huge fans of the hat lady! We've been going to see Carol for years and always love her songs. The way she can improv a song about you is unbelievable. This last time we were there she recognized us and sang a song about us immediately even though we hadn't seen her in over a year. One trip after our wedding right as illuminations was starting she escorted us to a private viewing spot on the water to watch the show! I'm disappointed they are changing her show but at least she will still be there, because she really is a great pianist. She truly is a great castmember and another reas
  7. I was wondering if anyone would call me out on that. Yes we were at Disney, my plan was to write a trip report but haven't had a chance yet. I'll get on it though and at least post a minor report. I guess I have to upload my pictures. WBI
  8. We just stayed there for the first time over the fourth and really liked it also. We were in Tokelau on the first floor and loved it's central location close to everything including buses and TTC. Thats strange about the music it was piped in on the beach when we were there and was other times we've been before. We watched the special fourth fireworks from Ohana on the 2nd, inside MK on the 3rd and on the beach the 5th and 6th. Glad yall enjoyed the poly as much as us! WBI
  9. I could be wrong but doesn't the TiW card have black out days on the big holidays? WBI
  10. Great trip report TCD! I've taken advantage of the Wilderness Lodge like that a few times myself, it's a great spot to relax, especially that area you were at. Also I would have bought the shower curtain too, I've made similar promises to C.P. before knowing the price and had to follow through. So since Mrs. TCD isn't a camper will we see more non Disney trips like Seaside or tropical cruises in the future? WBI
  11. Thanks Kim! Hope your doing well! I'll be sure and tell the C.P. hi! WBI
  12. Thanks everybody for the kind words! I would love to be able make some to sell but the shipping would be brutal, that thing ways a ton! WBI
  13. I couldn't see the comments I think they closed them. I agree very dumb to remove the seating. Has there been any talk of the ice cream cookie sandwich? It was amazing and I'm sure it's gone too, is there somewhere else to get one now that Starbucks took over? WBI
  14. Hey DIT, venti is Italian for 20, as in 20 ounces, which I think is the size of the largest coffee at Starbucks. Just wanted to point that out, the tall still doesn't make sense for a small and also I'm very anti Starbucks in Magic Kingdom. WBI
  15. Great trip report TCD! Now that are trips are going to be a lot less frequent I really look forward to you reports. Thanks for taking the time to post them I know how much work they are. I think I know this site we had it back in 2010, it had a really nice row of big bushes on one side and some smaller ones growing in on the other side, it was a great 2000 loop site! WBI
  16. Second! Great to see another TCD report! Sorry to hear about all the changes but at least they are all good changes! WBI
  17. Thank you! It's very heavy, but I think two people could handle it. I moved it around solo in two pieces. The base isn't bad so I can handle it but the log I stood up on a dolly and wheeled it to the base then lowered it into place. I actually haven't attached the log to the base and I probably won't just so I can move it easier. I should also mention I had the log smash my foot once wasn't horrible but bruised it pretty good, lol. WBI
  18. Sorry yall I forgot to post the final product so I'll try now from my phone. By the way the bench got a lot of use this past weeekend during a crawfish boil and it worked great. WBI
  19. Thanks yall! Hopefully I'll wrap it up tonight! WBI
  20. The steak at F&W booth isn't as good as in the restaurant. So TCD when was the last time you ate at LeCellier? Could it be your not giving it a fair shot, back a year or so ago did you ever look at Ohana's menu and say I can get the same food at a Brazilian steakhouse for less money? But then you tried it and now isnt it one of your favorites? WBI
  21. Thanks everyone! I'm guessing a big band saw was used for their logs and if I build another I'll get a log from a sawmill that was cut already. Hey DIT I heard about the search party, I'll try to post more but the new job is strict about the internet so I'm restricted to using my phone for daytime posts. WBI
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